175K Giveaway! #1

Discussion in 'Competitions' started by appleprocucling, Mar 12, 2014.

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  1. Zach_Attack252

    Zach_Attack252 President
    President ⛰️⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    Mar 3, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    In Game Name: Zach_Attack252
    Why should you win the giweaway?: I would love to get more donation features. Also I have been helping builders getting plots and I would love to get more features so i could give free e-reps out :)
    What have you done to positively affect ecc?: I have donated 500 to players most i have gave away was 40k then the person felt bad so he gave it back
    What will you do with the money? Buy donation features/Buy towns
    Who else should win this besides yourself and why?: Original_Jackson He was really nice to me when i bought my donation features and hes a really nice guy :)
  2. Shakebake5

    Shakebake5 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Resident ⚒️

    Apr 7, 2014
    Trophy Points:
    I would love to win this giveaway because i love helping people on ecc. I help with loans/homes/farming and mining. I would create a town for anyone like builders that just started to have a great start on ecc so they would stay for maybe longer that thought.

    Like I said I help builders start on ECC i know i'm only a resident, but i can still help the community. So, with this money i will become mayor and make a town for a beginner players!

    I would make a town for everyone in need. I will help them with money problems and just make homes/farms etc. Truthfully i would use left overs from the town to by a portal: not a crazy lotto xD

    I would say matthew_gruber even though he won the taxback lotto he gave it basically all AWAY! He donated 5k to me which is a ton of cash to me so i would be honored if he won this! Just like matthew i would give away money to everyone who applied in this spplication!

    And thx if i win or not this is VERY generous of you to give away so much money for free.

  3. HelenDKN

    HelenDKN Mayor
    Mayor ⛰️⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Feb 8, 2014
    Trophy Points:
    In Game Name: HelenDKN
    Why should you win the giweaway?: I would like to win this so i can get the rest of the funds for mayor and help ninjaboy3113 get tp/portal
    What have you done to positively affect ecc?:
    I have made a buisniss tha i build things for people and I have also
    What will you do with the money? I will get mayor and help other people out
    Who else should win this besides yourself and why?: I think ninjaboy3113 and all the mods and admins for great support on this server we couldent do without them and ninjaboy3113 has bought 3 maxed picks for me!

  4. Zecrux

    Zecrux Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Jul 20, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    In Game Name: Zecrux
    Why should you win the giweaway?: I'm one of very few selfless players on ECC... After I gained the mayor rank and now president, and realized how long and hard it took me to get their, and felt the pure joy of gaining the rank, all I wanted to do was help other players reach this rank, or any other goals they could possibly have. I spend 25% of my time making, and saving money (I save to donate to people and perform random acts of kindness). When someone in chat asks for a donation, I give it to them, and tell them "Use it wisely :)". But I only do that for 25% of my time on ECC. The other 75% of my time I am developing my builder-friendly towns, and selling cheap plots, and beautiful prebuilts for extremely low prices! I have given 4 builders tours of ECC in the past week, and given each of them a "starter" 2.5k so they can buy a plot/prebuilt. I also help them pick out the prebuilt/plot and show them how everything works. I don't try to get the builders to join my town just to make money, because that is very selfish. I only sell to builders/residents that already understand ECC and want to live in my town.
    What have you done to positively affect ecc?: I help builders, and all others for 75% of my time on ECC. I give away free donations, and give tours for builders. I develop my builder friendly towns and sell at very cheap prices.
    What will you do with the money? Well if I win the money, I will give some of it away as donations, and use the rest to develop my towns, and help builders in need.
    Who else should win this besides yourself and why?: There are many people on ECC that I have seen doing random acts of kindness to other players, such as @SBTS he is a toiling mayor who definitely deserves some of this giveaway!

    Another thing I'd like to add. I hate classism on ECC. Classism is like racism, but with ECC classes. (builder, resident, mayor, etc...) Classism is the discrimination of certain classes, usually builders. I am totally against classism, and this is why I allow anyone to join my town, and anyone to be eligible for a donation of ECD from me! :) Also, I have said "donation" many times above ^. I wanted to clarify that when I previously said donation, I mean donating my ECD to other players as a kind deed.


