175K Giveaway! #1

Discussion in 'Competitions' started by appleprocucling, Mar 12, 2014.

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  1. weatherryan

    weatherryan Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Resident ⚒️

    Jan 31, 2014
    Trophy Points:
    GN: weatherryan
    Rank(s): Resident ($)
    Why should i win?: I think that is should win because i have always been there to help builders even though i am only 1 rank above them. I just want everyone to have fun and i do my best to try and achieve that.
    How have you been positively affecting the server?: I have been helping out many builders just like I was just a month ago. I supply cheap tools/resources to them to help them get a jump start to the server. Also I have invested in some builders to go and get resident so they are happy and so is the server because this creates more active members who are more likely to donate
    What will I do with the Money?: I want to use the price money if I win to get mayor and be able to set up cheap shops for builders and be able to give away free plots. Here I will help teach the basics that you need to know and It will be a safe place for them to put their stuff.
    It will help me reach goals of continuing to help others on the server: This will allow me to buy more resources to sell to builders at or below cost. Also it will help me get mayor so i can do all of the things stated above
    Is there another player who you think deserves a prize along with yourself? If so, why do they deserve a reward?: I would say surferkev. This is because they really got me to join the server. Then they helped me along with free use of their features and being able to rents and buy tools and reasources cheap.
  2. floffle123

    floffle123 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Jan 28, 2014
    Trophy Points:
    In Game Name: floffle123
    Why should you win the giveaway?: I think that I should win the giveaway because I'm saving up for mayor and need the money. Also when I get my town I'm going to do a 2 free plot giveaway. I've worked really hard to get where I am now and would like to keep moving forward. Also I always do my best to make the server the best possible place for all players.
    What have you done to positively affect ecc?: I've been very kind to everyone and encouraged them to keep moving forward. I have congratulated users when they win the lottery and survival games. I have also given a friend free food when she lost hers in a pit of lava.
    What will you do with the money? With the money I will keep saving up to buy myself mayor so that I can get my town going.
    Who else should win this besides yourself and why?: I think that unclesteeve and steveshizzle should also win the giveaway because they have both been very helpful and patient with me. steveshizzle gave me a job and was very patient as I slowly figured out where his town was and where to put the things I was getting for him. unclesteeve helped me get to where she lived so that I could live with him on minecraft and have her help me out.
    #42 floffle123, Mar 16, 2014
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2014
  3. MSU_Spartans

    MSU_Spartans Inactive dueces peeps
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Nov 1, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    In Game Name: MSU_SPARTANS321
    Why should you win the giweaway?: Because i love ecc i wil always be here and i want to because it will help me pay for people to help me work on Ironview Farms
    What have you done to positively affect ecc?: donated $100+ given advice to whoever needed it and i do giveaways and im going to do a giveaway with my president town i think :/
    What will you do with the money? Pay workers to work on the farm
    Who else should win this besides yourself and why?: Cardinal3 cuz shes totally awesome :)
  4. JazzBeam

    JazzBeam Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Resident ⚒️

    Jul 28, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    Hi, I remember you!
  5. JamieSinn

    JamieSinn Retired Lead Administrator/Developer
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Jun 4, 2011
    Trophy Points:
    In Game Name:JamieSInn
    Why should you win the giweaway?: Because I have plans for making a new town, based on lotr.
    What have you done to positively affect ecc?: I have made the voting apps, as well as generally helping anyone in need.
    What will you do with the money? Fund my dragonforge project.
    Who else should win this besides yourself and why?:
    Falconaire for all of his giveaways, he deserves to win too.
  6. xHarambae

    xHarambae President
    President ⛰️⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ I ⭐ Premium Upgrade

    Mar 4, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    In Game Name: Shrinkwrap4me
    Why should you win the giweaway?: I believe I should win this because I recently came back from the server from a 1 year break. Once coming back, I barely have nothing. Even with donation features & SG Kits, money is on a tigh budget for me. So, if I were to win this, I will be able to get back on my feet.
    What have you done to positively affect ecc?: Haven't done anything majorly, but in the past when I had towns, I sold perms to new Builders. Gave them tools, and in general, helped them out in a new server.
    What will you do with the money? If I win, some money will be used for a town, and the rest will go towards a melon sword or Efficiency 7 Diamond Pickaxe.
    Who else should win this besides yourself and why?: Falconaire, eventhough I haven't won a giveaway he should get it. It takes time and effort for someone to be on week #20 for a giveaway. But my vote would be for Falconaire.

