Separate names with a comma.
ever stuck at a 4/5 and don't know what to do? Well now you can apply for your 5th warn! Take the ban and move one with life.
Accused Username: xx3picrebelxx Complaint: <mod edit> Evidence: will add u to forum pm. Additional Information: i want it back.
This thread is for the general public. 1) Messages: 637 Ratings: +215 Trophy Points: 1,945 guess who! 2) Messages:365 Ratings:+154 Trophy...
Accused Username: HelenDkn Complaint: scamming Evidence: [MEDIA] Additional Information: they are way overdue. They have paid 140k/400k. Tagging...
Accused Username: Dccciz Complaint: Removing me as a member and owner of the town Debt. Evidence: He is not original owner so he cannot do this....
Accused Username: George3031/Rainbownoodle/Aliop And all his other alts Complaint: Scamming once again. Evidence: [Mod - Edit] Check history...
Simple. Change the way staff handles people in debt. This is how it should be: the user who loaned them first should be paid back first....
Accused Username: Zach_attack252/aliop/rainbownoodle Complaint: Scamming Evidence: [MEDIA] Additional Information: I find it really fishy that...
Accused Username: 3point14mp Complaint: Scamming once again. Evidence:...
Accused Username: 3point14mp Complaint: Scamming/Not finishning a build Evidence: [MEDIA] Additional Information: If staff needs any more evidence...
ign: Matrix_rep Suggestion: /ontime This will tell you how long you have been online for ever. Also it can show how long you have been on weekly....
It's Wednesday my dudes
Accused Username: istomppppppppppp Complaint: going into a town he is banned in/ stealing wool from the dispencers (most likely), hosting at a...
Accused Username: Blazeinfinite Complaint: Failure to stay on track with his debt. Breach of Contract. Scamming. Evidence:...
This will be a list of users currently banned from the town debt. If they choose to get unbanned they know how. Users banned- if you want reason...
Accused Username: freddyagogo (maybe Don't quote me on spelling) Complaint: SCAMMING NOT STAFF WORTHY Evidence: look at additional evidence i like...