    P.S. I try not think about myself at all on ECC, and only help others, and the server! I help the server by donating with USD on the ECC store (I've donated $190+ and vote daily!)
    #104 Zecrux, Apr 15, 2014
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2014
  5. Mikey0916

    Mikey0916 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Sep 13, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    In Game Name: Mikey0916
    Why should you win the giveaway?: I think i should win the giveaway just because i got a msword stolen, which wasnt even my fault and i think this is so unfair because i was just trying to earn some money and of course the samething always happens someone steal's the most expensive thing in the game which wasnt even mine [rented].
    What have you done to positively affect ecc?: I Have helped allot of builder and residents out with giving them plots or even donating them money to get started, also i help them with anything they need. For example if they have questions ill answer it right away without hesitating, i even tp them to shops if i have to just to show them where everything is located on the server. I Have also donated for the tp feature, which i know isnt allot but i wish to donate more in the future [hopefully] if everything goes as planned.
    What will you do with the money? I will save this money to the 600k+ debt i owe and hopefully get through this really hard struggle am in right now.
    Who else should win this besides yourself and why?: I think revanrose6 should win this because she does so much for this server and no one appreciates her. She helps everyone whether its in game or on the forums, she also keeps this server in good shape, of course not to mention andrewk but she is one of the best players on this server [except for some others] and she really deserves to win.
  6. Lamus335

    Lamus335 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Resident ⚒️

    Apr 15, 2014
    Trophy Points:
    In Game Name:

    My in game name is Lamus335; the name came from a family dog, which passed away when I was a little girl.

    Why should you win the giveaway?

    This question was a hard question to answer; I have only been on the server for 1 week. Although I think this server is amazing. I think that I should win this giveaway, because I want to rank up to the mayor rank. I wish to create a big farm for new players to farm at. Because I know the difuclties of earning money at builder rank, without having a sg kit, or lotto luck.

    What have you done to positively affect ecc?

    I haven’t done much to be honest, I help some new players with questions etc., and I try to be overly nice to all ECC Members!

    What will you do with the money?

    Firstly I would spend the grand prize (If I won) on mayor money. $100,000 ECD - $85,000 = $15,000 ECD. I would then use the $15,000 to buy materials for my new player farm J

    Who else should win this besides yourself and why?

    I believe @will_the_warrior should win , he is so nice , he is always helpful. If I had to choose a second person, I would choose @LegendaryTrio he is funny, and he entertains people and makes them laugh.
  7. kirby1699

    kirby1699 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Apr 12, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    In Game Name: kirby1699
    Why should you win the giveaway?: I think I should win the giveaway because I love giving back to the community and I cannot afford to continue building my town without more money. I'm focusing my town on attractions (basically putting a lot of fun things in my town, for lack of better wording). I'd love to show you my town sometime if you'd like.
    What have you done to positively affect ecc?: I always try to help out new and old players. I try to always be nice to everyone as well as generous. I've purchased many builder's resident rank as well, without asking for anything in return, because I've been on this server for over two years now and I know how hard it is to gain ranks.
    What will you do with the money? I will put it towards building my town, since I am currently out of money.
    Who else should win this besides yourself and why?: AnokFero, because he is always so helpful and really gave me a lot of assistance working on my town using his donation features and his own materials. All in all he's just a great person, and I think he deserves some money for all the work he does for people.
  8. brandbauer

    brandbauer ℬeacon ℒegend
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ I ⭐ Premium Upgrade

    Mar 25, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    In Game Name:
    My in-game name is blowtube123.

    Why should you win the giweaway?:
    I believe I should win this giveaway because…

    My dedication is my focal point. I have fastened myself to the ECC community for over two years now and have loved it ever since the beginning! I have met so many different people coming from different backgrounds all around the world. I have truly been so fortunate to have been on an amazing server like this for so long. I should win this giveaway to show that dedication to a server can result in good things, stay dedicated for the best results.

    What have you done to positively affect ECC?:
    I would like to categorize how I have positively affected EcoCityCraft into 3 separate categories…

    Past Helping
    Since the beginning of my ECC adventure, I have been voting daily. As you may have noticed, I have been in the top voters more than once, which I am very proud of. I try to vote on all sites as much as I possibly can because I do believe it will help the server gain more popularity.

    About 1 year ago, I began a town named StonyDelph which did not end well, but it did indeed help quite a few users rank up from Builder to Resident. In the town, I created many farms for Builders to farm at in order to rank up to Resident. I gave free 10x10 plots and easy access to Nether Star trading signs.

