Welcome to the Winter Season of 2024
Join use via play.ecc.eco this holiday season!
We have lots of things planned for you this month.
Quarterly Events Raffle:
Ticket distributions will resume during the festival games and during various other events held throughout the next few weeks.
Check out the thread linked here if you are unfamiliar with the Quarterly Events Raffle.
Secret Santa:
That's right - with Thanksgiving out and Christmas in, it's time to sign up for Secret Santa.
It will be hosted exclusively on Main this year, in the Winter Festival town built specifically for this Holiday Season.
Upcoming Events:
IRL Scavenger Hunt:
Hosted via the Discord for ease of use with mobile images.
- December 15th - 21st 2024
- January 12th - 18th 2025
The IRL Scavenger Hunt will be hosted throughout the months of December and January.
New Year 2024 Maze Run
Coming up just in time to celebrate the New Year we will be hosting a standard ECC Maze run with tons of prizes, magic mobs and unique lore'd items to collect! Mark your calendars!
- December 29th, at 2pm EST
There will also be a few spontaneous events happening throughout the next six weeks. Keep an eye out on the Discord news and be sure to have the Events role added to receive notifications of upcoming events!
Winter Festival Town:
Located at /warp wf, /warp festival or /warp winterfestival on Main.
This year features a new custom-built town featuring redstone games where you can win prizes, collectible items, or raffle tickets for the Quarterly Raffle.
Winter Festival will be open until January 31st, 2025
Game Passes:
Each of the redstone games will require a Game Pass to play. This year the Game Passes require Nether Stars to acquire, be sure to visit the Game Passes tent by the warp (left side) to trade in Nether Stars for passes.
You can buy nether stars from other users, as well as, every day you can /vote on each of the 12 sites, then trade your votepoints for nether stars in the /voteshop.
This town will also host several random event games as well, stay tuned for those.
Lodestone Prize Vouchers:
The special prize items this year will be distributed via a voucher redeem system. The games themselves will give out Lodestone Prize Vouchers, each one tells you which prize you can redeem it for. Simply head to the area to the right of /warp wf to redeem these Lodestone Vouchers for the actual prizes!
Be sure to redeem all your Vouchers before Winter Festival is done for the year, as they will not be useable afterwards.
Absolutely no cheating at the games.
If you abuse the games in any way that disrupts other users or allows you to earn more prizes than intended, you risk being banned from the event town, and your raffle ticket entries earned since the festival launch will be wiped. There is no appeal to this fate.
We will offer rewards for exploits/vulnerabilities reported to me privately with any of the festival games. If you think you have found one, simply forum PM ClarinetPhoenix the details.
Abuse = Ban
Report = Rewards
This year the Festival has been outfitted with all new prize-dispensing machines in each of the games. These machines hold even more prizes than ever before. They should not run out of the "good stuff" after a couple hours and hopefully will require less frequent restocks. Since the design has been completely revamped we are now able to use TARGETS to shoot at rather than buttons. Enjoy.
Chicken Archery
- Beginner: 1 Frost Drift Game Pass
- Intermediate: 1 Thunderflurry Game Pass
- Elite: 1 Icy Current Game Pass
There are three locations for this game spread out across Winter Festival. Once you pay your game pass and enter the game you must shoot all the chickens that fall from above. If you miss a chicken you will lose and the game will end. The longer you can shoot all the chickens before they hit the bottom the more prizes you will win.
Each game is designed to give out prizes based on its difficulty. Good luck!
Winter Globes Roller Coaster
Step right up to this immersive and honestly adorable Winter Globes coaster. Use one of your game passes at the door, load up with a bow, some arrows, and a minecart and ride this underground scenic roller coaster. Earn prizes by shooting at the targets along the way. Good Luck!
- 1 Icy Current Game Pass
Candy Cane Roller Coaster
Step right up to this timeless and classic holiday themed coaster. Use one of your game passes at the door, load up with a bow, some arrows, and a minecart and ride this awesome ride through a Candy Cane forest. Earn prizes by shooting at the targets along the way. Good Luck!
- 1 Snowcap Crest Game Pass
Frozen Palace Roller Coaster
Step right up to this timeless and classic holiday themed coaster. Use one of your game passes at the door, load up with a bow, some arrows, and a minecart and ride this awesome ride through this ornate but impressive frozen palace! Earn prizes by shooting at the targets along the way. Good Luck!
- 1 Aurora Glow Game Pass
Winter Festival Parkours
This year features two brand new LimeLush parkour challenges. The difficulties are Easy and Hard. There are EcoDollar prizes (30k and 75k respectively) and a lore'd item for completing each Parkour. You can claim the parkour prize if you complete it once per 24hours.
- Free
That's all so far. Enjoy the events and we hope to see you all there.
ClarinetPhoenix She does what she wants.Owner Events Manager ECC Sponsor Mayor ⛰️⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ IX ⭐ Gameplay Architect Premium Upgrade Wiki Leader
Discussion in 'News, Announcements & Server Information' started by ClarinetPhoenix, Dec 15, 2024.