Presidential Question and Answer Submissions #1! Now that nominations are closed, users may now submit questions to the First Presidential Q&A session! Please PM them to me, DO NOT reply to this topic with your question! Use this format; Code: [b]IGN:[/b] [b]Rank:[/b] [b]Question:[/b] Users have until 9:00PM EST on the 20th of October to submit their questions! You may submit as many questions as you wish, provided you use the format each time. I will remind you, all questions MUST PERTAIN TO E.C.C life! No real life political questions will be accepted. For example; Not ok; Ok; ---------------------------------- The 2012ECC Presidential Election committee does not promise your question will be put in the questionnaire. The questionnaire will be 20-25 questions long, and many questions submitted may be the same. Please don’t take it personally. Accepted questions will not have the name of the person whom submitted it, only their rank.
IGN: jackaluss77 Rank: resident Question: What do you think about changing the grilled porkchop from voting and making it bacon instead?
Your IGN: Zoolouie o3o Your Rank: Mayor Who nominated you? Zardgyer Do you Accept/Reject this nomination?: I ACCEPT!!! \o/\o/\o/\o/\o/\o/
Solely because you were nominated before i closed nominations, and you made it in before the First Q&A, I will accept. This makes 14 members in the race! No further outstanding nominations will be accepted.
Question for candidates from an undecided voter: What will you do to stop the dropping price of everything? Also, what is your point of view of 1.4 in ECC? :3
Q&A Submission 1 is now --Closed--!Thank you to all those whom have submitted questions! The questions will be reviewed, and a final list of 25 shall be posted on this topic tomorrow. Candidates will then have 1 day from the time of posting to reply to the Q&A. Candidates: Failing to respond to the Q&A will result in disqualification!
Make sure to list who asked each question. I would like to know what some people think while making these.
Q&A Form 1 Is In!Following this, you will find a comprehensive list of 26 questions, sent into this committee by the public. We have chosen the best ones, and even created a few of our own. Candidates: You have until 9:00PM(EST) tomorrow to submit your responses! Reply with them, completely filled out, in a reply to this topic. Voters: You can view the questions easily by opening this spoiler! Spoiler What do you think about the growing amount of users on the server and the effect on the economy? -Mayor What is your stance on pumpkin and melon prices. -President What are your thoughts on user-controlled 'party' events? Have you ever held a trivia or other tournament/'party'/give-away event? And do you have any such future plans for this topic of interest? - Resident How did you raise enough money for your presidential campaign? - Resident In the event that you win this presidential election, what will you do to celebrate/change the server? - Resident What would you say your main principles are as a nominee in this ECC presidential election? -Moderator How do you feel about the burden of builders? Do they have it too easy, too hard? -Moderator On a day to day basis, how active would you say you are in improving the ECC community? -Moderator How do you feel about the state of auction chat? -Moderator ‘Recently, Inflation has begun to grow at a rapid pace on the server. Prices are plummeting for items as prices for apps are skyrocketing. What is your economic plan to freeze inflation and, at the same time, help the economy?” -Mayor Finish this sentence: “During my time on E.C.C, the thing that has influenced me the most is:“ -Mayor What are your strengths and weaknesses as a speaker/candidate? -Moderator In a detailed response, explain whether you believe mining or farming to be the staple of our economy. -Tycoon If you could make one drastic change on ECC, what would it be? -Moderator What price, above all others, would you change if you could? -Mayor All things considered, what plan do you have to get the economy back on track? -President Before the election began, what have you done to improve the state of the server? -Moderator In a detailed response, reply to the following question; “If you received 1,000,000 Ecodollars upon winning this presidential election, what would you do with it?” - Resident In your personal opinion, what is the most chronic problem that E.C.C currently faces? -Mayor What is your stance on farming in the Aether; do you think it should be allowed? Why or why not? -Supermod Hypothetical: You are granted 50,000,000 Ecodollars by Andrewkm as an Economic stimulus package. How do you allocate such funds? How will you decide what, and how much, goes to whom? -Supermod What are your thoughts on the usage of charcoal as opposed to using coal? -Moderator Our Server, unfortunately, is not well known for its architectural wonders. What are your thoughts on this, and what would you do to try to urge users to construct things which would make us ‘known’? -Game Admin What is your opinion on the cost of residency? In your opinion, should it be lower or higher, and why? -Builder What are your thoughts on the recent banning of speaking foreign languages in local chat at spawn, and the blatant problems which arise because of the fact people have homes and towns next to spawn? -Mayor Would you rather the ability to fly, or be invisible at will? Why? -Mayor Candidates: Use the following code as a response template. Code: Q. - What do you think about the growing amount of users on the server and the effect on the economy? [color=#002A00]-Mayor[/color] A. - Q. - What is your stance on pumpkin and melon prices. [color=#2A2A00]-President[/color] A. - Q. - What are your thoughts on user-controlled 'party' events? Have you ever held a trivia or other tournament/'party'/give-away event? And do you have any such future plans for this topic of interest? [color=#153F15]- Resident[/color] A. - Q. - How did you raise enough money for your presidential campaign? [color=#153F15]- Resident[/color] A. - Q. - In the event that you win this presidential election, what will you do to celebrate/change the server? [color=#153F15]- Resident[/color] A. - Q. - What would you say your main principles are as a nominee in this ECC presidential election? [color=#153F3F]-Moderator[/color] A. - Q. - How do you feel about the burden of builders? Do they have it too easy, too hard? [color=#153F3F]-Moderator[/color] A. - Q. - On a day to day basis, how active would you say you are in improving the ECC community? [color=#153F3F]-Moderator[/color] A. - Q. - How do you feel about the state of auction chat? [color=#153F3F]-Moderator[/color] A. - Q. - ‘Recently, Inflation has begun to grow at a rapid pace on the server. Prices are plummeting for items as prices for apps are skyrocketing. What is your economic plan to freeze inflation and, at the same time, help the economy?” [color=#002A00]-Mayor[/color] A. - Q. - Finish this sentence: “During my time on E.C.C, the thing that has influenced me the most is:“ [color=#002A00]-Mayor[/color] A. - Q. - What are your strengths and weaknesses as a speaker/candidate? [color=#153F3F]-Moderator[/color] A. - Q. - In a detailed response, explain whether you believe mining or farming to be the staple of our