Shoot. This is why you read all the posts prior to yours before posting. Noob mistake, my bad guys. Carry on now.
What would you say that you’re the most well known for on the server? FORUM BANS ALL DAY EVERYDAY sadly :S
Actually that's the exact opposite of what I am most of the time. I could explain more thoroughly but I feel that would just be rubbing it in your face.
I think I'm most well known for my town, Aquila. Also, my weekly giveaways have been attracting a lot of attention. I like the Farming vs. Mining section you did this week! I find I completely agree with you
im very famous for being obsessed with statistics - did you know 42% of all statistics are made up? im famous for being really into anti-gravity, once i was reading a book about it i just couldnt put it down apart from that? im famous for my bad puns
For 1 tickekting a lotto with all the mods on . Everyone wanted to be my friend (stupid golddiggers )
hay hay, how did I say it first and you got all the ratings... friggin hax steveshizzle Itsa_Spenca Zeek87 TheN00BISHPanda
What would you say that you’re the most well known for on the server? the only thing i do most of the time i'm on ECC is mining, so i'll go with that. Also, adding to the mining vs farming, I also prefer mining because you can really show off what you earn. Don't get me wrong, you can do the same with farming (Eg: hay bales, melons, pumpkins) but gems and whatnot seem to be more glamorous.