Separate names with a comma.
Minecraft Name: matrix_rep Suggestion: The Title Reason: To my knowledge someone could have this trail on as well as auto crits, the hacked...
IGN: matrix_rep Which Survival Games Medal are you applying for(Iron/Gold/Diamond): Bronze (600k one) Please provide a link to your ECC Survival...
Felon Username: itzxtremegaming Complaint: He has been flaming me all day Evidence: [MEDIA] Additional Information: He has been flaming me all...
Felon Username: Chris227227 Complaint: Scamming my melon sword not returning rental. (It broke) Evidence: [MEDIA] Additional Information: @Nicit6...
Felon Username: alklize Complaint: hacking Evidence: [MEDIA] Additional Information: 1st video antiknockback so obvious still recording [MEDIA]
Felon Username: tytanner3 Complaint: hackusations... Evidence: [MEDIA] Additional Information: nope
Hey all post ideas here about what andrewkm should do for the giveaway
I Am looking to buy any of the following star tools on payment plans with 100k per week Melon sword (x2) Eff7 (x1) Star rod (x1) Star shovel...
Title says it all i will pay 650k for the rod in 1 week 0 down and 800k for the eff7 1 week 0 down
Felon Username: Denubbycow Complaint: slandering me harrasing me this continues every day Evidence: [MEDIA] Additional Information: hes a mean cow
Title Says it all
Give users with tp + or tp ++ a 2 second cooldown on /wild land instead of 30 second cooldown.
Minecraft Name: matrix_rep Suggestion: assign 3 members to the "hacking catching team that are on staff" Those staff members main purpose on staff...
Hello all here i will be posting my profits playing the blackjack game at lapkings casino and show you how much you can actually make! Video 1:...
Felon Username: EricRMM Complaint: admitting to hacking? Evidence: [MEDIA] Additional Information: none