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  1. Original_Jackson ♕ Ecoleader ♕
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Jul 5, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    IGN: Original_Jackson

    Rank(s): Vip+/Terminator/Pilot

    How have you been positively affecting the server?: I positively affect this server by being the best person I can be, this means I always am looking for people in need of help, or people who may even need some money or tools. I do this by standing at spawn and looking at chat, or just in my ecc routines I look in all chat channels, looking for a player who might need assistance. I try to honestly be a nice a guy and not just put on an act.

    What are your plans for the future on ECC?: Some current goals:
    -Diamond Sword SG medal.

    -Finish "Ukraine"
    -Start "Romania"
    -Start "Chernobyl"
    -Become Tycoon
    -Own a mid-floor spawnshop

    How will winning this giveaway help you reach your goals?: Almost every goal on this list uses ECD to directly or indirectly complete, this said any amount, from $1-$100000 would be a help to the completion of these goals.

    Is there another player who you think deserves a prize along with yourself? If so, why do they deserve a reward?:
    A truly outstanding player, he has come upon some bad events lately, and he does not deserve it, he is a caring and helpful player.

    Other?: Thanks a bunch for considering me to be a winner. (Also, lovin' my tree home in Aquila :D )
  2. rkpkid1997 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Apr 28, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    IGN: rkpkid1997
    Rank(s): Mayor
    How have you been positively affecting the server?: I give new members homes in my town, and help them out with any questions they have about the server. Also, I advertise the server to my rl friends, and have got a couple of decent minecrafters to join.
    What are your plans for the future on ECC?: I would love to become President rank, and hopefully purchase my first donation.
    How will winning this giveaway help you reach your goals?: If I were to get the 1st place prize, it would go towards either President rank or a donation feature like I mentioned. I currently have 100k, and winning would bring me that much closer to President. As President, I plan to build up my current town, invite more new members to live within the walls of Rockwell.
    Is there another player who you think deserves a prize along with yourself? If so, why do they deserve a reward?: I havn't really become "friends" with anybody on the server, and nobody comes to mind at the moment. It would be nice though if my sister, rnpkid, were to get money so she can become a Resident then Mayor as well.
    Other?: I really don't want to kiss up, but I just want to say that this prize money would greatly benefit my town. I hope to build my own tutorial building, that teaches new members the tips and tricks of the server, not just the things that gets you by.
  3. Thometz EcoLeader
    EcoLeader ⛰️⛰️⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Apr 6, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    Rank(s):[President] [$$$] Pilot, and survivor
    How have you been positively affecting the server?: I would give free plots to builders, I help others, Do trivia for money, and I donate to some people.
    What are your plans for the future on ECC?:To hopefully become a mod and get a eff7 pick.
    How will winning this giveaway help you reach your goals?: Im gonna save up for a eff7 pick.
    Is there another player who you think deserves a prize along with yourself? If so, why do they deserve a reward?: Cardinalhalk or twinsfan5
    Other?: Thanks for doing these give aways!
  4. wikiwoo8 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Resident ⚒️

    Mar 19, 2014
    Trophy Points:
    IGN: wikiwoo8

    Rank(s): Resident

    How have you been positively affecting the server?: I have been being nice and respectful to other players, lesser or better then me.

    What are your plans for the future on ECC?: I plan to advance to mayor and have my own town, that way i can welcome new players and make lots of friends!!

    How will winning this giveaway help you reach your goals?: If i win this give away, I will have gotten some of the money to advance to mayor and to create my own town.

    Is there another player who you think deserves a prize along with yourself? If so, why do they deserve a reward?: Yes, my friend on the server that brang me to my first town, minecraftbros0
  5. Raccooy Country Enthusiast
    Resident ⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ I ⭐ Premium Upgrade