economy. [color=#2A2A00]-Tycoon[/color] A. - Q. - If you could make one drastic change on ECC, what would it be? [color=#153F3F]-Moderator[/color] A. - Q. - What price, above all others, would you change if you could? [color=#002A00]-Mayor[/color] Q. - Q. - All things considered, what plan do you have to get the economy back on track? [color=#2A2A00]-President[/color] A. - Q. - Before the election began, what have you done to improve the state of the server? [color=#153F3F]-Moderator[/color] A. - Q. - In a detailed response, reply to the following question; “If you received 1,000,000 Ecodollars upon winning this presidential election, what would you do with it?” [color=#153F15]- Resident[/color] A. - Q. -In your personal opinion, what is the most chronic problem that E.C.C currently faces? [color=#002A00]-Mayor[/color] A. - Q. - What is your stance on farming in the Aether; do you think it should be allowed? Why or why not? [color=#2A0000]-Supermod[/color] A. - Q. - Hypothetical: You are granted 50,000,000 Ecodollars by Andrewkm as an Economic stimulus package. How do you allocate such funds? How will you decide what, and how much, goes to whom? [color=#2A0000]-Supermod[/color] A. - Q. - What are your thoughts on the usage of charcoal as opposed to using coal? [color=#153F3F]-Moderator[/color] A. - Q. -Our Server, unfortunately, is not well known for its architectural wonders. What are your thoughts on this, and what would you do to try to urge users to construct things which would make us ‘known’? [color=#2A0000]-Game Admin[/color] A. - Q. - What is your opinion on the cost of residency? In your opinion, should it be lower or higher, and why? [color=#3F3F3F]-Builder[/color] A. - Q. -What are your thoughts on the recent banning of speaking foreign languages in local chat at spawn, and the problems which may arise because of the fact people have homes and towns next to spawn? [color=#002A00]-Mayor[/color] A. - Q. Would you rather the ability to fly, or be invisible at will? Why? [color=#002A00]-Mayor[/color] A. -
Sorry if some Answers are bland, I tried to get right to the point, without huge paragraphs. ;P Enjoy! Q. - What do you think about the growing amount of users on the server and the effect on the economy? -Mayor A. - I believe that the increase of users on EcoCityCraft does indeed impact the economy, in a big way in fact. This is both good, and bad, I will start with the good side of things! The good things about users joining, is that it allows for more circulation of the money around the Economy. With the more users, the less likely money will be sitting in just one persons balance, which allows for more Items being Sold/Bought/Produced. On the downsidie, this also results in prices being Dropped, which of course, the community isn't happy with, because, they want to make money. Although, as President, I will try my best to keep the prices at a reasonable level, and for that it matches the amount of users we have, for the Economy is very balanced, and stable, no matter how many users join the server. My final thought is that of course it will affect the Economy, but it will affect it in both a bad way, and in a good way, but I think the good way outweighs the bad way. Q. - What is your stance on pumpkin and melon prices. -President A. - I have mixed opinions on the Pumpkin / Melon / Entire farming prices. Melons & Pumpkins are at a balanced Pricing as it stands right now. The prices allow the Economy to be more balanced. I understand many users want the prices to go up, for good intentions of just making more money, but we must think about it in the Long/Detailed run, how will this affect Enchanted Repairs, Farm Rentals, Towns, and more. Farming is one of the biggest Money makers on E.C.C, and it controls a lot of the prices; even if you don't notice it at first. Pumpkins. Pumpkins are perfectly priced, as President, I wont try to attempt to Raise nor Lower the prices as of now. For this reason. Pumpkins can make about $17,000/h with the right Farm, Tools, and donation features. This is extremely profitable. In a day, you can make $200,000+ Not that bad, correct? With pumpkin farming, it requires not a large amount of focus, which makes the price not be raised. I understand though, a point why the price should be raised. If you farm the Pumpkins correctly, you will break your Tool pretty quickly, Unbreaking or not, so this may require for the price to be increased. But besides the fact, it makes an extreme amount of money if you do it right. As president, I will be sure to share these ways of farming Pumpkins to the Public. As for Melons. Melons are really high prices as it is right now. It requires very little Attention and Tools. That's pretty simple for Melons. Q. - What are your thoughts on user-controlled 'party' events? Have you ever held a trivia or other tournament/'party'/give-away event? And do you have any such future plans for this topic of interest? - Resident A. - Yes! I host some of the biggest events on EcoCityCraft (E.C.C) and will continue to do so. If you're not aware, I host one of the biggest events on E.C.C, it's called Minewars. I've been hosting this event for about a year now, and will continue to run it, and grow it bigger. The event is quite fun, and was born right on E.C.C infact! The object of the event is simple, it's just like the Show 'Storage Wars' our Minewars staff fill the locker with Goodies, and then every Saturday, allow for Players like you, to bid on it, and win the items inside! It's great fun, and will continue throughout my time as President / On Ecc. (Forever, lol) I also assisted with the idea of the Halloween Event. I love to host holiday events, for example, I have something planned for this Christmas, infact, as a hint, build your Chimney's! Santa is coming. Q. - How did you raise enough money for your presidential campaign? - Resident A. - I believe that money isn't everything. It takes a lot more than just a presidential campaign, and a President shouldn't be elected for their Pay advertisements. I believe they should be elected for their Skill / Classiness throughout the event. So for my Campaign, I didn't pay for anything, I just entered, and show why I should be president. Q. - In the event that you win this presidential election, what will you do to celebrate/change the server? - Resident A. - I will of course, continue to help players around E.C.C as my job of GameAdmin. I also have some sort of... party planned in the case that I win the election. As President, I plan to change the Daily Taxes, Diamond Prices, Farm Prices, Voting Rewards, and fun Donation ideas. Please keep in mind that I can't force this as GameAdmin, I can just give good reasons on why all of this will change. As president, I will change the server like never before! Q. - What would you say your main principles are as a nominee in this ECC presidential election? -Moderator A. - My main Principles as a nominee in E.C.C presidential application? Great question! I plan to show everyone on E.C.C (or just the voters) on why I would be a good president to stand up for them. I believe it takes Class / Respect to win a Presidential Election, and I have all that, and wish to prove it. I will not Cheat/Disrespect my fellow Nominee's, and have a Clean, and fun race. Q. - How do you feel about