2012ECC Presidential Election!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by welikeike22, Oct 14, 2012.

  1. zoolouie

    zoolouie Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Feb 21, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    Q. - What do you think about the growing amount of users on the server and the effect on the economy? -Mayor
    A. - I think that in certain aspects the growing amount of users is a good thing. With it easier to find workers at cheap prices, I believe it stimulates and encourages building as well as growth on the server. But some people (e.i. the cheaper Employers) tend to give jobs to builders at such low pay that it would be easier to simply go mine dirt for more money in the same amount of time. I think that as long as the employers are fair to the builders pay wise, it is fair to say the growing amount of people on Ecc is a good thing.
    Q. - What is your stance on pumpkin and melon prices. -President
    A. - I think that it seems like this effects the super poor more than the super rich. Those that had already made money off of melons and pumpkins when the prices where high will simply jump on to another money making method and wont have much trouble buying the tools they need with the money they already have. The problem is that it requires a lot of work for people who have no money to make a small amount than it does for people with a lot of money to make a big profit in a small amount of time. So how do we prevent this inflation? It is a hard decision on what to do, but I believe that a small decline in the price of things is a good decision. The way they bombed the pumpkins (as I understand it won't be changed) hit the poor (like me) quite hard. It's hard to suddenly get a silk touch out of nowhere.

    Q. - What are your thoughts on user-controlled 'party' events? Have you ever held a trivia or other tournament/'party'/give-away event? And do you have any such future plans for this topic of interest? - Resident
    A. - This really depends on whether or not the 'party' is a scam or not. I have seen many events that just rip off the participants. (ex, 10 players pay 10k each, winner gets 10k. 90k profit for the party host. Is this fair? I don't think so). I greatly enjoy to hold minigames at a small betting price that makes me a small profit as well as doesn't make those who play completely broke. I think that although the server is indeed an economy, it doesn't mean we can't kick back and focus on something other than greed for once.

    Q. - How did you raise enough money for your presidential campaign? - Resident
    A. - I worked hard for it over my farm. I have mined out a 100 by 100 area with the help of a close friend. (100x100x like 50...). I know what it's like to work hard and come up with little. I sympathize with the builders and pay them big salaries even if I'm broke in the first place. I have also done lots of melon farming with the silk touch I finally got after saving up the money.

    Q. - In the event that you win this presidential election, what will you do to celebrate/change the server? - Resident
    A. - In order to celebrate I will hold a huge party that will consist of exactly 50 cakes. I will put up signs all over the place that say "The Cakes Doesn't Have To Be a Lie" and fill all the bellies of cold, dying builders.

    Q. - What would you say your main principles are as a nominee in this ECC presidential election? -Moderator
    A. - I'd say my principles are these: give the poor people a bigger chance to move up the economical latter. Feed everyone good cakes because cake is not a lie. I also believe in the fair treatment of builders!

    Q. - How do you feel about the burden of builders? Do they have it too easy, too hard? -Moderator
    A. - I believe that some treat builders like crap. All builders deserve a chance. Sure, given, we have a lot of nice folks on that respect builders and what they stand for on the server, but they can have it hard sometimes, getting griefed because they build a nice house in the wild, give builders a chance!

    Q. - On a day to day basis, how active would you say you are in improving the ECC community? -Moderator
    A. - I try to help people out in any way I can. I come on everyday and contribute my opinion in the chat. I lend my knowledge in anyway I can and hope to make an impact in peoples experience in ecc ;)

    Q. - How do you feel about the state of auction chat? -Moderator
    A. - People really need to be more informed about what to say in the auction chat. Many people will put up items for ridiculous prices and it is quite annoying. But because of the fact that you can ignore the auction chat I believe it is fine as it is.

    Q. - ‘Recently, Inflation has begun to grow at a rapid pace on the server. Prices are plummeting for items as prices for apps are skyrocketing. What is your economic plan to freeze inflation and, at the same time, help the economy?” -Mayor
    A. - To stimulate growth in the economy I will encourage people to stop hording all of their items. More trade means more economy, that's just how it works.

    Q. - Finish this sentence: “During my time on E.C.C, the thing that has influenced me the most is:“ -Mayor
    A. - the willingness of people to work. People have lots of strive and excitement to succeed, and it has encouraged me to try harder on work, social events, and most everything on Ecc. The kindness of the community, I believe, has matured me both in game and outside of the game.