    Dec 18, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    IGN: Raccooy
    Rank(s): President VIP
    How have you been positively affecting the server?: I have helped many of my close friends out. I've also been trying to record players in sg. I am always tryingto be nice to anyone I meet, like give them free repairs, tools, tips something that will help the in their ECC life. I also try to help anyone in need that i see asking for it.
    What are your plans for the future on ECC?: -Become tycoon -Always be friendly - Help my friends on ECC
    How will winning this giveaway help you reach your goals?: It could help me build money up to buy my friends money or a new donation feature to help others with.
    Is there another player who you think deserves a prize along with yourself? If so, why do they deserve a reward?: I'd say konan200x for being the greatest friend she could be, and always being there for me :) Also, Ninjaboy3113 for being a awesome, kind, new friend that he is. And ofc my friend Haugzo, he's so awesome :D

    Other?: Thank you so very much falcon for spending so much time helping the community and being so nice to everyone you look at, you really are the best. Thanks again.
  6. mattf26 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    May 6, 2013
    Trophy Points:

    Rank(s): Mayor,Warrior.

    How have you been positively affecting the server?: To start off I have implemented a town shop that is cheaper and much more maintained in prices per day in my town. I have finally evicted all of the inactive players and have moved in 7 users and counting! I don't hire any one rank I help everyone in any way, I even give free e-repairs to people who can't afford in times of struggle, all the time.

    What are your plans for the future on ECC?: My future, well I'll start off with the fact I am saving up for my Melon sword, In the future after I have my sword I plan on becoming a president and building a melon farm.

    How will winning this giveaway help you reach your goals?: I have one hundred and twenty eight Nether stars. And this money would help me invest in more Nether stars, this melon sword will help me very much in making a melon farm for everyone!

    Is there another player who you think deserves a prize along with yourself? If so, why do they deserve a reward?:

    I think user Megajuice200 is also very worthy of winning this award, he has helped two people with every day tasks in my town from building tips to matching someones money so they can buy a bigger plot!

    Other?: GL to all!
  7. REFL3KT_ Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Resident ⚒️

    Mar 1, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    IGN - SuperYoshiRiley

    Resident $$$

    I have been positively affecting the server by occasionally coming on, waiting at spawn, and answering questions that new players have. I also vote for the server, I do misc. jobs for people for free, I donated to the server, and try to be as nice as I can.

    My future plans for ECC are to get mayor so that I can apply for moderator someday to help people even further, become VIP, open up a station in the market world, and come up with great build ideas for my future town.

    Winning this giveaway would help me achieve my goals by helping me get Mayor and fund my town a little.

    If there was a person who deserved this prize besides me, it would be the person right above this, KMaxwell, because of her generosity towards other players and just being an all around good person.

    There is one more thing I would like to say: I'm sorry for blaming you for me being inactive. You were right, I should have posted that I was going to be inactive. I just hope this whole thing can blow over and I can buy a house in your beutiful town again. And I swear I'm not just saying this to win the giveaway. I am being sincere. And thank you for taking the time to read this and be doing the giveaways. Thanks.

    ~ Yoshi
  8. skittlesbanana Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Sep 24, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    IGN: skittlesbanana
    Rank(s): President, Survivor
    How have you been positively affecting the server?: I effected the server because I bought multiple people mayor, built many homes for cheap prices, and bought many builders resident. I have always had a positive attitude and when my friends are feeling down, I always find a way to cheer them up.
    What are your plans for the future on ECC?: In the future, I am planning on opening a builder town (once I get enough money) right next to my 200x200 mansion. This will provide builders with home and encourage them to build more because they will be living right next to my mansion.
    How will winning this giveaway help you reach your goals?: Winning this giveaway will help me a lot when it comes to reaching my goals. It will fund the builder town that I am planning on constructing and bring smiles to others.
    Is there another player who you think deserves a prize along with yourself? If so, why do they deserve a reward?:I believe ilovegir56 deserves this giveaway if I don't win because she is always there for me, we always buy ranks together and when she was capable of buying pres, she waited/helped me get enough money so we could buy it together. We also bought Survivor together.
    Other?: I just want to thank you for all of these giveaways you do! #FalconForLife
  9. _NIAGARA_ Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Nov 23, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    Rank(s): Resident
    How have you been positively affecting the server?: I help builders with what to do when they first join. I answer some users that have questions. I also help do jobs for other people.
    What are your plans for the future on ECC?: To own 3 towns to let people live in them. And help others rank up.
    How will winning this giveaway help you reach your goals?: Well ive been trying to get mayor for a while and need some ecd to help rank up.
    Is there another player who you think deserves a prize along with yourself? If so, why do they deserve a reward?: Skittlesbananna she helps me out and is a very nice person on the server I think she should be rewarded because she is awesome!
    Other?: Thanks Falconaire for doing all the Great Giveaways!
  10. ilovegir56 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Jul 19, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    IGN: ilovegir56
    Rank(s): President, Survivor, and [$]
    How have you been positively affecting the server?: I've been positively affecting the server by: Helping new players get started with materials and some commands. Helping any player out in a monetary way can be bad for them and yourself
    Here I shall list the reasons on why it is bad for the player getting too much help in a monetary way:
    1) The players can't make money themselves. (Lift their own weight)