  7. mattybillo1

    mattybillo1 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Feb 21, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    In Game Name: mattybillo1
    Why should you win the giveaway?: Because I am desperate to get a town so I can undergo an awesome project I want to do. I will also need money to develop the project.
    What have you done to positively affect ecc?: I answer peoples questions in chat and am always happy to give advice if someone needs it.
    What will you do with the money? Purchase and develop a town that will be able to house new players and give them somewhere to start.
    Who else should win this besides yourself and why?: I have no one specific, but really anyone who helps the server should be a possibility for this giveaway.
    #47 mattybillo1, Mar 17, 2014
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2014
  8. BarbaricBuffalo

    BarbaricBuffalo Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Jan 10, 2014
    Trophy Points:
    In Game Name:
    Why should you win the giweaway?:
    I Should Win This Giveaway Because I Am A Mayor And I Am Saving Up To Buy A Town And Give It Away To A Resident So They Can Make Simple Money On It. I Am Not Going To Keep A Dime Of The Money And I Will Give Away The Money That I Still Have Left For The Town. I Will Buy Many Towns If I Do Get The Money And Give Them All Away So That Residents Can Have A Fair Chance Before Buying There Mayor.
    What have you done to positively affect ecc?:
    I Have Bought 2 Towns And Have Helped Many People I Have Made Deals With. I Have Givin Away Plenty Of Items To Starters So They Can Get A Hold In Ecc. I Want This Money To Invest It Into Many People To Keep The Ecc Economy Running.
    What will you do with the money?
    I Am Going To Buy A Town And Make It Plot-able And Then Give It To A Resident So They Can Build And Be Able To Get A Hold In Ecc And Own A Town. I Am Going To Put It Into Builders And Residents So They Can Become A Member Of The EcoCityCraft Community And be Here For A Long Time.

    Who else should win this besides yourself and why?:
    Cardinal3 ... Cardnal and i have talked a little but she and i when we did talk (When I Was A Builder) She Was Kind And Did Not Have Any Bias.
  9. cuppet

    cuppet Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Oct 10, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    In Game Name: cuppet

    Why should you win the giweaway?: I try hard when online to make each person on the server happy, and give builders some tips to begin playing more frequently. I also enjoy helping town owners sell plots to others as well

    What have you done to positively affect ecc?: I personally like to help new users on ECC and try to stay positive by showing them commands, etc.
    What will you do with the money? I will use this money to rank up to president which will get me a new town so that I can have a town of my own, then I can sell my own plots to builders/new users.

    Who else should win this besides yourself and why?: I think another person who'd deserve this would be blowtube123 I would pick him because he really gives so much dedication to this server and he spends so much time on the server I think he really deserves this.
  10. Bad_Boy1_3

    Bad_Boy1_3 The Gambler
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Dec 27, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    In Game Name: Bad_Boy1_3
    Why should you win the giveaway?: I don't deserve anything more than anyone else but I love this server and all this kind of people that help the other members like you should be very proud of themselves. If thought I was lucky enought to win I would use the money to continue my cause... ( will explain on the next question)
    What have you done to positively affect ecc?: This server is not life but you can use your time to help other people have an eve netter experience than you. For the past 3 months I hae been building small builder homes to host all our brand new members for free and give them a chance to love this server as much as everyone else.
    What will you do with the money? I will invest them al to my non profitable cause to help our new members by housing them and giving them a head start in the game :) cause everyone deserves a chance to be happy ;)
    Who else should win this besides yourself and why?: although not high ranked I would really love to see a happy builders face if he won the money it is very good what you are doing and even if I don't win your action will stay for ever in my heart :)
  11. WabbleYT