    Q. - What are your strengths and weaknesses as a speaker/candidate? -Moderator
    A. - My strengths are that I have some really good points about things. I have very strong opinions and will not be convinced otherwise unless provided with great proof or reason to believe otherwise. My weakness is that I have a tendency to be too nice, to not go all out on a person. Sure, to a certain extent that is a good thing, but it has made me back out of a lot of arguments I am sure I would have won.

    Q. - In a detailed response, explain whether you believe mining or farming to be the staple of our economy. -Tycoon
    A. - I think that farming is definitely the staple of our economy. People focus hours upon hours upon farms but you don't really see any people mining eh?

    Q. - If you could make one drastic change on ECC, what would it be? -Moderator
    A. - It would be how small mining prices are. It's not a good thing when the entire fixation of one server is on one thing. Because once that market goes down, the time people have spent on it is for naught.

    Q. - What price, above all others, would you change if you could? -Mayor
    Q. - Like I said above, mining prices. To be more specific, obsidian. It is way under priced, you can't make any good profit in the time it takes to mine up (even if you have eff 5!)

    Q. - All things considered, what plan do you have to get the economy back on track? -President
    A. - My plan is to raise mining prices and to encourage people to stop hording all of the items in fear of a market crash.

    Q. - Before the election began, what have you done to improve the state of the server? -Moderator
    A. - I have done my part to try to make the server a better place, and although I have never been a moderator I try to come on the server in a happy, ready to help mood.

    Q. - In a detailed response, reply to the following question; “If you received 1,000,000 Ecodollars upon winning this presidential election, what would you do with it?” - Resident
    A. - Well first, I would celebrate and invite everyone on the server to come to my party. Second, I would apply for president and help fix up the towns of poor mayors. (Including mine!) I would invest to make a town solely for the purpose of helping builders get on their feet when they first join the server.

    Q. -In your personal opinion, what is the most chronic problem that E.C.C currently faces? -Mayor
    A. - The major drop in diamond prices is a pretty big deal. Many are hoarding the diamonds they have in hope the price will rise soon. Inflation of the rich is another problem that we have. Those who are rich become much much richer, and those who are poor can become slightly richer.

    Q. - What is your stance on farming in the Aether; do you think it should be allowed? Why or why not? -Supermod
    A. - I think that farming in the Aether is perfectly ok. When I built my farm, I thought mostly on the profit I would make by selling the farms use to others. In the aether one cannot do that, and just has to farm endlessly to make any profit. Besides, would it be cheaper to build a gigantic farm in the aether or just buy permanent access from a huge farm?

    Q. - Hypothetical: You are granted 50,000,000 Ecodollars by Andrewkm as an Economic stimulus package. How do you allocate such funds? How will you decide what, and how much, goes to whom? -Supermod
    A. - I would buy out all diamonds that are priced below 70 dollars in the market to stimulate growth. I'm sure this will not even take out 1 million of my balance, so the rest I will use to increase the prices in other things. Mining to be exact. I do hope that someday Ecc can party get off this farming fixation we seem to have.

    Q. - What are your thoughts on the usage of charcoal as opposed to using coal? -Moderator
    A. - Charcoal is nice when you are first starting out, but coal gives you the exp >:D

    Q. -Our Server, unfortunately, is not well known for its architectural wonders. What are your thoughts on this, and what would you do to try to urge users to construct things which would make us ‘known’? -Game Admin
    A. - I would encourage contests to be held. Best skyscraper, best statue, any other contest that you could think of including building! And give the winner a pretty hefty prize. Do this a couple times every week and I'm sure eventually Ecc will be known as an architectural, as well as economy server.

    Q. - What is your opinion on the cost of residency? In your opinion, should it be lower or higher, and why? -Builder
    A. - I believe that it is just fine how it is. Builders don't really know good ways to make money when they join (and a good majority don't even bother to read the rules). I remember when I first joined it took me a month to get resident. If it was lower it would just make things too easy.

    Q. -What are your thoughts on the recent banning of speaking foreign languages in local chat at spawn, and the problems which may arise because of the fact people have homes and towns next to spawn? -Mayor
    A. - I think that banning is taking it a little too extreme. People have the right to enjoy the server, even if they are from foreign places. Maybe we should just have a Spanish/ different language speaking chat? Sure, it would make things more frustrating for those who don't speak English but everyone should get a chance on the server.