the burden of builders? Do they have it too easy, too hard? -Moderator A. - I believe the Burden of builders have it a bit hard. As builders, you're kind of on your own, unless joining with a Friend. As president, I will help the builders out, show them around, help them with Applications, and try to get them to Resident, and beyond. At the same time, I believe other ranks have it just as hard, just they're more 'experienced' with most situations, unlike Most builders. Many people call Builders 'Dumb' or 'Stupid' and this is a joke. They're not either, they're simply new to the server, and should be helped, not disrespected, as President, I will give them help, and the respect, they rightfully deserve as members of our amazing Ecocitycraft community. This goes for all ranks, not just Builders. Q. - On a day to day basis, how active would you say you are in improving the ECC community? -Moderator A. - I believe i'm very active on helping the E.C.C community, by helping users get started on the server. Or helping any users with any issues they may have. Q. - How do you feel about the state of auction chat? -Moderator A. - The auction chat is rarely enforced by anyone besides my self, hence it's very hard to do so. I feel the state of Auction chat isn't rightfully respected in between the Auctioneers and Bidders, I believe it needs some Revamping. As president / GameAdmin, I will help enforce these rules, to help keep Auction chat a clean / fair place for everyone to auction off their goodies. Q. - Finish this sentence: “During my time on E.C.C, the thing that has influenced me the most is:“ -Mayor A. - The Community. The community is the main core of E.C.C; without it/them, the server would be nothing. You guys (The Community) build E.C.C. up, and then of course Andrew and the Staff help enforce rules that are broken. Q. - What are your strengths and weaknesses as a speaker/candidate? -Moderator A. - My Weaknesses. I have problems expressing my feelings through the Internet. It's a tough thing to do, and not many can do it properly, but as long as I try my best to express it, people hopefully will hear me out. My strengths is i'm able to handle big crowds / questions. I try to answer them with high efficiency, and accuracy. As a GameAdmin, I believe I have proved my strengths on helping people and such. Q. - In a detailed response, explain whether you believe mining or farming to be the staple of our economy. -Tycoon A. - I believe Mining is our Staple of our Economy. Many believe it isn't, for the main fact, that Farming makes more money. But that isn't what truly creates a Economy. Mining provides many types of Minerals, and Tools and such. Farming just makes you money, it doesn't produce any items. (For the Main Part). Unlike mining, were you get Tools, Minerals, Blocks, Decorations, and much much more. This is the core that makes up the Economy. It may not make as much money as per say; Farming, but it for sure creates the Hardcore economy. Q. - If you could make one drastic change on ECC, what would it be? -Moderator A. - Allow for Builders public voice. Many Prestigious players on E.C.C believe; as I said to one of the questions above, are Dumb, or stupid, I believe this is incorrect. Believe it or not, builders are a big chunk of our Rabid movement of the Money in and out of the economy, even if you don't notice it. There's a boat load of more builders then Resident+ users. These builders are Farming, buying tools/blocks/minerals for extremely higher prices, for not knowing better. This can be changed by allowing for them to have a public voice in arguments, and debates, and not just be shut down for being some 'Dumb builder'. I will encourage for this to stop. Q. - What price, above all others, would you change if you could? -Mayor A. - None, our Economy is beyond stable as it is. Q. - All things considered, what plan do you have to get the economy back on track? -President A. - To be completely honest with You/The public, I see our Economy being on track, all our prices are fair, and well priced. There shouldn't be a change. Q. - Before the election began, what have you done to improve the state of the server? -Moderator A. - I've helped do a lot for the Server. Both Moderator and User wise. I've helped users get on their way on the server. I've helped builders that are now Super-Moderators, or even GameAdmins now. I've provided supreme support for all these users, which I believe a person as such a rank of President, must have. Q. - In a detailed response, reply to the following question; “If you received 1,000,000 Ecodollars upon winning this presidential election, what would you do with it?” - Resident A. - Keep it in savings. I believe that the money should be kept away in safety incase the use of it returns for a bigger subject in the future. I.E Price changing. Q. -In your personal opinion, what is the most chronic problem that E.C.C currently faces? -Mayor A. - The lack of Respect towards builders. Q. - What is your stance on farming in the Aether; do you think it should be allowed? Why or why not? -Supermod A. - No, it shouldn't be allowed. The aether is for Nice, big, pretty builds. Not to be filled with Farms, this isn't what the Aether is for, this is what towns are for. Q. - Hypothetical: You are granted 50,000,000 Ecodollars by Andrewkm as an Economic stimulus package. How do you allocate such funds? How will you decide what, and how much, goes to whom? -Supermod A. - I will throw it all in the lottery, Economy inflation! Q. - What are your thoughts on the usage of charcoal as opposed to using coal? -Moderator A. - Coal > Charcoal. :3 Q. -Our Server, unfortunately, is not well known for its architectural wonders. What are your thoughts on this, and what would you do to try to urge users to construct things which would make us ‘known’? -Game Admin A. - I believe we're not the most architectural server for the fact that it costs money to make nice builds and such. Many users don't have the money to do such, so this is why there isn't many amazing builds out there. I don't believe that we should be known for our builds, I think we should be known for our hardcore fact of Economy! Q. - What is your opinion on the cost of residency? In your opinion, should it be lower or higher, and why? - builder A. - I believe it's well priced. Builders should have to work for the rank, the longer they work, the more they will be encouraged to get the next ranks on their path. Q. -What are your thoughts on the recent banning of speaking foreign languages in local chat at spawn, and the problems which may arise because of the fact people have homes and towns next to spawn? -Mayor A. - We have the strict policy of this for the reason that we don't want populated areas being filled with other languages, besides English, hence this can be easily taken to a Private Chat with whom you're talking to, or a non-spawn local chat. Also, might I state, we don't ban for Foreign Languages, we simply enforce it by Warnings and such, if the users completely disobey us, then it may warrant a ban. I'm planning on arising the thought of having Local being subjected to Towns/Regions, not block radius. Q. Would you rather the ability to fly, or be invisible at will? Why? -Mayor A. - Invisible at will, in-game, helps with Moderating.