    WabbleYT Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Mar 7, 2014
    Trophy Points:
    In Game Name: WabbleYT
    Why should you win the giweaway?: I have been working hard on this server to make it an amazing place to just hang and play with some friends
    What have you done to positively affect ecc?: I have given new builders free 10x10 plots to allow them to get started and have fun. I have also reduced prices on plots and items in order for several people to expand their ECC profile and continue having fun!
    What will you do with the money? I will put it towards my president fund and use it to get another town and help more people.
    Who else should win this besides yourself and why?: Thewaffle89 because hes been my wingman and deserves his big break.
  12. williamannin

    williamannin Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Aug 26, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    In Game Name: My in-game name is williamannin.
    Why should you win the giveaway?: I believe I should have an opportunity at winning this substantial prize because doing so would enable me to give back to the community. I like to be a benevolent person, but without a stable form of income (besides 2k/day from voting), donating to others can be difficult. Although I have made significant progress within the past few weeks, I am still quite far away from having the option to purchase a melon sword. I would primarily use the money from the melon sword for my own town and to give back to the community in the following ways:

    1. Host my own giveaways to give players an incentive to help others.
    2. Donate to deserving builders to help them reach the resident ranking faster.
    3. Sell reduced-price homes to newer or poorer players.
    4. Host other competitions including trivia to add interest to chat and the forums.

    What have you done to positively affect ecc?: Many parts of this question were already answered before, so I will give a brief summary:

    I have positively affected ecc by doing the following:
    1. Donating to builders with good character to help them thrive.
    2. Assist new players who often approach me with questions or in global chat.
    3. Host my own giveaway (a small one during Christmas). I have plans to create even larger ones!
    4. Given away my kit starter & other tools for free or low charge (under $10 dollars usually.)
    5. Invested in growing/developing towns to help them grow at a faster pace. Some examples of small towns I bought homes in simply for the purpose for helping the owner are: Carlisle, Owlcity, Minastirith, Losangeles, and many others (they are now inactive)

    I try to help others on the server because I myself was extremely confused for my first week or two on the server. I could not even fathom how a person could possibly earn over 5k in one hour! The people tagged in this post were the light in the unknown which guided me and prevented me from becoming so frustrated that I would quit.

    I am not perfect either, and I do admit that I could donate more to builders. The main reason I do not dish out money every time a person asks for it is that then the person does not learn how to earn money for himself/herself. I believe one must not toe the line between helping and giving.

    What will you do with the money? For the most part, regardless of the monetary value of any of the prizes, the money would be immediately funneled into the following project.

    1. Acquire a melon sword. Due to increasing time constraints due to IRL, earning money has become much more difficult and a melon sword is an obvious solution. Unfortunately, due to rising prices, this goal is becoming farther and farther out of reach. By being able to meet this goal, I would then be able to generate a larger income in a shorter period of time. The money earned from this star tool would then be invested in one or many of the following projects.

    -Donating to new builders. By being able to donate to newer players, they will have a greater incentive to stay on this wonderful server and strive to achieve. I remember how many of my builder days were plagued with the lack of funds to do anything. As the saying goes, "The rich get richer." (except for lotto)

    -Terraforming my town. My mesa town, Eurasia, is currently nothing but a completely undeveloped 200x200 patch of mesa land. Sometime during the future, I hope to spend money on developing the town, building prebuilts, and opening it up for sales! Unfortunately, this project requires an enormous time commitment and a large wealth, neither of which I have. I hope that the giveaway money can indirectly solve the problem about not having a fortune :D.

    -Stimulating the economy. We don't realize it, but every time we conduct transactions with other players, we are improving the welfare of the economy. If we were all hoarders and never bought or sold items, then the economy would falter. Therefore, I would funnel some money into the economy to stimulate growth. A few thousand dollars may not be much, but it can do wonders for the economy.

    -And many more goals!

    Who else should win this besides yourself and why?: There are more than plenty of players who deserve this award.