    Q. Would you rather the ability to fly, or be invisible at will? Why? -Mayor
    A. - I would rather have the ability to fly at will. In game, and out of game. In game, it would make building a whole lot easier for me. Being invisible would just be to troll. In real life I would never have to pay for gas money and would have the option of wearing what ever the heck I want! Being invisible would mean you would have to be completely naked at all times, and that's pretty creepy, right?
  2. rosypolly

    rosypolly Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    Feb 17, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    Q. - What do you think about the growing amount of users on the server and the effect on the economy? -Mayor
    A. – The growing amount of users can only be a good thing! The more users we have the more members purchasing and selling in the economy there is. This will open up new markets for older members to sell to, and a wider range and number of products and services for new members to purchase/hire. The goal of any economy should be to expand and that is exactly what adding new members to our economy will do!

    Q. - What is your stance on pumpkin and melon prices. -President
    A. – I believe that they are too low at the moment. The current low price has resulted because we use the max amount of money made in an hour as a base for prices. This simply is not fair to our builders, residents, some mayors and some presidents. These people usually don’t have over 100 dollars to dump on one online server for one online game. They don’t have eff 5 tools. These people don’t have the absurdly huge farms needed to maintain a high and constant level of harvesting. But we cannot rule out the people that do have all these advantages, so we must find a middle ground. I would like to across the board raises on farming crops by at least 10 cents but no more than 15 cents. This would I believe give the builders the help they need while not making the top farmers of ECC to crazy rich.

    Q. - What are your thoughts on user-controlled 'party' events? Have you ever held a trivia or other tournament/'party'/give-away event? And do you have any such future plans for this topic of interest? - Resident
    A. – There great for the server! They are a fun and usually profitable for the participants (if they win). I have not held many of these events in the past besides some snipe give away, but in the future I would be interested in holding a user ran aether building contest.

    Q. - How did you raise enough money for your presidential campaign? - Resident
    A. – I actually haven’t raised any money, there is no need. For a couple of week or so before the election started I have been hard at work raising money to purchase donator features from other users. This has resulted in a war chest over 100k available for me to use in this campaign if I need/want to.

    Q. - In the event that you win this presidential election, what will you do to celebrate/change the server? - Resident
    A. – I would celebrate by thanking my supporters and probably doing some snipe events and what not. How would I change the server? I would of course push for the principles I’m running on

    Q. - What would you say your main principles are as a nominee in this ECC presidential election? -Moderator
    A. – To create awareness for the problems I see on ECC and see if I cannot do something about them.

    Q. - How do you feel about the burden of builders? Do they have it too easy, too hard? -Moderator
    A. – The burden of builders is a hard one I believe. They face natural suspicion by more established members of our server. This sadly leaves many builders without a home/town or a job to make money. Left to their own devices they are forced to make their own money, which can be pretty hard. They cannot in any reasonable time mine their way to resident or a town due to the nature of the main world being pretty cleaned out of ores that are not buried under towns or far out to sea. They also as we well know can’t just hop over to the mining world. This leaves many builders with only farming as a steady source of income, which is a pathetically little amount of income for a builder who is hiding in the wild from the army of griefers. This added onto the fact many don’t have proper tools and the recent price cuts in farming goods has left our poor builders barely able to make any sufficient source of income. I feel for our builders it’s a hard life for many of them unless they find a kind soul that will offer them a plot in a town or some good tools.

    Q. - On a day to day basis, how active would you say you are in improving the ECC community? -Moderator
    A. – Recently in my quest to acquire money I am not as active as I have been in growing the community, but that is just temporary! I run a successful and active town you might have heard of named panem. My town is very welcoming and many builders that have gone on to affect the entire server have started here including but not limited to Iamelmo, and Ryanjf1. I also try to answer and be helpful to as many people as I can by answering questions, hiring builders, and giving people a safe place to make and save money. I have a new charity in the works which will hopefully grow to help many great projects across the server. If all goes well I’ll be starting this charity sometimes in the next two weeks.

    Q. - How do you feel about the state of auction chat? -Moderator
    A. – I feel the current state is fine. Yes you have spammers and people who chat in action chat, but what can you do? You can’t keep builders or other groups out of it because this removes yet another way for them to make money. The mods do a fine job watching it and making sure the rules are followed.