Q. - What do you think about the growing amount of users on the server and the effect on the economy? -Mayor A. - I love the growth of the server! More users= the better. There are also some challenges that come with a growing community. First, more work has to be put into monitoring the economy and make sure that the the flow of money in and out is at a normal ascending/descending rate. The more users that mine, sell, and farm, the more money that is thrown into the economy. Q. - What is your stance on pumpkin and melon prices. -President A. - Personally, I do not farm pumpkins or melons as it becomes too laggy. Though, I do know about the economy and how it works. For melons, I think the price of $1.25 is just right. You can make a decent amount of money using fly, and efficiency 5 silk touch axe/pick, and a certain angle to tear through the melons and make an average of 15k- 20k per hour. With pumpkins, you can do the same: fly, efficiency 5 axe, and a certain angle. You are able to make the 15k-20k per hour that Andrew/ WeWin are going for. The way I look at it is this- you've got to spend money to make money. A person who invests in a large farm, buys the right tools, and can invest the time theoretically will be more successful and richer than the other user who does not invest as much money and time. Therefore, the prices are fine to me. Other users may disagree. Q. - What are your thoughts on user-controlled 'party' events? Have you ever held a trivia or other tournament/'party'/give-away event? And do you have any such future plans for this topic of interest? - Resident A. - I tend to do little trivia games and give out money when I feel I have too much of it and nothing to do. I think it is a lot of fun and brings some change to the server. I usually ask 5 questions and give 1k to the winner. I plan to do some of these in the future. Q. - How did you raise enough money for your presidential campaign? - Resident A. - Actually, I won the lottery. I put in 7 tickets in one of Andrew's super lotto's and won 130k. With this, I was able to provide the funds for my campaign. Q. - In the event that you win this presidential election, what will you do to celebrate/change the server? - Resident A. - First, I would be quite happy. Then, I might do a couple of give-aways and trivia. I always find that entertaining. Q. - What would you say your main principles are as a nominee in this ECC presidential election? -Moderator A. - My main principles are to treat everyone equally and with respect. I realize that these people are just like me and would love to be president as well. Q. - How do you feel about the burden of builders? Do they have it too easy, too hard? -Moderator A. - I feel that builders have it extremely hard. When people think of a builder, they think of someone who has logged on for the first time and has no idea what to do. They are strongly stereotyped and I hope that this will eventually be cleared. Everyone assumes that they immediately want to speak to an Admin and ask for OP claiming to work for Planet Minecraft. Q. - On a day to day basis, how active would you say you are in improving the ECC community? -Moderator A. - I would say I'm pretty active. I tend to talk a lot in chat and I talk in the shoutbox when I'm at school and cannot get online. I like to help new users and help them with commands that they don't know. Q. - How do you feel about the state of auction chat? -Moderator A. - I'm a little iffy on the auction channel. I never leave channels for the sake of my entertainment. So, when a popular auction is taking place, it may cause a little spam. You also occasionally get the "100!" then a "100.00001!" bids that are not really necessary. I feel that the trade channel would suffice. Q. - ‘Recently, Inflation has begun to grow at a rapid pace on the server. Prices are plummeting for items as prices for apps are skyrocketing. What is your economic plan to freeze inflation and, at the same time, help the economy?” -Mayor A. - I plan to set my ideal prices within my spawn shop. I can't do anything about server prices, but I will attempt at changing the user-user market. Diamonds have decreased dramatically and I wish the price could be reverted. I have joined Jetscat's cause and sell my diamonds for $90. Q. - Finish this sentence: “During my time on E.C.C, the thing that has influenced me the most is:“ -Mayor A. - the community. Of all the servers that I have been on, I have stayed with ECC. ECC contains the nicest people I have ever met. Their maturity and hilarity makes me happy and I enjoy playing on ECC day to day. Q. - What are your strengths and weaknesses as a speaker/candidate? -Moderator A. - One strength I have is being a good communicator. I love talking to people and I can easily get my point across. A weakness I have is not being able to respond quick enough. I try to respond as fast as I can. Q. - In a detailed response, explain whether you believe mining or farming to be the staple of our economy. -Tycoon A. - I think farming is the way to go. The reason is simple- farming is infinite. While on the other hand, mining is not. Statistically, you would mine less and less each day. Builders tend to mine throughout the wild to collect items and sell them so that they may get resident quicker. The wild will eventually be "mined out" and have barely anything in them. We do have mining world, but you still have the risk of PVP and not being able to do /back. Farming is infinite because you can build your farms as high as the world permits. You can farm as long as you want an it requires only time to build the farm. Q. - If you could make one drastic change on ECC, what would it be? -Moderator A. - I would add the ability for mayors to add child regions to their town. Or maybe apply for one to be set. You could split your town into 4 sub-regions and less grief would occur. You could also have it so you could add a user to each individual plot. This has already been suggested once, but was denied due to the complexity and confusion that could occur. Q. - What price, above all others, would you change if you could? -Mayor A. - DIAMONDS! Though I have little to no control of this, as it is a user-user market, I want the price of diamonds to raise so that mining could make more money. Q. - All things considered, what plan do you have to get the economy back on track? -President A. - We are off-track? I think the economy is stable enough already. As for user-user, I don't have the power or resources to accomplish that. Q. - Before the election began, what have you done to improve the state of the server? -Moderator A. - I have been trying to improve the overall state of the server by being friendly and helpful. I also suggest many ideas that could improve the server even more. I report bugs, too. Q. - In a detailed response, reply to the following question; “If you received 1,000,000 Ecodollars upon winning this presidential election, what would you do with it?” - Resident A. - With 1,000,000 ECO$, I would probably purchase two more towns. I eventually want to create some of the most urban cities in ECC. Giant buildings, huge farms, and a nice place to reside. I would make a 400x400 town and separate it into "zones". A farming zone, a mall zone, and two resident zones. The extra money would help fund the building supplies needed. It would also help me hire workers. Q. -In your personal opinion, what is the most chronic problem that E.C.C currently faces? -Mayor A. - I think the biggest problem we face today is scamming. Many users are scammed every week and lose thousands of their hard-earned money. This can cause rages and people to quit the server. Q. - What is your stance on farming in the Aether; do you think it should be allowed? Why or why not? -Supermod A. - I think that farming in the aether should not be allowed. Why you ask? Well, the aether was created for the purpose of building giant structures and amazing creations. If you want a farm, turn part of your town into one. Q. - Hypothetical: You are granted 50,000,000 Ecodollars by Andrewkm as an Economic stimulus package. How do you allocate such funds? How will you decide what, and how much, goes to whom? -Supermod A. - Surprisingly, I would not hand it out to anyone. I wouldn't keep it either. I would throw in a little bit at a time into the lottery and luck will decide. The amount of money given would be so much that the economy would fluctuate out of control. Everyone would have so much stuff and money that everything would become worthless. I may even find a way to get rid of it. Q. - What are your thoughts on the usage of charcoal as opposed to using coal? -Moderator A. - As of now, I do not see a problem with using coal as a source of fuel. I have not experienced any effects on mining coal and using it in my furnace. Though, coal will eventually run out. I think that using charcoal is good because it is helping prepare for the scarcity of coal. Q. -Our Server, unfortunately, is not well known for its architectural wonders. What are your thoughts on this, and what would you do to try to urge users to construct things which would make us ‘known’? -Game Admin A. - I agree, there are not that many fancy structures in ECC. Even if there are, they tend to be in the aether. This is something that I discourage. I discourage this because the amount of users that can see these amazing creations need the pay 20k to do so. I would encourage users to use their towns as building grounds for their structure. Members could also hold a weekly "feature" that would feature amazing structures. Q. - What is your opinion on the cost of residency? In your opinion, should it be lower or higher, and why? -Builder A. - I think the cost of residency is fine the way it is. Though builders have it harder money wise, and the 15k charge for resident shows that the user has dedicated enough time to the server and will stay with us for a while. This proves that they are less likely to be banned and scam. Q. - What are your thoughts on the recent banning of speaking foreign languages in local chat at spawn, and the problems which may arise because of the fact people have homes and towns next to spawn? -Mayor A. - I think the banning of foreign language speakers is okay. The reason is that no one could understand them. They do not speak English, therefore they would not understand the sentence "English only please.". It would be hard for them to talk and interact with other users in the community as most people on our server only speak English. As for towns next to spawn, I think they deserve to be there! They were obviously created during ECC's first months and should be considered apart of "ECC History". Q. Would you rather the ability to fly, or be invisible at will? Why? -Mayor A. - Fly! I think flying would be a lot of fun to do and would make life a lot easier. It would help with completing the daily demands that we all have to deal with.