    ***(Even though he technically can just give himself money :p)
    @ Andrewkm He is so dedicated to the server and he needs some sort of a reward!

    ******In-Game Players******
    1. Falconaire He has been such a tremendous help over these past few months. He is friendly to me and has helped me climb the economic ladder so much.

    2. xpurexcorex He is a very, very generous player who recently gave me a spot in America. Thanks to him, some of my hopes have been achieved!

    3. Caitlin_Crime You are a very kind player in-game and you constantly provided me support in my early weeks on the server. Thanks!

    4. welikeike22 You are so generous, kind, and compassionate both as a moderator and as an ordinary player. As a long-time supporter of the server, I feel that you should have the option to win instead of me.

    5. Infinity_Blader I know you have been working so hard every single day winning survival games just so you could be able to buy Multihome from another player. To give you a boost, filing an application in this giveway might be helpful for you. :p

    6. Joliver1998 Despite the turmoil in the Zodiac Nation in which Outerlocal branded you as a tyrant, you truly are a generous and compassionate player who does his best to assist others.

    7. KMaxwell From her time on the staff team to a player in-game, she has been nothing but help to the ECC community. Thank you for your kindness!

    8. Stolio He constantly spreads a positive and friendly attitude in Global chat through his jokes and "No_U's". He is extremely helpful in-game to not only me, but many others.

    9. zardgyer Despite your increasing inactivity, you were so helpful to me both as a builder and a resident! Thank you so much!

    10. blowtube123 You have demonstrated trustworthiness, kindness, compassion, and fairness in-game on several occasions. Wow!

    11. @Staff Team You all are such an amazing help to the entire community. I simply cannot write enough about the team!

    12. @ECC This community is obviously one of the best out there!
    #52 williamannin, Mar 21, 2014
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2014
  13. Original_Jackson

    Original_Jackson ♕ Ecoleader ♕
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Jul 5, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    In Game Name: Original_Jackson

    Why should you win the giweaway?: I feel I should win because I am an all around good player om the server. I try to help any all players, whether it be a builder or ecoleader, I treat them with respect and help them with what they need. Also, many people see me as a rich player, I am not. I share (mooch) 1 eff7 and that is my only star tool, so this giveaway would help me with my spawnshop, as well as getting tycoon.

    What have you done to positively affect ecc?: I give money to builders I see working hard, I look at all chat channels to see if users are in trouble or need help, and give them the appropriate assistance. I also am genuinely nice and try to be the best player I can on ECC.

    What will you do with the money? Either put it towards my spawnshop fund (mid floor) or save for tycoon with it.

    Who else should win this besides yourself and why?: nicit6 A great friend and player, who has come upon an unfortunate event, and he really deserves this prize because he is an outstanding person.
  14. TheAngelEclipse

    TheAngelEclipse Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Sep 30, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    In Game Name: TheAngelEclipse
    Why should you win the giveaway?: I believe I should win this giveaway not because I've never been banned, or because I've never been kicked or even because I've never even had to have been warned by staff to follow the rules (that I can remember), as those are all things people are excepted to do in the first place but because I always try my hardest to help others whenever I am given the opportunity. I love the community of ECC and I will never .. ever risk loosing it.
    What have you done to positively affect ecc?: I have helped many Builders and Residents start out, from explaining chat channels and/or ranks, providing food or finding a place to live ... to buying them a pumpkin axe and all of the above. I am currently working on building my Mayor town (Also my only town.) so I can be the one to provide the place to live, and answer questions whenever needed more conveniently and more importantly watch the future leaders of ECC grow and progress from Builder to Resident, from Resident to Mayor and so on and so fourth. I love being there for people who need/want it, and helping to provide the best atmosphere possible.
    What will you do with the money?: If I were to be picked as a winner of this giveaway, I would store this money away safely in my balance (far away from any chances of lotto or those random and pointless (but yet fun) shouts into a fund for an Efficiency 7 pickaxe. I have thought long and hard about my next goals were to be after achieving Mayor, finishing my town, and achieving Multihome (My first donation feature. <3) and have decided out of buying Fly, Pyro/Pyro+, A town Portal and an Eff7 that the Eff7 is the best thing to buy first. Fly sounds like a ton of fun but I don't honestly see how it could make me much money to achieve the other things listed. I could probably live fine for a while longer without Pyro+ as I do have Fire Protection 4 Full Diamond Armor, and I also probably wouldn't benefit too much from buy a town portal first either, as it is still going to be a while before my town is completed. If I can gain .. say250k myself, and find someone willing to do a 250k loan for an Eff7, I can very easily just used that to gain the money for my Town Portal, Fly, and Pyro+ in whatever order I find most necessary at the time.