    About 1 year ago, a few friends and I had a great idea of building a 400x400 farm named TitaniumFarms. It turned out this was too much of a risk for us, but I did provide jobs for users whom wanted to place dirt for a large amount of money. It was an extremely large project for us, which after a month I finally realized would be exceeding our limit.

    About 10 months ago, I was a member of the Minewars Staff Team. Here I learned many skills as to how some of the moderating works. I learned how to keep the crowd excited, yet still control them from making some of the wrong decisions. This was an amazing experience for me because it was the first time I actually became good friends with some of the Moderators at the time. Plus, later these users let me know that they would help me whenever I needed any sort of assistance.

    About 8 months ago, a few friends and I started a banking business where we sold vaults with a sign in them for users to save their money. These banks were named Blow Bank and PB&J Bank. Each vault would have a user save their money for everything from a melon sword to not buying lottery tickets. We could help with most money saving issues, which helped many users in the long run. I do not run this business anymore, due to the fact that I lost a majority of my own money in the processor loaning.

    About 6 months ago, I began to help with ECC Museum. For example, I helped recreate/fix many buildings in one of ECC’s more historic towns. I also informed the owner that I would be willing to help with this by creating a few major ECC replicas in my near-spawn town of Bekana (which I mention below).

    About 6 months ago, I helped one of my good friends out with a few things. A few of the things I helped them with were demolishing a town, building a replica of the snipe building, and building an amazing spawn shop for them to recreate in their own station. With this user, at the time I additionally looked forward to helping them create their Rising spawn town. With my building skills, I believed this user would have liked me to help them with the town entirely, as I am now.

    About 4 months ago, I took place in the Spawn Building Competition. I do believe this was a large contribution to our server, and also a life lesson. Although, I do not see the need to bring up past actions, I do know that what I did was wrong. I have seriously apologized for all of this in another thread. If you want to know more, feel free to look around on the forums.

    About 1 month ago, I created KHobbits new spawn statue, which he now loves both inside and out. I believe this shows that I do indeed get along with members of the staff team and go out of my way to help other users, whether they are above me, below me, or are equivalent. I am here to help anyone and everyone that needs my assistance.

    About 1 month ago, I was delighted to learn that ECC needed a new Enchanting Shop due to some of our recent changes. With these changes, I asked andrewkm if I may help create the new Enchanting Shop, as he also agreed. With this being said, andrewkm trusted me to stay in that designated area, while giving me perms to the entire Rising spawn at the time. I then created a new shop for our server and was happy to see that most users liked the changes that had been made.

    About 1 month ago, andrewkm hosted a mini competition for the six new voting buttons. As everyone may know, I like the idea of helping the server by competing in competitions andrewkm assigns to the ECC users. Here I created six voting buttons, which lead to the new buttons we have today. I find this task to be helpful because it does show that I do in fact help by creating things outside of EcoCityCraft and shows that I do not have to copy to mend my own creations. Also with these buttons, I sent them to JamieSinn which will hopefully be integrated into our 3 new ECC Voter applications on iOS, Android, and Windows phones.

    A few days ago, andrewkm hosted another mini competition for these new voting buttons which I also tried creating, but this time OnSceneReporter blew my buttons out of the park. Hopefully, next time I will put up more of a fight. I believe this was considered helping because I helped OnScene as well create his own. We each used basically peer leading skills. Everyone looked at each others to make their own better.

    Current Helping
    A few months ago, I bought myself Town #3, EfficientFarms. Here I began to make 6, 15 story farms. These farms are all located in specific chunks for the highest amount of efficiency, hence the name EfficientFarms. So far, I have only completed the full pumpkin farm. Right now, I am working on the melon farm. I cannot quit on this job because I actually own the town myself. Ever since the beginning of my ECC adventure I told myself I would never sell one of my own towns. Overall, I can see this town as a major farming town for many users of all shapes and sizes on our server.

    MineDerby is finally open! Here, I will be hosting horse races/obstacle courses for many users to compete. I am looking forward to having a large crowd, hopefully as large as Minewars. This event would help our community become somewhat more interactive with other users. I love hosting these types of events because they are quite fun and many users enjoy themselves. Also, OnSceneReporter has joined me in my MineDerby mission and is now our cofounder. Hopefully, this project turns out the best for our community!