Q. - What do you think about the growing amount of users on the server and the effect on the economy? -Mayor A. - Assuming that the new users choose to advance on this server instead of eating Big Macs, more money will be made. This means that more money will be put into the economy. This is huge amount since most money put into the economy is taken away from ranks and town applications. However, there is still a small expansion in the economy. A small expansion in the economy is healthy and is not a serious problem. This expansion is controlled by the player limit of 200 on this server, so the economy will not "bubble" or "crash" (assuming Mojang doesn't screw things up in 1.4). Q. - What is your stance on pumpkin and melon prices. -President A. - I believe that the farming prices now are mostly stable. Q. - What are your thoughts on user-controlled 'party' events? Have you ever held a trivia or other tournament/'party'/give-away event? And do you have any such future plans for this topic of interest? - Resident A. - If you want a party, go to McDonald's. Q. - How did you raise enough money for your presidential campaign? - Resident A. - Campaign costs have totaled close to $1. This huge, almost unimaginable sum, has been paid in part by near-death high-risk Whopper consumption contests. Do not try this at home. Q. - In the event that you win this presidential election, what will you do to celebrate/change the server? - Resident A. - Q. - What would you say your main principles are as a nominee in this ECC presidential election? -Moderator A. - Stay fat and avoid Whoppers. Q. - How do you feel about the burden of builders? Do they have it too easy, too hard? -Moderator A. - 15K is nothing. Invest $1 in a fishing rod and fish for an hour or two, and that's more than enough money for Resident. Q. - On a day to day basis, how active would you say you are in improving the ECC community? -Moderator A. - I believe that I am fairly active. Q. - How do you feel about the state of auction chat? -Moderator A. - Kill it. Get an auction plugin. I'll suggest it when I finish this Big Mac. Q. - ‘Recently, Inflation has begun to grow at a rapid pace on the server. Prices are plummeting for items as prices for apps are skyrocketing. What is your economic plan to freeze inflation and, at the same time, help the economy?” -Mayor A. - This question doesn't even make sense. The definition of inflation is "a general increase in prices", but the question says "prices are plummeting". And why would anybody want to "freeze" inflation? As stated above, a small economic growth is a good thing. Q. - Finish this sentence: “During my time on E.C.C, the thing that has influenced me the most is:“ -Mayor A. - The people. Everyone is friendly and helpful. And for those who question why I did not say Big Mac, I would like to inform the server that the Big Mac should not be classified as a "thing". Rather, it should be referred to in a third person formal term, such as "Mister Big Mac", or "Sir Big Mac". Q. - What are your strengths and weaknesses as a speaker/candidate? -Moderator A. - I am a decent candidate, but I am heavily influenced by food. Don't try to bribe me. Q. - In a detailed response, explain whether you believe mining or farming to be the staple of our economy. -Tycoon A. - Both. A healthy economy needs a vast amount of economic opportunities, which can include both mining and farming. Q. - If you could make one drastic change on ECC, what would it be? -Moderator A. - Somehow incorporate Big Macs into the server. Q. - What price, above all others, would you change if you could? -Mayor A. - As stated above, we should increase the amount of ways one can make money with. This can include increasing log prices, charcoal prices, obsidian prices, and nether stalk prices, among others. This will help stabilize the economy and add a larger sense of variety to this server. Q. - All things considered, what plan do you have to get the economy back on track? -President A. - The economy is fine. I don't get why so many people are panicking about it. Q. - Before the election began, what have you done to improve the state of the server? -Moderator A. - I've moderated it, hence the title "Moderator". Q. - In a detailed response, reply to the following question; “If you received 1,000,000 Ecodollars upon winning this presidential election, what would you do with it?” - Resident A. - EcoLeader. It rhymes with Big Mac and McDonald's. It also rhymes with gullible. Q. -In your personal opinion, what is the most chronic problem that E.C.C currently faces? -Mayor A. - I don't see a huge problem right now. The server seems fine, with some minor price issues and bugs. Nothing big enough to be considered a "chronic problem". Q. - What is your stance on farming in the Aether; do you think it should be allowed? Why or why not? -Supermod A. - No, it should not be allowed. It decreases the value of land in the Main World because there would be no point in making a farm in a world where land costs actual money. It also makes the Aether look ugly like a Whopper. Q. - Hypothetical: You are granted 50,000,000 Ecodollars by Andrewkm as an Economic stimulus package. How do you allocate such funds? How will you decide what, and how much, goes to whom? -Supermod A. - Buy EcoLeader fifty times. Putting this money into the economy would kill it. Q. - What are your thoughts on the usage of charcoal as opposed to using coal? -Moderator A. - Neither. Buy Pyro+ and use lava buckets. Renewable, simple, and easy. Q. -Our Server, unfortunately, is not well known for its architectural wonders. What are your thoughts on this, and what would you do to try to urge users to construct things which would make us ‘known’? -Game Admin A. - Andrew's Town of the Month idea is working fairly well. If that's not enough, we could sponsor building contests. And if even that's not enough, I can commence with my idea of making a 200x200 McDonald's themed town. Q. - What is your opinion on the cost of residency? In your opinion, should it be lower or higher, and why? - builder It's fine as is. As stated above, fishing can get you the cost in less than 2 hours. Q. -What are your thoughts on the recent banning of speaking foreign languages in local chat at spawn, and the problems which may arise because of the fact people have homes and towns next to spawn? -Mayor A. - I've never heard a foreign language at spawn. And this is coming from a Moderator who camps at spawn during his free time. Q. Would you rather the ability to fly, or be invisible at will? Why? -Mayor A. - Invisible, so they don't see me sabotaging Burger Kings. (Although Fly would help with the roof)
Q. - What do you think about the growing amount of users on the server and the effect on the economy? -Mayor A. - It's causing some inflation, but at the same time I feel like the staying rate of new users softens that fact a little. I also feel like it's causing a lot more scams and transaction issues to occur, as a moderator I've seen in the past month or so an increase in the number of complaints and issues people have had with other users, and those can have a negative impact on both the economy and the staying rate. Both have negative and positive implications, but I think for the moment it's fairly stable. Q. - What is your stance on pumpkin and melon prices. -President A. - On a personal basis, I think that both are a little low. I will concede that $2 per full melon was likely a little high, but I think they were nerfed a little too much based on the fact that you need a silk touch tool in order to be able to farm them effectively. I believe that due to the need for specialized tools, melons should be at a slight premium of $1.60-$1.75, but $2 while nice was injecting too much money into the economy. Pumpkin prices are low. I understand the reason for the major nerf due to things that can make pumpkin farming generate insane amounts of money. I do think it's a little unfair to people who do not exploit the economy in that way, I think $1 a piece would make it a little more fair while still nerfing the money they can insert into the economy. Q. - What are your thoughts on user-controlled 'party' events? Have you ever held a trivia or other tournament/'party'/give-away event? And do you have any such future plans for this topic of interest? - Resident A. - I love trivia, tournaments and the like. My only issue with them is that when done