    EDIT; I made a thread listing all my ECC goals, and if I were to win this giveaway the money would still be saved up for an Eff7, but feel free to go here and read about my other goals, and what the money/Eff7 will help me achieve. :3 http://ecocitycraft.com/forum/threads/theangeleclipses-goals.90708/#post-450412
    Who else should win this besides yourself and why?: I have a never ending list of people I could put here but because it is 2 am right now and I really need to get some sleep ( x,D ), I'm just going to list the top two most deserving people off the top of my head right now.
    Cardinal3 and Penguinpixi. These two users have done way more than necessary for me and I can't even begin to explain how genuinely kind they are at this time. If no one else in the world were to win your giveaway, these two are who should be at the very top of your list. If you would like to see an example of why I think one of them need to win, please, please don't be afraid to message me in game sometime and I'd be very happy to show you. <3
    Thank you for giving me this opportunity.. :p
    #54 TheAngelEclipse, Mar 23, 2014
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2014
  15. DeMacca

    DeMacca Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Jan 22, 2014
    Trophy Points:
    In Game Name: DeMacca
    Why should you win one of the giweaway?: There is no reason I should win the giveaway, at least not above anyone else. However I have applied hopeing that you could take pity on 2 month resident that has already been scammed over 125k
    What have you done to positively affect ecc?: I can't say that I have helped as many as some yet I do believe that with this most generos amount of money I could make an dramatic effect What will you do with the money? The money will go towards my hope of buying kit bfr without a 100k scam, and my town <3 which if I did win would be dedicated towards you x3 Who else should win this besides yourself and why?: OnSceneReporter: At fantastic help at any time of need, cant thank him enough for his effects on the community
    Again I'de really Just like to thank YOU for the effect your showering on the community with this give away and thank you for your time @appleprocucling
  16. JammersDunn4

    JammersDunn4 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    May 19, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    In Game Name:JammersDunn4
    Why should you win the giweaway?:i should win this givaway because i have never one a giveaway before and i would really like to win one.
    What have you done to positively affect ecc?: I have positively affected this server by Donating $40 + towards donation features.
    What will you do with the money?:I will use this money to help me get closer to reaching my goal of getting extra-commands and extra-commands+.
    Who else should win this besides yourself and why?:I think Addswerzxc deserves to win because he's a hard working player and has donated over 300$ to this server Also pat2100 because he's a great friend and he's always there for you.
  17. donkey5k

    donkey5k •| The Legendary Donkey |•
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    May 14, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    In Game Name: donkey5k
    Why should you win the giweaway?: I personally think I have an ok shot! I put tons of time into making this absolutely wonderful, the best I can do and really showing what I've done for the players of the server but more importantly what I am capable of doing. :)
    What have you done to positively affect ecc?: In the past few weeks I have found that I've played a few SG's and I'm like "Wow!" I have $15,000 more eco dollars then before! And bam! I hit a builder up with 15k and they buy resident! The purpose of doing that isn't to boast about it, it's to jump start there experience which I do to the best of my ability. I enjoy helping anyone I can, at times I team with builders, give them kits and have a fun time! What I think is fun on Ecc is what most people don't like to do and that is help others in return for no benefit for yourself. Craw4d4 Helped him with Resident & Mayor! slakkesletta Bought him resident! HBouchard22 Bought her resident, she is my sis btw. I believe I bought one more builder resident but I can't currently remember.. There are many more to come!
    What will you do with the money? I would personally use this to help myself towards Tycoon or purchasing the bitcoin medal from another user. I currently have a loan out and it is most likely turning out as a scam. I may get the money back but I highly doubt it. Before school gets out, I am planning on having Tycoon + Bitcoin Forum Medal which evidently would = A Happy Donkey :)
    Who else should win this besides yourself and why?:

    Craw4d4 An amazing friend, helps me out whenever I need it! :) Thanks Bro! (not really my brother)

    Raccooy Had many experiences with this user, we get in mini flame wars at times but always come back together as friends and kicking butt in SG! :) Your awesome! Make an application here!

    Haugzo I haven't known your for long but you always do what you can for other people. You felt horrible when you forgot to buy a donation feature and you became the person that I dream of being and offering everything you can, more money bigger feature everything! I enjoy talking to you and all I can say is thanks for being my friend!

    georgie0417 Oh wow, I got so much respect for this guy in SG, and guess what happened now! He got moderator, he can help the community more than he already used to do.. I always like when mods play SG because they fix problems with builders calling others hackers because they have kits.. :/ Overall, he is an amazing SGer, great person and a fantastic mod! Thanks for all you've done for me and the server!

    Thanks Apple! Your da best! I've always wanted to host things like these but my only source of income is SG and I have goals that need a little bit more accomplishing right now!

    Addition: I also give out free services! (Water, Pyro, ExtCommands+ and Fly) Also what may have turned out to be a scam was a scam!
    #57 donkey5k, Mar 24, 2014
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2014
  18. usapresident999

    usapresident999 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Oct 5, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    In Game Name: usapresident999
    Why should you win the giweaway?: i was perma banned. I lost everything. I lost my town. Im homeless in ECC. I have Noo money.
    What have you done to positively affect ecc?: i got 10-15 Ppl to Play ecc.
    What will you do with the money? Buy me perms. And start a new town or invest.
    Who else should win this besides yourself and why?: Someone who needs the money more than me :(
  19. Nutty_cole

    Nutty_cole Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Jun 2, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    In Game Name:Nutty_Cole
    Why should you win the giweaway?:I think that I should be the one to win this giveaway because ever since the start of ECC I have sorta had bad luck for instance as a builder I managed to lose 4 max picks 2 pumpkin axes and fire prot 4 armour. After that I have lost 2mswords. Other than this I think I have been giving my all to give back to the community of ECC although this money would help me in doing this. I also think that if I win it it would benefeit not just myself.
    What have you done to positively affect ecc?:I have been helping the community by supplying my donation features for all other users to use, I have also affected many users in their endeavours to get star tool/ranks and have invited a few players to join the server also.
    What will you do with the money?Well this money will go towards another msword (this one I will never rent) and after that I will be able to financially support many ECC members along with the support I am already giving them. I am trying to get this a quickly as possible so I am able to offer my support to others. :)
    Who else should win this besides yourself and why?: Ctoolme well ctoolme hasnt had the greatest luck in ECC either and is an amazing user. nicit6 is a great user and he deserves this as much as anyone on ECC. ilovegir56 Ilove is an amazing user and is kind, caring and friendly to everyone I would love to see ilove get this. There are many more like skittlesbanana, King_of_the_Dot , ArcherT82 and many more lovely users I would like to add but I dont want to go on forever thanks for reading :D.
  20. katy345

    katy345 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Sep 2, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    In Game Name:Katy345
    Why should you win the giweaway?:Everyone is positively affecting the server.I havent done that much to win this giveaway .
    What have you done to positively affect ecc?:I have said I havent done much but sometimes I donating some money(100ECD) and I usually give some food to everyone who is in the spawn.
    What will you do with the money?If I win I will buy a pmpkin axe (accindentaly my other pumpkin axe broke and I cant afford for another one ) and I will finish my town
    Who else should win this besides yourself and why?: I think FAITH_PHOENIX should win this besides me because she helps me with everything and she is going through difficult times.
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