    I am the co-owner of the ValleyFarmNation. Here we sell perms and payment plans to a 400x200 farm. This farm includes melons, pumpkins, and sugarcane. We also added two new towns to the ValleyFarmNation. These towns have many chunk farms for users to farm at with less lag than our regular farms. At the moment, we have a 20 floor melon farm that is 400 blocks long. In addition, we will be adding new crops to the chunk farms as well, plus a new and improved PVP/McMMo training area.

    As many users know, I am the brains behind the Staff Guidebook on the forums. Here, I happen to have many lists of all of EcoCityCraft’s staff members. As I know I most likely do not have every staff member on the list, I do believe I have almost all of them. With this list, it can help users look back at some of our older moderators just for curiosity’s sake. Being a retired moderator can also show a great deal of respect, therefore I believe our community should be able to know all of our previous moderators.

    As for currently, what I am helping the most with is Rising. In three out of the four major spawn towns I am building many different things for each owner, to help them. In Ascension, I helped building many parts including the canal, shops, mansions, and bridge. In Tauron, I helped building some of the outer walls of Joliver’s town including roofs and other buildings. In Thera, OnScene put me in charge of the front building that everyone will see as they walk into the town. Overall, I believe I am helping these users with their future ideas in their towns, and hope to keep this up.

    As I was told by many users I should add this to my current helping list, I do find myself a great example for many EcoCityCraft users today. I am not a moderator as of right now, but with all of the good examples I do play out on EcoCityCraft, I believe this is a crucial part of myself currently helping on ECC. I can list hundreds of things that I have helped with on the server, but overall I know that what matters most is the user(s) that are selecting the few new moderators.

    Future Helping
    Recently, as in today, I applied and was accepted into the InfiniteEmpire Survival Games team. This is great news for me since my latest team fell apart. I look forward to working with these users include appleprocucling himself. Hopefully, we will help many users along our way in the team and recruit users whom we think will have a good future in the Survival Games.

    I am looking into making my own YouTube channel for helping other users with any common Minecraft/EcoCityCraft problems, mishaps, mods, resource packs, etc. I will hopefully be creating this channel soon, this idea really gets my blood flowing and can help many users in need of this kind of assistance. Hopefully this can make a new aspect of ECC, with many tutorials on Youtube. I have not delved deeper into this idea anytime soon because I have been extremely busy with many other things inside of EcoCityCraft.

    As stated above, I will finish my town of EfficientFarms for the community to use. I will keep perms cheap and accept payment plans in order for any user to obtain access to the farm. This farm has slow, yet steady progress, but I would love to open it as soon as I possibly can.

    As stated above, I will be hosting horse races/obstacle courses for many users to compete sometime in the future. I am looking forward to having a large crowd for MineDerby.

    Over the next few months, I hope to keep helping users with their spawn towns as this is what I believe my building skills fit for. I would love to keep helping these users with their own ideas because it will help me grow in building skills, help them grow with their towns/nations, and lastly help me strengthen my communication skills with others.

    What will you do with the money?:
    Over the last two weeks, I have been working hard in the Survival Games to get money to buy an Efficiency 7 pickaxe. I realized that my main career on EcoCityCraft is building for others, but to efficiently build I need the fastest tools. As of right now, I am about to meet 1000 nether stars out of the 1500 that I need. The $100,000 is an extreme plus to this, equaling out to about 200 nether stars, that puts me much closer to the pickaxe at a sooner date. Overall, with an Efficiency 7 pickaxe I will be able to help our community more from building to collecting resources with my pickaxe.

    Who else should win this besides yourself and why?:
    If I were to pick one person that deserves this, I believe @Falconaire would be my pick.

    Falconaire has done an outstanding job, giving out millions of dollars in his own giveaways just like this. This shows that he was not just dedicated to the server of EcoCityCraft, but he was also dedicated to helping other users whom needed the money more than he did. I myself, being one of his winners, look up to Falconaire for being so kind.

    To conclude, although I picked Falconaire, everyone who took the time to actually fill out an application deserves some sort of reward to me. Each and every user has helped me go where I want to go on the server of EcoCityCraft. I cannot thank anyone enough.
    #108 brandbauer, Apr 15, 2014
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2014
  9. appleprocucling

    appleprocucling Ex-GameAdmin
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Oct 3, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    Mods Can Lock This Now. Winners are posted in general discussion thread.
  10. Revanrose6

    Revanrose6 Sith Lord
    ECC Sponsor Resident ⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ I ⭐ Gameplay Architect Premium Upgrade

    Dec 18, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    Locked Upon Request
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