    Q. - ‘Recently, Inflation has begun to grow at a rapid pace on the server. Prices are plummeting for items as prices for apps are skyrocketing. What is your economic plan to freeze inflation and, at the same time, help the economy?” -Mayor
    A. – We need new ways to remove money from the economy. I would first suggest another raise on lotto tax. Yes the tax is unpopular, but it does wonders for removing money from the economy. I would also suggest introducing more ways to “dump money”. An example of this could be allowing users to buy usually “unattainable items” by paying the server a large amount of money. Another method we can look at is adding features to the captain’s rank. Hopefully if it had a use more people would get it and ship money out of the economy.

    Q. - Finish this sentence: “During my time on E.C.C, the thing that has influenced me the most is:“ -Mayor
    A. – My friends on the server. They have been there for me and supported me through my time here. My many thanks goes out to them for their offers of free repairs, free farm usage, giving me experience in running a town, and generally being great guys and gals amongst so many other things. Thank you all.

    Q. - What are your strengths and weaknesses as a speaker/candidate? -Moderator
    A. – My biggest strength I think is my ability to see both sides of an issue. I might not agree with one side (an example of this is farm crop pricing), but I see why they think that way and can compromise to find middle ground. My biggest weakness is generally my denial to admit to my weakness, and not admitting I have messed up on things and got others wrong.

    Q. - In a detailed response, explain whether you believe mining or farming to be the staple of our economy. -Tycoon
    A. – Farming for sure! Have you ever heard of a person getting the majority of the money needed for a town, president, or tycoon through mining? Farming is what drives this economy, unless mining prices are raised a lot, you will always be able to make more money farming in the long run. Sadly it is also what drives inflation, so a two sided coin if you will.

    Q. - If you could make one drastic change on ECC, what would it be? -Moderator
    A. – I would allow for certain donation features to be achieved through in game funds, nothing big like flying, or vanishing, but little things like water placement. I am well aware this will never happen, but I think if people could apply for some donation features with ECC money it would help stem inflation. ( I do not count user to user trades for these features as removing money from the economy, because well it isn’t)

    Q. - What price, above all others, would you change if you could? -Mayor
    A. – In general mining prices, specifically Iron. My reasons are if mining is ever to become equal to farming it needs help. Currently you can use a 16x16 chunk to grow a never ending supply of wheat which can net you 320 dollars a harvest! And that’s just one layer! You might only find a few pieces of coal and iron if any ores at all in an entire chunk. For that reason alone I would raise mining prices.

    Q. - All things considered, what plan do you have to get the economy back on track? -President
    A. I don’t believe our economy is off tract except for two important issues.
    The first is diamond prices. To fix this I purpose that a respected group of users, or the mod staff, buy up a large quantity of diamonds at their low prices and store these diamonds out of site and out of mind. The goal of this is to steadily remove diamonds from the market allowing people to charge more as they become rarer. This also creates the added benefit of having a large diamond reserve that can flood the market with cheap diamonds if diamond prices ever get too high.

    The second issue I would address is the low farming prices. I think we can fix this by a simple 10 cents raise across the board for farm prices. This will provide the help “poor farmers” without making the farming bosses to crazy rich.

    Q. - Before the election began, what have you done to improve the state of the server? -Moderator
    A. – I have founded a town that has helped keep some users with the server. I have helped many people get started on ECC. I have tried to see good ideas when I find them, and be supportive of them. I have mediated arguments and disagreements when I feel I can bring the issue to a satisfactory conclusion for both parties.

    Q. - In a detailed response, reply to the following question; “If you received 1,000,000 Ecodollars upon winning this presidential election, what would you do with it?” - Resident
    A. – I would spend about 200k of it to get the fly donator feature as a first priority. I would then spend 40k of it on a town pvp arena for my town folks. After that another 50k would be set aside to buy materials and hire builders for my town farm, town spleef arena, and a grand sky scraper for my town. All the remaining funds - 710K in total – would be set aside to fund my charity.

    Q. -In your personal opinion, what is the most chronic problem that E.C.C currently faces? -Mayor
    A. – I think its attracting new users to stay with the server. It’s a big pain in the butt to rarely be trusted and have not many options for income when you start. I know were a hard core economy server, but sometimes I think we forget it’s also a game, People play to have fun, not to just go into another form of work. It should be somewhat difficult to start on a hard core economy server, but not too excessive, because then it becomes, is it fun?

    Q. - What is your stance on farming in the Aether; do you think it should be allowed? Why or why not? -Supermod
    A. – I’m fine with it not being allowed. It helps drive the market for farm perms and plots down in the main world, which of course benefits users who are selling these things.

