Separate names with a comma.
Why? Because of /ch s? xD
Felon Username: pizza520 Complaint: accusing users of hacking Evidence: Additional Information:
Felon Username: bigc55 Complaint: spamming/advertising Evidence: mod edit Additional Information:
Felon Username: safarijamman Complaint: spam Evidence: Additional Information:
then it says your capatcha is incorrect, and i usually dont get those wrong >.<
nobody in my house plays ecc, or even knows about ecc for that matter. but we recently got a new wifi router and it hasent been working so i use...
nope, nobody have ever voted for me ;_;
[IMG] this happens whenever i vote on vote 4...happened about 3 times now.
IGN (In-Game Name): matthew_gruber Item(s) you wish to bid on: Efficiency 5 Unbreaking 3 Silk 1 Diamond Pickaxe and Lure 2, Luck of sea 3,...
Felon Username: ajrocky123 Complaint: spamming Evidence: Additional Information:
Felon Username: jamesmcfalls Complaint: inappropriate language Evidence: Additional Information: @oreo1227
with aimbot, the only way to counter is strafe, because the arrow doesnt know where to curve and misses. I strafed very hard. Also, you can see...
should work now
Felon Username: oink__oink_ Complaint: hacking (bow aimbot) Evidence: [MEDIA] Additional Information:
I saw mocho and I don't own vanish, but we were in sg together
the weird thing is i am neither mod nor have vanish
Minecraft Username: matthew_gruber Brief Description: when you do /who you may see [HIDDEN] next to a users name Instructions: do /who and look...
a bow with knockback requires kits....