    What this causes: The user can't find ways to make there own money. They eventually go into deep measures to get money or they beg for it. You should know how to make your own money by hopefully Resident, and in some rare cases mayor. The Deeper measures someone may take is scamming, bribing,etc.
    Here, I shall list the reasons why it is bad for the player giving the other player monetary donations:
    2) The user cannot accomplish any goals (This could make ECC boring, which, I find ECC wonderful!)

    What this causes: When the user can't accomplish any goals, ECC may get boring, which ECC should be a fun place for everyone, of any age. I love to see others get happy about what they've accomplished and how they did it without any help,
    Secondly, I have been keeping a positive attitude around everyone.
    I have been seeing some bad behavior in players lately. Which I am so proud of the people that KEEP their positive attitude and try to change the other players ways. Of course, I do see a lot of positive behavior as well, the positive behavior will always stand out more than the negative to me. I just love it.
    What are your plans for the future on ECC?: I have a lot of future plans on ECC. I have so much things I want to accomplish. For myself and other players
    1) Upgrade my town: I would like to add a pathway/road to my town (PancakeCity in Rising). I recently got a house their and I am still working on my vault there. I would like to make the town look prettier. I also need to add sand to it to make it flat.

    2) Water Donation: I want the water donation for several reasons, 1. I want to build a farm, 2. Helping others do things to make money. and 3. Seeing a smile come out of a person.
    3) Get another town connected to my President town: I need a place to make more projects. Hopefully a farm and sell cheap perms to anyone hopefully under 2k. I would like to have all crops for it just to make it easier if the the user doesn't have the object to help them make money for that certain crop. (Msword or Pumpkin axe)
    How will winning this giveaway help you reach your goals?:
    This giveaway will help me reach my goals because it will give me money to upgrade my town-For the materials that is needed to make the town beautiful. Also give me some left over for water feature, which I want very bad. although I shall get to upgrading my town. This is a win-win situation because it will help the server and myself. After getting all of those out of the way. I can finally get started on the long project that will be my farm for anybody.
    Is there another player who you think deserves a prize along with yourself? If so, why do they deserve a reward?:
    Couldn't pick just one.........
    cracker228989 > This user deserves a prize because she is a great moderator, She was once Mayor of a town I was in when I was a builder or resident (Don't remember which one) and she has been kind to myself ever since then. I love how well she takes her Moderator duties and I would like to see her get promoted one day!
    skittlesbanana > This user has been my friend for the longest time, She's helped me in so many ways. She always is helping others. I am happy to call her my friend. She recently cleared out a huge room for me for free! I was so happy. I would like to pay her at least a little bit for doing that. She's always stuck by my side,
    _kiwi_cat_ > I love everything that this user contributes to the community. Ive mentioned her name in about every giveaway I've applied for. I seriously would like to see what she does in the future. Her positive attitude never, ever, ever goes away. I don't know if applying in all these giveaways with her name in them have made a difference, but I know she makes a difference in my ECC life!
    TheAngelEclipse > I love the positive attitude she is always having in Global, VIP, and local. I always enjoy seeing what she says in chat or how she affects the people of ECC. She puts the people of ECC as her #1 thing to help. I love seeing this action. I know this will continue with her.
    Other?: This dedication is amazing falcon. Like seriously, I don't know how you do this much, but it is quite inspiring for myself and some others. I cannot wait to see who is going to win this week and how it's affected them! (I would've typed more but my fingers are starting to hurt xC)
  11. AwesomeKyleW Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Oct 6, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    IGN: AwesomeKyleW
    Rank(s): Mayor
    How have you been positively affecting the server?: Helping residents and builders, and working on my town. I'm not going to lie and say I donate to everyone, 'cause I don't.
    What are your plans for the future on ECC?: Improving my city, Chococraft/Chococity , and hopefully makin it half as good as Aquila.
    How will winning this giveaway help you reach your goals?: Money means everything, especially when making a town. I will use it for supplies, to hire other people, and so on…
    Is there another player who you think deserves a prize along with yourself? If so, why do they deserve a reward?: Kick_Me123 because he is always out and about helping people for no reason AND for free.
    Other?: Nope
  12. gaget122 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Oct 16, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    IGN: gaget122
    Rank(s): resident
    How have you been positively affecting the server?: helping builders and people whith no money
