Separate names with a comma.
IGN: HDvorteX Are you a President or higher ranked user: Yes. Do you have the applicable fee for your town:Yea Why would you like this area...
IGN: HDvorteX Are you a Mayor or higher ranked user: I am a president. What is the town this application is dealing with?: Mirage City Are you...
IGN: HDvorteX Do you have the applicable cost in your balance: More than enough actually! What town are you currently the Mayor of: Mirage City...
IGN: HDvorteX Do you have the applicable cost in your balance: Definitely ! What town is receiving the name change and are you currently the Mayor...
I thought since there's a channel for nether why not Aether aswell.
IGN: HDvorteX Are you already a Warrior: Yuperz. Do you have the applicable cost in your balance: Yes. Have you read the rules: Mhm. :geek:
[img] There's your evidence sput!
IGN: HDvorteX Are you already a Survivor: Yes Do you have the applicable cost in your balance: Yes Have you read the rules: Yes
I'm thinking there should be an Elite rank for players who deserve it. Invite only. Feedback desired :]
Okay, so I`m restarting Mirage City from Sky City and I was wondering if it was possible to take a spawn - to - town portal from a willing mayor`s...
IGN: HDVortex Are you a Resident or higher ranked user: Yes, a mayor. Do you have the applicable fee for your town: Yes, but not right away....
Hey guys, I'll be officially starting the ecocitycraft bi-weekly newspaper on monday. It will have articles about things that have happened in the...
Why isn't there one? * shrug * Just thought it would be a good idea, since it's a position and all .... It would be higher than mayor obviously :/
[img] Who do you think has made the most impact on ecocitycraft, other than Andrewkm? Please use this code and put two or more people that you...
I'm back guys, just a heads up. My monitor & graphics card are waiting for me to pick up, meaning I'll be playing minecraft again in a matter of...
Hey guys. For those of you who don't know me, my IGN is HDvorteX and my actual name is Adam. Lately I haven't been very active on Minecraft. This...
Since Andrew told me to post it here ... I thought that it would be a good idea to have a list; for people who are 'banned' from the auction...
I've heard many people say that there aren't many tags for players. When I mean that there aren't that many, I mean that there should be more tags...
[img] Mike what are you doing with that fancy creeper!?
Okay, so a lot of people need grass some times. Most of us wouldn't mind having grass to start underground projects, like farms, underground...