~100k Giveaway!!~

Discussion in 'Competitions' started by Chundi_Jr, Sep 1, 2014.

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  1. willclo

    willclo Hobo
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    Aug 19, 2014
    Trophy Points:
    • IGN: Willclo
    • How you have been helping the community: I have helped people grow their towns and provided them with service
    • What you would use the money for: I would use it to get the mayor rank and start helping the community with a town that provides builders with cheap plots and an optional job.
    • Someone else you think deserves the money: @pbrassat17
    • Anything you would like to add: I have worked for one of your towns and I would like to start a town like that of my own to help builders and residents grow in ECC. Thanks!
  2. GameDevJeremy

    GameDevJeremy Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    Aug 29, 2014
    Trophy Points:
    • IGN: ZombieElement
    • How you have been helping the community: I am an active player on this server, and have showed support to several in-game and over teamspeak.
    • What you would use the money for: I would use it to get the mayor rank and help newer players get setup and started in the game.
    • Someone else you think deserves the money: khrones
    • Anything you would like to add: Thank you.
  3. happyplace10122

    happyplace10122 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Resident ⚒️

    Aug 17, 2014
    Trophy Points:
    IGN: happyplace10122
    How you have been helping the community: i have been helping farms and towns and people.
    What you would use the money for: helping people and buying things for my home.
    Someone else you think deserves the money: all of my friends Shayshay12, rose188, bluespeedboy, ravenwood007, psyduckie, and all.
    Anything you would like to add: i really wanted mayor for me to give homes to people and give perms for free and plots for free
  4. BigB_Man

    BigB_Man Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Jun 4, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    IGN: BigB_Man
    How you have been helping the community: The way I have been helping the community is by making builder towns for the builders and residents that are homeless. I also donate to builders to get resident. I also help people who are asking questions. I also give out free water and teleport services and would continue with that if I got more features.
    What you would use the money for: I would use the money to finish paying off my melon sword. The sooner I pay off my melon sword, the sooner I will make another builder town.
    Someone else you think deserves the money: @Krobkins Krobkins is a very caring, nice, and genouros person to everyone.
    Anything you would like to add: Good luck to everyone. I think anybody who has a very good reason to win the money shall get the money.
  5. Epicmiti

    Epicmiti Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    Nov 23, 2012
    Trophy Points:

    How you have been helping the community:
    I have been helping the community a great amount.
    I try to answer as many questions as I can - which has been successful so far. I help newer builders or newer residents around the server, tell them the commands / give them tips, and I give them a bit of free money if I have any to spare.
    I have recently been doing Questions for Money, and trying to do giveaways, both have been unsuccessful due to the fact that I have… well absolutely no money which sucks when I am trying to do this.

    What you would use the money for:
    I would firstly use the money towards my towns (HolleyTree, Mitiville, Epictown) which are all not finished. HolleyTree has a few things that can be improved, but Mitiville and Epictown aren't even close to being done. They haven't been cleared / not all of the blocks have been placed.
    The second thing that's on my list is to do Giveaways and/or my Question Game. I haven't had enough money to do either of them, I'v been trying to do the Giveaways weekly, and the Question Game every other day, but I haven't had enough money.
    The very last thing on my list is EcoLeader. I haven't had that be my top priority because i'd like to give to the community other than using money for selfish needs.

    Someone else you think deserves the money:
    I feel that @DatProfit deserves this money due to the fact that he is paying someone else's debt.
    So far, he has paid off almost all of it - with 50k left to pay. So, I feel that he deserves this money due to that, and that he is considerate, respectful, and responsible.

    Anything you would like to add:
    @Chundi_Jr -
    Thanks for hosting this amazing giveaway, to put in the time and money to set this up most likely took a while, so I'd like to thank you for it.
  6. Chundi_Jr

    Chundi_Jr Ex-Rebecca
    Resident ⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ VII ⭐ Premium Upgrade

    Apr 4, 2014
    Trophy Points:
    The winners of this giveaway are:
    1st place: @314
    2nd place: @0TheRedHerring0
    3rd place: @floffle123

    Congrats! Pm me in game to receive your prize money! Thank you to everyone who was participating! You all deserved to win this giveaway, I just wish I could afford to give it to everyone. <3 <3

    Also huge thanks to @clou44, @Maco20047, @Original_Jackson, @SKSoccer, & @pbrassat17 for helping me judge this giveaway! :)

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