    What are your plans for the future on ECC?: to build a town for poor peaple
    How will winning this giveaway help you reach your goals?: by putting me closer to mayor
    Is there another player who you think deserves a prize along with yourself? If so, why do they deserve a reward?: falconaire for being one of the best advice givers in the game
  13. oreo1227 ℓαριѕ ℓαzυℓι
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Dec 15, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    IGN: oreo1227
    Rank(s): President, $$$$, Pilot, Survivor
    How have you been positively affecting the server?: I have bought residents mayor, helped answer questions, given out big loans, been a friend for many who needed it - a listening ear.
    What are your plans for the future on ECC?: Tons of donations/ranks
    How will winning this giveaway help you reach your goals?: Money helps with giving out more loans to people and buying donations/ranks
    Is there another player who you think deserves a prize along with yourself? If so, why do they deserve a reward?: TheHolyStick22 because he simply does his best to put up with me, even though I can be stubborn sometimes.
    Other?: -
  14. rainbowmaster12 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    Dec 3, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    IGN: Rainbowmaster12
    Rank(s): Tycoon
    How have you been positively affecting the server?: A few simple things I do to benefit the server are
    1) Bringing in new players and recommending the server to friends
    2) Helping players when in need, this includes TeamSpeak, In-Game, and on Forums
    3) Offering free e-reps and such for players who do not have these features
    4) Updating a mining thread of my results to help keep the ECC Community informed
    5) While not giving enormous sums of money, I do donate to other players such as Residents or Builders
    What are your plans for the future on ECC?: My current future plans on the server are all up on my Goals List. While I have several goals where money won't be needed, I am currently trying to buy myself a melon sword and save for EcoLeader. I would also like to use the money to further improve The Mine Runners Clan, and help CanDoBlue with his town Mortem.
    How will winning this giveaway help you reach your goals?: This giveaway will help me achieve the ambitions I set for myself as it is without doubt that the goals I have are costly. The a chunk of the money will be going towards my melon sword fund, another to my EcoLeader fund, and another towards helping CanDoBlue buy wool.
    Is there another player who you think deserves a prize along with yourself? If so, why do they deserve a reward?:
    droopystarfish - Although he does not necessarily need the money, for the short time he has been with us, he has proven to be extremely helpful and dedicated. He runs events such as ECC Idol offering up large sums of cash, and is able to keep calm when things go wrong.
    WhiteStarX0312 - He is extremely poor despite his rank and could use the money. He is currently taken it upon himself to remodel many of his towns and build a farm, surely the money would benefit him.
    tommied7 - Tommied is very nice in TeamSpeak and is always there to help me when I need him.
    CanDoBlue - After recently coming back, he's restarted construction on his town Mortem. Truly it will be a unique town, but wool is most definitely not cheap. The money will speed up the process of his town. He's very kind and helpful never speaking ill of anyone.
    partyman909 - He has come to some bad fortune in the past few days, and the money would greatly benefit him and help him recover.
    Fire_chicken25 - I have never, ever met anyone quite as nice as Fire, he is always there to talk and help others smooth out their issues. He's a great parent and always puts his kids first! He deserves this money no doubt!
    SoftlyPsychotic - She just came back a few days ago, and I feel that if she wins at least some money, it'll be something to help get her back on her feet.
    KillerkongPro - Killer is a very kind person who selflessly puts others before himself! He very much deserves this money.
    Other?: Thank you for hosting these giveaways Falcon, and your hard work does not go unnoticed. I, along with everyone else very much appreciates what you bring to the server.
  15. illinifan Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Apr 18, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    IGN: illinifan
    Rank(s): President, $$$
    How have you been positively affecting the server?: Well the main thing i do is sell builders cheap plots/apartments in my town, Lombard. I think getting builders off their feet and in to the game really gives our server a solid foundation of players. As some older players leave, builders continue to rank up and are the new life of the sever.
    What are your plans for the future on ECC?: Well, my first and most important goal is to get another Efficiency 7 Pickaxe. I was mining yesterday and decided to turn my music on and i started zoning out while i was mining. The next thing i know, POOF, my Ef 7 is gone.. :( (Yes, Epic Fail on my part) I was sharing this pickaxe with another player on the server and it is my duty to make up for my mistakes and work for enough money to get another one.
    How will winning this giveaway help you reach your goals?: Winning this giveaway will help immensely with my Ef 7 fund and also give me a little more "pocket change" to employ builders to continue destroying unused buildings in my town.