    Q. - Hypothetical: You are granted 50,000,000 Ecodollars by Andrewkm as an Economic stimulus package. How do you allocate such funds? How will you decide what, and how much, goes to whom? -Supermod
    A. - I would NOT release it all at once. This is way too much money and would quickly raise inflation. The only thing I would do with it are funding my diamond control board, and storing the rest for when its needed.

    Q. - What are your thoughts on the usage of charcoal as opposed to using coal? -Moderator
    A. – I am pretty neutral on this. With the addition of the mining world coal is a renewable resource, and not in threat of running out. At same time I am a now (ex.?) member of FAROD and charcoal is definitely harder to get than coal. Really this seems more of a personal choice to me.

    Q. -Our Server, unfortunately, is not well known for its architectural wonders. What are your thoughts on this, and what would you do to try to urge users to construct things which would make us ‘known’? -Game Admin
    A. – I have a four part plan for this. The first part actually has to do with my charity. The goal for my upcoming foundation is to provide funds to people who wish to build grand structures on ECC. So of course I would like to get this off the ground and start funding theses great buildings. The second part is to hold more server wide building competitions. These spur great creativity in our users and have resulted in some great buildings. The third part is to have regularly scheduled building highlights on the front page of the forums. The mods shall select a great build to show all the sever and our guests on the website! The fourth part has to do with our pages on websites such as planet minecraft and minestatus. We need to put pictures of our awesome builds on these pages to get people who don’t get on the server or website to notice them.

    Q. - What is your opinion on the cost of residency? In your opinion, should it be lower or higher, and why? -Builder
    A. – I think the price is fine. It should not be raised and hurt the builders even more, but it should not be lowered and make it something that can be got in only a day or so.

    Q. -What are your thoughts on the recent banning of speaking foreign languages in local chat at spawn, and the problems which may arise because of the fact people have homes and towns next to spawn? -Mayor
    A. – I am against it. I see the reasoning to it, to prevent spam, unmodable conversations, ect, but it seems unfair to me. This is mainly for two reasons; the first is as the question stated there are houses around spawn. How come these people can’t talk foreign language around their houses, but people further away from spawn can? This of course might also hurt the great towns around spawn. If someone speaks a foreign language, then they probably aren’t going to buy a plot around spawn, because they couldn’t use chat around there.

    The second big one is because local is the default chat for builders. What if there just from non-English speaking countries and just typed hello or something as soon as they jumped on? They might now get in trouble for something they really can’t be faulted too much in doing. As president I would work to remove this rule.

    Q. Would you rather the ability to fly, or be invisible at will? Why? -Mayor
    A. – Fly! It would be great to fly around ECC and see what I can see, plus it helps so much with farming and building.

    (Sorry for grammar errors, did my best to iron them out.)
    #82 rosypolly, Oct 20, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2012
  3. DFat

    DFat Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    May 31, 2012
    Trophy Points:

  4. rosypolly

    rosypolly Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    Feb 17, 2012
    Trophy Points:

    But….I can…huuuu…thank you Dfat. *walks away with head hung in shame*
  5. vengfulbacon

    vengfulbacon Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Mar 16, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    Q. - What do you think about the growing amount of users on the server and the effect on the economy? -Mayor
    A. - I personally think that with the server growing, more items are being sent into the economy. the more items being sent into the economy the lower it gets. so my personal opinion is to keep items that are very rare from being entered into the economy multiple times. for an example the portal cube/block on server cost more then president does, i dont see it ever going down;nor should it. i personally think enchanted items like efficiency 4 unbreaking 3 silk touch 1 picks/axes/shovels should be worth about 5k-6k and stay at that price so nobody becomes rich/poor off of doing only selling this. In my personal opinion we as the users should increase the prices of experience so people can pay more money for tools, instead of paying less for a tool that can easily make you infinite money with e repairs; saying that you do the work required for it.
    Q. - What is your stance on pumpkin and melon prices. -President
    A.- In my opinion pumkins are correctly priced, as many users with eff 5 axes can make 20k or more in an hour, which is way more then we should earn an hour. on the other hand not every single farmer has a eff 5 axe, e repairs, fly, and a huge personal farm to chop pumpkins off of. so this is unfair to users who do not have these types of things. Now onto the topic of melon prices. In my personal opinion melons should raise about .25 as many users arnt making much profit per hour with melons. ive seen users make 15k at max with current prices,so to even it out at 17-18k an hour we should raise the prices of melons to 1.75.
    Q. - What are your thoughts on user-controlled 'party' events? Have you ever held a trivia or other tournament/'party'/give-away event? And do you have any such future plans for this topic of interest? - Resident
    A. -yes ive held user-controlled party events, many have not been popular, but ive still held them. I believe if the community works together, follows a set of rules, and haves fun, then there should be types of party events in the server. In my opinion i think more user controlled party events should take place in the server, so it gives older players some more types of fun they have/haven't experienced yet.