incorrectly, they can cause a lot of unnecessary spam. For instance, when a contest proprietor forgets they're in global and counts down in global and we yell at them for spam, or in trivia you sometimes get the people who want to guess at every answer, repeatedly, or there are just too many questions and you have to ask the proprietor to move it to a local channel. I think in moderation, these events bring a lot of flavour to both our community and economy, by allowing people to communicate and earn money in more ways than the traditional farming/mining methods. No it's not a solid income, but things like trivia, giveaways and casinos make ECC more than just melon farms and mining world. They remind people that there's actually more to this server than just the economy. Q. - How did you raise enough money for your presidential campaign? - Resident A. - Here's the thing, I don't believe in "throwing money" at a campaign. If I need to buy services or items for the campaign, I will farm it as the expenses arise. Otherwise, I will collect all materials for things like campaign cookies, and call on my friends like my awesome campaign managers Videowiz92 and Joliver1998, to help me out. While this is an economy server, it does not mean I need to raise money and throw it around to have an awesome campaign. To the contrary, I would rather save that money and insert it into the economy in other ways that don't involve any form of politics, even the for-fun politics. Q. - In the event that you win this presidential election, what will you do to celebrate/change the server? - Resident A. - Cookies for everyone! That'll happen anyway, but I'll be tempted to throw more cookies if I win. ^.^ As for change to the server, as this is a for-fun title I really don't think I'll have a lot of actual pull to make changes. But certainly I will be using my title to throw more events, something I like to do but am usually too shy or too busy to do. Q. - What would you say your main principles are as a nominee in this ECC presidential election? -Moderator A. - I live by three principles: 1. Waffles. 2. Cookies. 3. Cactus. I will be bringing all three to the forefront of my campaign. Keeping chat clean with my waffles, keeping the people happy and fed with my cookies, and bringing the cactus to the party with Kuke. And you had better believe that when all is said and done, these principles will remain strong, because all of these things are going to help improve ECC whether I'm the president or not. Waffles are for equality and safe chat, cookies are for nom noms, and cacti are for.. um.. vice presidents? :3 Q. - How do you feel about the burden of builders? Do they have it too easy, too hard? -Moderator A. - Builders are tricky, because their burden is dependent on their attitude. Builders who don't want to work are common, and I don't have as much sympathy for their situation simply because this server is advertised as a server where you have to work to get places. To the builders who do want to work, the burden can be a little harder because of the wild, grief, crazy mayors who aren't all honest, etc. A smart builder certainly can get resident in a day or two if they do it right either way. Some builders have it easy, for instance the ones who happen to win giveaways or get extremely lucky in the lottery, and then some have it too hard, the ones who end up dealing with scams and grief and crazy stuff that no one should have to. I feel like there should be a way to level it out somehow, and I do my best on a situational basis to make life easier for builders who have been scammed for plots, but there is only so much I can do by myself. Q. - On a day to day basis, how active would you say you are in improving the ECC community? -Moderator A. - I have school and work, so I'm not on 24/7 anymore, as much as my mind is always on ECC. Some days I am quiet, but when I am around and not busy with something I let people know I'm around and help as many people who PM me for moderator help as I can. I like talking with ECC and being a little silly sometimes too, which I think is a nice break from some of the scams and crazy discussions that can go on. Overall I like to get things done, whether it's doing my moderator duties, helping other mods deal with their situations, working on tutorial island or just having fun with the people of ECC doing what we do here, I'm all over that, and I feel like while I'm not as active as I'd like to be due to real life, I'm doing everything I can to make the server a better place. Q. - How do you feel about the state of auction chat? -Moderator A. - Auction chat is funny. Sometimes it's fine, a little spammy but within the rules. Then other days it's "okay everyone to auction chat and talk about non auction things!" and it can be really annoying. Between the bidding and the chat it can be chaotic at times. And then there are times it's used for trade when it shouldn't be. Really, I think that it's state is okay, but it could be better. I encourage everyone participating in auction when it gets chaotic to screenshot everything that pertains to their transaction, because even if it "just happened" it can be hard through some of the spam to tell what went wrong. Q. - Recently, Inflation has begun to grow at a rapid pace on the server. Prices are plummeting for items as prices for apps are skyrocketing. What is your economic plan to freeze inflation and, at the same time, help the economy? -Mayor A. - I want to be clear that I am an accounting person and not an economics major. How I feel about inflation on ECC is that it's not going to stop, I actually wrote an article that I never posted about how the economics of ECC work on a basic level, and how things like apps and lottery contribute to a stable economy. Let me make it plain: Inflation is not going to stop as long as there's more money going into the economy than there is leaving the economy. The problem is not that prices for apps are skyrocketing: they need to be. People need to move money around with the lottery. People need to do the things that take the money out of the users' hands, because if they don't there will always be too much money in the economy, and that's what causes things to plummet. People have too much money. As an example, look at lnspecthergadget. Great guy, love him to death. But he managed to help crash the diamond economy. How? Because he could, because he had no reason to sell diamonds at the price they were going for at the time and could afford to sell them at low rates with no real loss to himself. What happened? No one else could compete with him, so they too had to drop their prices. That's as simple as it gets. The more money there is in the economy, the less need there is for the rich to create price competition. If people had to spend more money on apps, or used the lottery more, or bought inflated building materials from the server store sometimes, there would be less money floating around that people would still have to create competitive pricing to meet their own ends. Also since we're on the topic, Andrew does a fantastic job with economy inputs and outputs and balancing them to the best of his ability without destroying the entire economy. I know he gets a lot of advice on the issues involving those things and he takes it very seriously. Q. - Finish this sentence: "During my time on E.C.C, the thing that has influenced me the most is:" -Mayor A. - The moderators. No I'm not joking, we have an awesome team of people who volunteer their time and do their best everyday to make playing on the server as pain-free as possible. I am absolutely honoured to be one alongside them and work with them and chat with them everyday, and along with awesome non-staff players, the overall community is really what keeps me logging on everyday. I strive everyday to be as good of an influence I can, so that I can be like those mods who were a good influence on me. Q. - What are your strengths and weaknesses as a speaker/candidate? -Moderator A. - I hate these questions. I am not a person who sees myself as having "strengths", but I know I have a lot of weaknesses. I can be shy, I can be ranty, I have have little spaz attacks at things, I can space out really badly sometimes. If I absolutely had to say that I had a strength, I would say it's that I know my weaknesses. I know that I need to speak up, and I do my best at this everyday, I know I'm ranty and I'm not really