    Is there another player who you think deserves a prize along with yourself? If so, why do they deserve a reward?: I personally think everyone one of the staff members deserve this award. They do so much for the server and sometimes i think they are under appreciate them. One player that deserves this award in my opinion would be ConferateBoys. Conferate has been helping me out a ton lately with stuff around my town and with e-repairs. He has been so kind to me every since we met and i think he is a great candidate for this award. Another person that should win this award in my opinion is alpert3925. Alpert has been a HUGE help with giving me e-repairs for FREE! Right when i ask Alpert for a repair, he almost immediately stops what he is doing and comes and repairs my tool for me, which is just fantastic. Alpert is also involved in the American Nation along with me and many other players. Overall, Alpert and Conferate have done so much positive things to help the community, and if i don't win the award, i would be thrilled to see these players win it for themselves.
    Other?: Once again, thanks for the giveaway! Your hard work and dedication is what makes this server the best around!
    • Like x 1
    • Friendly x 1
    • List
    #35 illinifan, Mar 23, 2014
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2014
  16. katy345 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Sep 2, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    How have you been positively affecting the server?:Honestly, I have been offline because I have been study for school and I havent done that much I just answer some question and give to some people food when they were starving and that all.
    What are your plans for the future on ECC?:My plans to future is create a nation of builders because I really need help to build my town and I am not a great builder(My friend cant help me because she has got too much lag and It is difficult build with)and problaby if this works we will help eveyone who needs someone to build theirs town and my other plan is buy the teleport donation feature.If you are a great builder (or not) pm me or send me a email and we will start building our town.(It must be person who I can trust )
    How will winning this giveaway help you reach your goals?:Yes, It will help me buy the materials needed to build my town with my future nation and will help me getting the donation feature that I always wanted.
    Is there another player who you think deserves a prize along with yourself? If so, why do they deserve a reward?:
    Other?: I think everyone deserves this giveaway because the past years this server has evolved very much because we are donating and making this server the best server I have ever played ;).
    #36 katy345, Mar 23, 2014
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2014
  17. Nico1210 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    Jul 30, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    IGN: nicoviacava1210
    Rank(s): President [$$]
    How have you been positively affecting the server?: This is gonna be kind of long so stay tight! Starting, I will say I have been trying my best to help the community of ECC. I wanna help more the ECC coomunity by becoming a Moderator which is a goal that I haven't achieved yet. Other things are like, sometimes a random Builder asks me for money so I tell him some tips to make money and give him a small amount of money and there you go! :) Someone is happy. I'm also an extremely cheerful person and I want to give possitive vibes to other players. For example, one of my friends is sad and I ask him why. If he doesn't tell me it's ok but if he tells me I'll try my best to help him. I also ask how is everyone and if they need anything. One good way I'm helping out the community is working in America and helping it by suggesting some ideas for the departments I work on. I also, randomly,make small random items and money giveaways in-game which helps a lot.
    What are your plans for the future on ECC?: My plans are listed below:
    • Make a new town called Ceox. Info: If I achieve this goal, I will add tons of effort into it and give an awesome environment for all ranks. It will have market areas, free plots for Builder, farms, etc.
    • Get Moderator: This is my biggest goal in ECC. Achieving this would be a dreeam because I always admired the ECC staff team and I want to help it and be part of it to help people and help the environment, solve conflicts, etc.
    • Get Multihome: This is a very useful feature and I need it because I have many places to go these days in ECC so this can save me some time. :)
    • Get Survivor: It would be awesome to enter the Nether in ECC to mine quartz, make blaze farms and other mainly things to make more money to use it wisely for me and the community.
    • Get Tycoon: This is my farther goal until now because getting 500k won't be so easy but I will still work hard in getting it.
    • Get some other donation features: I wanna do this to make free ereps, water placements, pyro services and all of that to people and help the community.
    How will winning this giveaway help you reach your goals?: This will help me in achieving most of my goals, mainly the donation features and in getting my new town. I still have a long way to go if I win this giveaway but this can be the push that can set me forward. Getting Moderator will not be earned with money, that can be earned by helping the comminity a lot, have the ECC spirit andbe a good user!

