Separate names with a comma.
Please come back to ECC, I miss you
rikari88 was staff
Oops nvm
lnspectHerGadget sorry
@inspecthergadget was a mod
Ducky_Momo16 AnotherBrother officepwnz123 phiphiphi Dees are my bruhs
I donated for 20k ugggh, worst decision of my ECC life. :p I was such a nub
I love you! Especially because I'm no vacation! <3
How do you know that is true? Mayfield2015
Sorry sparkly, I'm on vacation in a different country. SparklyPotato2
What staff city? SparklyPotato2
Loooooool Ducky_Momo16
In Japan for 4 weeks ( not quit)
Its that brick building with the antenna on it.
Welikeike is rude and insolent
No, I saw someone else with one Jason1964
I don't understand what you're doing here
I had the first grumpy cat profile pic
Ive seen ikes sign
outerlocal was already making a statue of liberty. @mayf