    Q. - How did you raise enough money for your presidential campaign? - Resident
    A. - I borrowed the assistance of my dear friend whitestarx0312, and with his assistance he allowed me the perms to his melon farm. i farmed day and night for every single melon, and made about .9k a floor. It wasnt the best way to earn money for a campaign but it was worth it. To speed things up i asked for donations, i did not demand for them; nor did i require them; but i thought it would nice for the community to send money to the candidate who they think will win.

    Q. - In the event that you win this presidential election, what will you do to celebrate/change the server? - Resident
    A. - In celebration to winning the presidential election i would drop a massive amounts of bacon/porkchops at spawn. My team of highly trained party-goers will induce music in vent, and we shall all have a wonderful time. In the first hour of my presidential status i shall get every user to march into wallstreet and crowd the markets, buying all the food and bacon the stores offer.

    Q. - What would you say your main principles are as a nominee in this ECC presidential election? -Moderator
    A. - My main principles are about dedication, commitment, and loyalty. In the words of a great moderator (who shall remain unknown.) he told me if i wanted to win i would have to be dedicated. so the first thing i did was go and create fliers and banners for my election, i spread the word about my election in global chat, and vent (no i did not spam it). The next principle is commitment. if a user is not committed to something, how will it ever get finished? I am dedicated to most things i do, ive built tons of statues for other users, and did not fail at any single one of them. The last principle is loyalty. i remain loyal to my friends no matter what happens. when my best friend on server quit because of certain issues revolving around the server, i managed to help him through it and convinced him to stay. I do believe that these principles are important and are a vital piece to any president who wins the election.

    Q. - How do you feel about the burden of builders? Do they have it too easy, too hard? -Moderator
    A. - I think builders get too bulled because of them being builders "the rank of griefers, hackers, and immature kids" as what some of the users have called them before. In my opinion every user (no matter what rank) gets a little respect, and the more i see you be a good person, or a helpful person, the more respect you should get. I think builders should stop being classified as the "griefing, trolling" rank. ive seen presidents and tycoons troll more then some builders. Also we were all once a builder (except a few select older users, who were guest).

    Q. - On a day to day basis, how active would you say you are in improving the ECC community? -Moderator
    A. - On a everyday basis i try to find builders and residents who have no where to go, and have hit it rough. i take those in if there kicked from a town, griefed, trolled, or bullied. The only exception is for people who plain out disrespect, and is there first time joining.

    Q. - How do you feel about the state of auction chat? -Moderator
    A. - I feel that most users feel like they can talk in auction and ignore every other chat. So when i see people talking in auction chat, i send them a private message asking them to stop talking in auction. They occasionally dont listen, so as im not in rank of leadership i just let a mod do his/her business. But i do believe that auctions should be in auctions, trades in trade chat, and global for worldwide information, or just saying hello.

    Q. - ‘Recently, Inflation has begun to grow at a rapid pace on the server. Prices are plummeting for items as prices for apps are skyrocketing. What is your economic plan to freeze inflation and, at the same time, help the economy?” -Mayor
    A. -One way i think that inflation should happen is increasing the prices at spawn shop to about 10%-15% more per block, as it would take a ton more money out of the economy. Also if we increase the prices of spawn market shops from 5k a week to 7-8k a week it would take out a ton more money. Another great idea is increasing lotto tax from 10% to 20% so more money gets taken out of the economy.

    Q. - Finish this sentence: “During my time on E.C.C, the thing that has influenced me the most is:“ -Mayor
    A. -During my time on ECC the thing that has influenced me the most is the moderators and staff. They know how to handle a ton of situations at any time, they also do try to reason with people before a kick/ban so people will know what they are doing wrong. I find the staff to be the most influential people i know. With andrewkm being the number 1 influential person. Just imagine setting up a server running off your own home network, to a server with 500 or more members getting on the server a day, with over thousands of users logging in at some point or another.