    Is there another player who you think deserves a prize along with yourself? If so, why do they deserve a reward?: Yes, I will list them below:
    Iticip: He is an awesome friend and player, He always helps me when I ask him something and helps in a wise way. When I lost my pickaxe he shared mine with it and I'm very happy and grateful with him! Thanks for everything Iti!
    xpurexcorex: He is also a great friend and we talk usually. He was tthe one who gave me the opportunity to join the wonderful nation of America which is one of the best things it has ever happened to me. Thanks Pure!
    Falconaire: Yeah, you. You are on of my greatest friends in ECC. You taught me a lot of things and you do still. You gave me my first tools and town! You make these huge giveaways with big amounts of money and everybody is grateful for that! Thanks for everything Falcon!
    konan200x: He is a very cheerful and caring friend. He supported me in my Moderator campaign but he is my friend for a lot other reasons! He cheers me up like all of my friends when I'm sad or worried sometimes! Thanks konan!

    Other?: Good luck to all the other applicants and best of wishes and thanks to you Falcon!
  18. Falconaire Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    May 19, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    I will be deciding winners now (nice timing Nico, lol), please be patient while I look through all the applications. Good luck everyone!

    Applications Closed
  19. Falconaire Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    May 19, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    Winners have been announced!

    1st Place: Dewsy92 Congrats :)
    Firstly, congratulations on getting SuperMod! You've definitely made a huge impact as a Staff member in so little time. I wish you luck with all your new jobs, though you seem to be doing quite well already. I know the amount of respect players have developed for you because of your dedication as a Staff member and willingness to help others. I'm happy that you represent the server's Staff, and hope to serve at your side in the future. I present you with 1st Place.

    2nd Place: ilovegir56 Congrats :)
    It's been an honor having you apply for so many Giveaways, I always enjoy reading through your applications and am confident in giving you another prize. The way you help others, the "correct" method, is great to see. I believe that your assistance to new players really does make a difference, making it so players have a better chance at becoming contributing members of the community. I've actually had quite a few people mention you, and your impact is something to be proud of. Good luck with your towns, I hope you can make an even bigger difference to new players through them. Ah, and I should totally add a Disclaimer about sore fingers! I present you with 2nd Place.

    3rd Place: rainbowmaster12 Congrats :)
    I've personally seen you quite a lot in-game and have never seen you be negative or spiteful, but instead a funny, positive influence. Your thread on mining is quite helpful, and I myself have even consulted it from time to time. You've got quite a few big goals, and I wish you luck! Your contributions in chat, the forums, and your free donation services are quite honorable, and are contributions that I believe should be rewarded. Thus, I present you with 3rd Place. (Love your /nick btw)

    Congratulations to the winners once again! Please contact me in-game to receive your prizes. Next week's giveaway will be announced today! So if you weren't selected this time, be sure to apply there!

    If Dewsy or another Staff member could please lock this thread, that'd be great. Thanks <3
    #39 Falconaire, Mar 23, 2014
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2014
  20. chargers2417 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Mar 25, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    Locked upon request.
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