Separate names with a comma.
[img] Nothing left in my farm, I was actually bouncing around my farm for like five minutes before I noticed it...............
ATTENTION Until Andrew gets back to fix the infinite pork, do this. at told me something that seemed a lie, I tested it safely and it's not a...
GameCentral has made money fast in the past, when starting with only 10k, we got to 47.5k really quick with the help of UnstopableVirus, now, we...
Banned for griefing, and right in front of me, saw him grief my heart, check every chest he saw, and take the reeds in my farm, he knew I was...
I was thinking maybe we could buy wolves, like from an animal shelter, I was thinking this would be cool in EcoCity, but I'm not sure it would...
Say goodbye laggy computer, and hello to non-laggy computer, ever since I got here, every day I've said 'I hate this computer' or 'sorry, it might...
I was thinking of maybe having auctions, I think it would make the economy even better, is it possible to find/make something that does this,...
1.6.6 has lots of bugs, but there is two I really hate, first, Random fps drops, they happen every minute or so, almost every time it happens, I...
[img] [img] [img] [img] Andrew, if you're going to do that, do it when nobody is around, we have F2 you know. :P :lol:
I was on the server, then my minecraft crashed, this was normal, then I went to the firefox I had up, this crashed too, and was so laggy, it took...
Redstone contraption competition...
Question: IGN: Answer: D0rc Question: Do you have $20,000 in your balance: Answer: Yes. Question: Have you read the town rules?: Answer: I read...
I went to craft some wood, and as always I clicked really fast to get the job done faster, I then noticed that I only had crafted 12 wood planks,...