    Q. - What are your strengths and weaknesses as a speaker/candidate? -Moderator
    A. - I am usually camera shy, and will not speak with a camera most of the time. i depend on my microphone to speak to users with verbal chat, so i consider being camera shy a weakness. my strength is the ability to win people over with funny comments,statements, jokes, or just being a fun guy to being around with. i try to not always being funny, and im usually serious whenever im deep in though.

    Q. - In a detailed response, explain whether you believe mining or farming to be the staple of our economy. -Tycoon
    A. - I think neither are the main part of our economy. As both types of earning money involve two things, 1. dedication and patience, or 2. hard work, and building farms. One of these two must occur for a economy to be great, both must occur for a economy to be amazing. In my personal opinion though i find farming to be a stable source of income, and mining to be a more fun but less stable source of income.

    Q. - If you could make one drastic change on ECC, what would it be? -Moderator
    A. -If i could make one drastic change, i would change the prices of all ranks by 15%, and increase lotto tax to 20%. Some users may get mad at me for saying these things, but in reality we have way too much money in our economy, and it needs to be depleted.

    Q. - What price, above all others, would you change if you could? -Mayor
    Q. - I would change the price of melons so users can start earning 18k an hour again.

    Q. - All things considered, what plan do you have to get the economy back on track? -President
    A. - My plan to get the economy back on track is to increase prices of ranks by 10% and lotto tax to 20%. Another part of my plan is to increase many more server functions so people will start losing more money, which makes the server wide balance go down, the economy to lower its prices, then it would even back out sooner or later. the prices of farming gets lowered as the economy gets higher, so to negate this we need to increase farming once the economy gets lowered.

    Q. - Before the election began, what have you done to improve the state of the server? -Moderator
    A. - Before the election, i have had helped users with many things, whether it be building, help with rules, where to begin the server at, wheres the wild, and pretty basic stuff. Right now most of the users are ranked mayor or president, because of me, and how i helped them through the rough time.

    Q. - In a detailed response, reply to the following question; “If you received 1,000,000 Ecodollars upon winning this presidential election, what would you do with it?” - Resident
    A. -If I received 1,000,000 Ecodollars upon winning this presidential election, what would I do with it? i would use the 1,000,000 ecodollars on what i think should be spent on, like more towns for users to live peacefully in, or to start a project to give new builders a better wild to live in, with trees and everything. The one thing i would not do with the money is spend it for personal use.

    Q. -In your personal opinion, what is the most chronic problem that E.C.C currently faces? -Mayor
    A. -The most chronic problem that ecc faces, is the fact of the economy getting way too high and that the prices are dropping, when i was a builder it took me many days to get resident on a crappy pumpkin farm, imagine how long it would take builders today to get that. This is why the prices of certain farming items should raise and equal out mining prices.

    Q. - What is your stance on farming in the Aether; do you think it should be allowed? Why or why not? -Supermod
    A. - I think of the Aether as being two things. 1. A animal farming area. 2. a grief free building world. i think it should be allowed, but with very strict rules. The rules would be like, no farms bigger then 15x15, no deeper then 15 blocks, and no automatic farms. If users get caught breaking these rules they will get a warning, then a removal of aether access..

    Q. - Hypothetical: You are granted 50,000,000 Ecodollars by Andrewkm as an Economic stimulus package. How do you allocate such funds? How will you decide what, and how much, goes to whom? -Supermod
    A. - My fist thing i would do, is to pay off the staff members for all the hard work they do to keep us running, then i would spend 2 million paying random builders and residents a few 2000 here and there, just to get them started. then i would pay back all the money to andrewkm, and if he denies it i would put all the money into lottery to remove a ton from the economy. As a man with too much money turns evil and does not follow what he once put his mind to. I do not want to be a rich greedy man, i will rather be poor then greedy.

    Q. - What are your thoughts on the usage of charcoal as opposed to using coal? -Moderator
    A. - I think that charcoal should be used more as it does the exact same things as coal, except it can be replenished. let coal be used for decoration as coal ore, and let charcoal be used for smelting, cooking, and for torches. As charcoal is just as good, and better then coal.

    Q. -Our Server, unfortunately, is not well known for its architectural wonders. What are your thoughts on this, and what would you do to try to urge users to construct things which would make us ‘known’? -Game Admin
    A. - I would construct a large monument of roman buildings and a giant roman city, stretching about 600x600. this will attract users like crazy if we supply enough pictures and leave a portal to the roman city.