fixing this fact with this Q&A, but I'm aware of it and can use my awareness to help me control it. Knowing this also helps me check my writing for consistency, so I make sure you guys aren't just watching me talk in a circle. I know I spaz and that's why I try to be a little elusive, I know my limits and know how much stuff I can deal with at once, and then I can space out a bit like right now when I just stared at this notepad for 5 minutes trying to remember what I was about to write, but couldn't remember, so I wrote this. I know all these things about myself, and as such I know I can be fair and helpful to the best of my limits and abilities, and being at my best is exactly where I want to be. Q. - In a detailed response, explain whether you believe mining or farming to be the staple of our economy. -Tycoon A. - I don't really know how to put this into detail, but both are important for the server. Farming certainly creates a larger quantity of money, however that is not the only thing that defines an economy. Mining has its place when it comes to building your shinies and your spectatular structures, you're going to buy your blocks from a user before you pay the inflated rate of the server store unless you're dripping in money and don't care either way. If I had to pick one as "this is the staple and that's the end of it", I would say farming simply due to the fact that it injects more actual money into the economy, which can be in turn used for apps and other things like better tools. Mining is equally important, just less liquid when it comes to converting to actual EcoDollars. Q. - If you could make one drastic change on ECC, what would it be? -Moderator A. - If I had to make a drastic change, I'd rewrite the rules and wiki on how we deal with scams and transaction issues, and make punishments much more harsh so that people aren't even tempted. No, this does not mean I would create a refund policy. It means that I'd want to be sure that major transactions such as donation feature trades are taken seriously by both ends. The scammed person should have sufficient evidence that doesn't even make us have to guess what happened, and the scammer should face much more severe consequences in any case of scamming. Scamming is in the nature of the server, and all parties need to be more aware of it to protect themselves. Q. - What price, above all others, would you change if you could? -Mayor A. - Besides farming prices, I would increase gold a bit, due to it's relative rarity when compared to iron I personally feel it's a little low. I'd make it $15 an ingot or so, maybe 20. Q. - All things considered, what plan do you have to get the economy back on track? -President A. - I wouldn't say the economy is off track too far, although I already know it's a bit inflated. In my mind, I can see it being a lot worse. All I can really see myself personally doing is encouraging people to do things that take money off the server, because in all honesty you can change this, that and the next thing but if there's too much money floating around it's going to be hard to change things drastically enough to put the economy "back on track" without that being synonymous with "OMG Andrew's ruining the economy I quit!" for a lot of people. Q. - Before the election began, what have you done to improve the state of the server? -Moderator A. - I moderate! I play and I talk and I try my best to make everyone's playing experience enjoyable, whether that be helping with issues or placing some water for a builder or contributing to discussion, the server's well being is always first and foremost on my mind, and I take action on those thoughts whenever I can. I can't make everyone happy of course, but I can make everything as fair as I can. Q. - In a detailed response, reply to the following question; “If you received 1,000,000 Ecodollars upon winning this presidential election, what would you do with it?” - Resident A. - Well really it depends where the 1 mil is coming from, but on a general basis: 1. Buy Tycoon to take that 500k out right away. 2. Buy things for my castle from other players, stimulating the economy through user-to-user trades. 3. ??? 4. Profit. Actually no, because I'd have no money left. Q. - In your personal opinion, what is the most chronic problem that E.C.C currently faces? -Mayor A. - Increasing number of scams and in general people just not following the rules. It's not something that's entirely avoidable due to human nature and the format of the server, but it is getting out of control to a point. I think stricter punishments for scamming are necessary, and I'm doing my best to catch scammers every chance I get. Q. - What is your stance on farming in the Aether; do you think it should be allowed? Why or why not? -Supermod A. - The Aether, because of chunk loading parameters that influence the growth rate of crops, definitely makes it a more ideal area to farm. However, I agree with the decision that farm be repealed in the Aether due to the massive side some of the farms were. If it were up to me, I would allow it up to a certain size: up to 4-9 chunks, no more than 5 or 6 floors high, and preferably inside something that's pretty. (I've always wanted a farm inside a pyramid.. I think it'd make for an interesting wheat farm.) Q. - Hypothetical: You are granted 50,000,000 Ecodollars by Andrewkm as an Economic stimulus package. How do you allocate such funds? How will you decide what, and how much, goes to whom? -Supermod A. - I would hand it all back to him and yell "STOP RUINING THE ECONOMY." Seriously. Injecting more money into the economy is not going to stimulate anything other than more inflation. Q. - What are your thoughts on the usage of charcoal as opposed to using coal? -Moderator A. - Glad you asked! I have a charcoal farm, and I love it. While we have mining world resets and that helps manage the amount of actual coal and prevents us from ever actually running out, charcoal is a renewable resource that you can literally grow, stick in a furnace and multiply at a much more constitent rate than going out and mining for coal. Q. - Our Server, unfortunately, is not well known for its architectural wonders. What are your thoughts on this, and what would you do to try to urge users to construct things which would make us ‘known’? -Game Admin A. - I'm not sure what you mean by "known", I wasn't really aware that we were in a competition against other servers for the prettiest things. We do have some awesome things on ECC, for instance Nox and Ithrilis are two beautiful towns that come to mind, there's Videowiz's RainbowDash town, Asphy's Wildehaven bridge near spawn, etc. I don't feel like there is a super need with the setup that we've got as an economy server to have all the beautiful things. Certainly there shouldn't be all farms everywhere, but there's definitely a place for some farms and there's always a place for towns with plots that aren't necessarily created to be spectactular. They're there to be towns, for people to live in, and a lot of "architectural wonders" don't necessarily fit the description of "able to live in as a town." To become "well known" (I still have no idea what this means, or who we are supposedly competiting against), I'd recommend either an aether building competition again, or even better, a town building competition. Build a themed town that contains at least 10 plots that people can actually live in. I think that would encourage a lot of people to make "nicer" things, not that their things are bad but they're not necessarily "architecturally wonderous." Q. - What is your opinion on the cost of residency? In your opinion, should it be lower or higher, and why? -Builder A. - I'm rather neutral on this one. I think it should be higher on an economic basis, but as a new player to the server trying to advance through the ranks I think it's a fair price that could probably be a smidge lower. Overall, I like it where it's at because it takes 15k out of the economy everytime a resident app goes through, but it's a reasonable amount of money to expect a new player to generate in order to advance. If you think about it, not every new player should be able to instantly become resident super easily, because then everyone's a resident. Q. -What are your thoughts on the recent banning of speaking foreign languages in local chat at spawn, and the problems which may arise because of the fact people have homes and towns next to spawn? -Mayor A. - Wait, does this include gibberish? >.> Foreign languages in spawn didn't bother me. Actually foreign languages don't bother me in general. I think it's a fair decision though as it could be intimidating to new players to log into a wall of German in spawn local. It also makes communication cleaner. It did bother me when I'd get a million PMs about people not speaking English at spawn and that I couldn't do anything about it because it wasn't in global. Q. Would you rather the ability to fly, or be invisible at will? Why? -Mayor A. - In real life, fly so I could get myself to work without driving. In game, it would be invisible at will so I could watch local chats when conflicts are happening in towns, and make more fair decisions. Everyone behaves when there's a supermod in local. :/
