Separate names with a comma.
logs are worth 1 exp, and planks are also worth 1 exp, but you get 4 planks out of a log, so this makes no sense to me edit: i'm assuming "wood"...
title says it all if nobody can sell skylegend i'd at least like to get some other ranks so i'd be able to buy the more expensive ones (like...
Simple suggestion. They aren't bought with netherstars and so I think that the names should be different. Perhaps something like Shining...
I've been told that verbal warns are by staff discretion, and aren't necessarily an action that needs to take place. I'm suggesting that in most...
[IMG] So, it's official. I've been on ECC for 5 years. Yes, a lustrum (that means half a decade :p) I would thank a lot of my friends, but to be...
In Game Name: 12345shane Have you read the in-depth application instruction: I have read the instructions. Do you have the applicable cost in your...
In Game Name: 12345shane Have you read the in depth application requirements: I have read the instructions. Which medal are you applying for: Gold...
Change the "I Understand" in the applications to "I understand". It annoys me.
In Game Name: 12345shane Have you read the in depth application requirements: I have read the instructions. Which medal are you applying for:...
I'm suggesting the ability to store up boosters for use whenever. Players will already be able to buy boosters as soon as another booster ends, so...
I am suggesting we disable mining world exp. At the moment, the exp price is so insanely low that it is not even worth it to sell your exp. The...
Well, it's official. I'm a 4 year member now. Thanks to everyone who supported me or was a friend of mine throughout the years. I'll tag some...
Simple enough. I'm suggesting we give walking speed 10 to everyone in the hub world Why? From what I'm hearing, the hub world is going to be...
Generally, if you go on to the websites ECC advertises on, we have the tag survival games, or we call ourselves a survival games server, hunger...
*Note* This is the 1500 points premium gives; not all trophy points that premium members have. Premium accounts get a bunch of cool things, like...
IGN: 12345shane Which Stock Trader Medal are you applying for(Bronze/Silver/Gold): Bronze Which stock did you make this profit in: Applied...
IGN: 12345shane Which Mcmmo Power Level Medal are you applying for(Silver/Gold/Red): Silver What is your current Mcmmo power level: 3000 Please...
When you're jumping on water, you make bubbles. Make this a trail, if it isn't already. I can't tell if the wake or splash trail is like this, but...