    Q. - What is your opinion on the cost of residency? In your opinion, should it be lower or higher, and why? -Builder
    A. - In my opinion i think resident should be raised to 20k, as there are more residents then builders these days, and sometimes presidents and builders are equal in numbers, this should not happen. So resident should be 20k, mayor should be 100k. president should be 200k, tycoon at 600k, and ecoleader at 1million.

    Q. -What are your thoughts on the recent banning of speaking foreign languages in local chat at spawn, and the problems which may arise because of the fact people have homes and towns next to spawn? -Mayor
    A. - I think that foreign languages should not be allowed in global chat, but should be allowed in local. As local chat is not server wide. Also if you do not like a certain users language then just ignore them if they continue without stopping. So foreign languages only in local chat should be allowed.

    Q. Would you rather the ability to fly, or be invisible at will? Why? -Mayor
    A. -I would want neither, as a man with power goes mad. As power goes to the head and makes you do stupid things. Some people can handle power some can not. that is why moderators do not get op, as it would cause havoc. So i would not have any power, yet if i really had to choose one i would pick flying, so i can build structures alot faster.
  6. welikeike22

    welikeike22 Dean Martin
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Gameplay Architect Premium Upgrade

    Apr 5, 2011
    Trophy Points:
    Apologies for not closing this last night, guys. I seriously injured my back which makes sitting on the computer a bit of a pain to do. I'm going to give the remaining candidates, because of my mistake, until --tonight-- at 9:00pm to submit their answers.

    Thank you for your patience.
  7. Jetscat

    Jetscat Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    Oct 8, 2011
    Trophy Points:
    Hope your back gets better. :) And thanks for the extra time!
  8. DFat

    DFat Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    May 31, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    I hope you get better Ike.
  9. welikeike22

    welikeike22 Dean Martin
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Gameplay Architect Premium Upgrade

    Apr 5, 2011
    Trophy Points:
    The deadline for Candidates to submit their responses to the first Q&A is over!
    Candidates: Thank you for taking the time to reply to the Q&As. ​
    Voters: Please take the time to Read through all of the submitted Q&A forms from the candidates! ​
  10. welikeike22

    welikeike22 Dean Martin
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Gameplay Architect Premium Upgrade

    Apr 5, 2011
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    • Like Like x 1
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    • List
    #90 welikeike22, Oct 22, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2012
  11. welikeike22

    welikeike22 Dean Martin
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Gameplay Architect Premium Upgrade

    Apr 5, 2011
    Trophy Points:
  12. welikeike22

    welikeike22 Dean Martin
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Gameplay Architect Premium Upgrade

    Apr 5, 2011
    Trophy Points:
    Because of the Hurricane, i was not able to confirm the fact that the primaries are over. Unfortunately, we missed a few of our events, but the election --WILL-- Occur tomorrow! I am hereby forcing through most of the events, and those candidates still involved will be given from now until the polls open tomorrow to chose their vice-presidential candidates.

    Tomorrow, the election will occur. I wish all those candidates involved good-luck!

    The following members made it through the primaries, and now must chose their VP Candidates.
  13. Skylexia

    Skylexia Redstone God
    Game Admin EcoLegend ⛰️⛰️⛰️⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ VIII ⭐ Gameplay Architect Premium Upgrade

    Apr 27, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    Kukelekuuk00 is my vice-president
  14. vengfulbacon

    vengfulbacon Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Mar 16, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    i choose whitestarx0312 as my vp
  15. Jetscat

    Jetscat Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    Oct 8, 2011
    Trophy Points:
    I'm not participating, thanks anyways.
  16. rosypolly

    rosypolly Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    Feb 17, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    Hmm seems i have lost. :( Oh well, good times ahead.:) I am now supporting zoolouie and hope my old supporters will too. Zoolouie 2012!
  17. zoolouie

    zoolouie Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Feb 21, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    Thanks rosypolly ;)
    I choose snowbleie as my VP.
    Thank you a lot for everyone who voted! ~Zoo
  18. DFat

    DFat Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    May 31, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    I choose 38833 as my VP.

    #98 DFat, Nov 5, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2012
  19. bubbajr2000

    bubbajr2000 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Resident ⚒️

    Jun 9, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    Go Go Go Go Go zoooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!