Separate names with a comma.
read title :P
I got the idea from jetscat, and this is my story of ecc, and my gaming story. My story: One day when I was 7 I got a nintendo ds for my...
The point of this game is everyone gets to make a sentence consisting of 5 words that makes sense that goes into the story. Fairly simple....
I was searching around for minecraft mods and look what I found... Hmm?
Questions: Will breeding be enabled? Will other people be able to kill them?
Ok so I'm suggesting we raise the fish price. Why? We lowered it because of autofishers, autofishing is illegal now... so henceforth we need to...
Resident Application: Mayor Application:...
I made a script for autofishing, and it works, but the text won't say "autofish disabled" and it won't turn off, if someone could edit it and tell...
Currently my town Daewulf has no real reputation, but I am now selling plots and co-ownership! 10x10 plot: $1100 20x20 plot: $3000 15x15 plot:...
Title says it all. Planning on it, not guaranteed but maybe. Looking for 165-185k offers, prefferably 175k+ offers but may take 165k or 170k....
jakeyray18 I am asking for an autoclicker tutorial, because I want to mine and farm using an autoclicker (as long as it isn't moving me...
After a long debate on ecc I decided to take it to a much safer and quiter place. Place your vote, I'm not voting for anything. (Please explain...
My suggestion is change walking speed and/or/not flying speed to the potion effect. This would make it a bit better but may be hard to code or may...
Minecraft Username:12345shane Reason: I was trying to do rockboy2000's lotto pot macro and it completely went haywire. I put up my server and...
To any and all macro people out there such as rockboy2000, jakeyray18, I've wanted a macro for a while and I think it would be cool. I am...
Felon Username: 12345shane Complaint: Donation feature scamming Evidence:[IMG] [IMG] [IMG] Additional Information: I was told by revanrose6,...
1. What is your In-Game-Name? 12345shane 2. What town are these protections in?: Daewulf 3. Are you the mayor or co-mayor? Mayor 4....
1. What is your In-Game-Name? 12345shane 2. What town are the protections in? Daewulf 3. Are you the mayor or co-mayor? Mayor 4. What...
IGN:12345shane Do you have the applicable cost in your balance:N/A How did you make the funds for this application. (Lying will result in a...
[IMG] Zard visited my farm and reasons classified andrew came to visit my farm. Ermahgherd!!!!!! Don't bother tagging andrew. If he sees this he...