Q. - What do you think about the growing amount of users on the server and the effect on the economy? -Mayor A. - I think it is good that more users are playing ecocitycraft! However there are some good and bad things about this! Good: Chat is more entertaining to chat in and to watch, Having the server limit at 200 encourages users to donate becuase when Ecocitycraft is at it's peak there is usually a 10 minute wait or more, Ecodollars are more spread out amongst players, Lottery is played more, which is taking more money out of the economy! Bad: Prices soon will have to be lowered if users hold on to their money, if not they will have massive power like welikeike22 , The lag on the server is slightly increasing and there are more rule breakers! Q. - What is your stance on pumpkin and melon prices. -President A. - Pumpkins should be $0.50 Melons should be $1.15 I think this because it only takes a certain amount of time to get a lot of money from farming these two crops. Too many users are farming and farming is now becoming overpowered like disarm was before it was removed! Q. - What are your thoughts on user-controlled 'party' events? Have you ever held a trivia or other tournament/'party'/give-away event? And do you have any such future plans for this topic of interest? - Resident A. - Over my time on ECC I have held 3 Snipe events, 1 Contest that gave spit2015 15k for resident, 2 Trivias($250 Prize for each question) and I do free donation feature services! Q. - How did you raise enough money for your presidential campaign? - Resident A. - I did not raise any money for my campaign, Online I just am acting like there is no campaign! I am helping out as much as I normally do. I am helping out at spawn for 5% of my daily time online, I am clearing towns for free and I am still willing to help anyone ul=nless I am afk! Q. - In the event that you win this presidential election, what will you do to celebrate/change the server? - Resident A. - Buy DFat a BigMac, Buy rabidworm waffles, Buy kuke a cactus and Buy Videowiz a Pony! Q. - What would you say your main principles are as a nominee in this ECC presidential election? -Moderator A. - My main principales are 1: To get my point across that helping users is the best thing you can do on ECC! 2: Big Macs are awesome! 3: Waffles! 4: Treat everyone the way you want to be treated! Q. - How do you feel about the burden of builders? Do they have it too easy, too hard? -Moderator A. - Builders have it WAY too hard! The disrespect, The ignoring, The assumptions and most of all finding a way to get 15k for resident! Q. - On a day to day basis, how active would you say you are in improving the ECC community? -Moderator A. - For about 60% of my time online everyday I am helping users! In many different ways, such as, Directing them to chat channels, Telling them what ECC is all about, Clearing towns for free, Placing dirt for free, etc... Q. - How do you feel about the state of auction chat? -Moderator A. - Auction chat is a serious chat channel that is usually off-topic and can be very funny! Q. - ‘Recently, Inflation has begun to grow at a rapid pace on the server. Prices are plummeting for items as prices for apps are skyrocketing. What is your economic plan to freeze inflation and, at the same time, help the economy?” -Mayor A. - I am not going to anything to stop what is happening, andrewkm is doing it all right! Since there are more players, prices need to be lowered to keep the economy somewhat balanced and application prices need to be raised except for resident to keep ranks hard to obtain and to show that you have worked for them ! Q. - Finish this sentence: “During my time on E.C.C, the thing that has influenced me the most is:“ -Mayor A. - Melon Prices! Melon prices have gone up, down a lot since I have joined ECC. I am currently liking this new melon price, but for the economys sake, it needs to be lowered slightly! Q. - What are your strengths and weaknesses as a speaker/candidate? -Moderator A. - Strengths: I like to be myself and act in a calm and polite way, I am very patient and can wait a long time and I just like to have fun and enjoy myself! Weaknesses: I am not very well spoken and sometimes I am inactive/afk for a long amount of time! Q. - In a detailed response, explain whether you believe mining or farming to be the staple of our economy. -Tycoon A. - FARMING! Everyone on this server is farming, which is why prices are being lowered! Mining has always had a decent income, but it ois mostly luck! With farming you know about how much you will make per hour and what crops are best! Q. - If you could make one drastic change on ECC, what would it be? -Moderator A. - I would change the rules about spamming and scamming! I think these issues should have a much more severe punishment. This would make the server a better place for everyone and would increase the amount of users on the server because of the more friendly environment! Q. - What price, above all others, would you change if you could? -Mayor Q. - I would make diamonds $40 each, so miners could make more money, which would attract users to mining instead of farming! Q. - All things considered, what plan do you have to get the economy back on track? -President A. - I personally think the economy has never been off track, andrewkm is doing an amazing job and keeping prices balanced! Although, I do think that lottery tickets should be changed so that only $800 goes into pot! Q. - Before the election began, what have you done to improve the state of the server? -Moderator A. - All of the things I said in the how active am I in helping the economy question are what I have done to help the server, and also I help users out at spawn daily Q. - In a detailed response, reply to the following question; “If you received 1,000,000 Ecodollars upon winning this presidential election, what would you do with it?” - Resident A. - I would hire users to help me out and pay them for it! Q. -In your personal opinion, what is the most chronic problem that E.C.C currently faces? -Mayor A. - None, ECC is an amazing server that I love to be a part of, although farming prices should be lowered slightly, this is not a major issue! Q. - What is your stance on farming in the Aether; do you think it should be allowed? Why or why not? -Supermod A. - No, because aether is for building, not farming! Q. - Hypothetical: You are granted 50,000,000 Ecodollars by Andrewkm as an Economic stimulus package. How do you allocate such funds? How will you decide what, and how much, goes to whom? -Supermod A. - Give it back because the economy does not need any more money injected into it! Q. - What are your thoughts on the usage of charcoal as opposed to using coal? -Moderator A. - I don't use either...N/A Q. -Our Server, unfortunately, is not well known for its architectural wonders. What are your thoughts on this, and what would you do to try to urge users to construct things which would make us ‘known’? -Game Admin A. - Our server does not need to be known for building things, what attracts users to our server is the economy! Q. - What is your opinion on the cost of residency? In your opinion, should it be lower or higher, and why? -Builder A. - Q. -What are your thoughts on the recent banning of speaking foreign languages in local chat at spawn, and the problems which may arise because of the fact people have homes and towns next to spawn? -Mayor A. - I think it should be allowed! Q. Would you rather the ability to fly, or be invisible at will? Why? -Mayor A. - Fly because it would give me a chance to see things I have never seen before!