Separate names with a comma.
Minecraft Username: Mission001 Brief Description: /inspect has been disabled Instructions: Be within a small range of another user. type in the...
Minecraft Name: Mission001 Suggestion: Add Mid-Tiered Items to buy with EXP Reason: Adding the Elytra and firework are great additions to the EXP...
IGN: @Mission001 Users Involved in this Contract: @SalsaWizard General Purpose of Contract: Loan of 1 Million ECD I (the contract initiator)...
Thread Title: Add 7, 8, 9 and 10 Year Member Trophies. Minecraft Name: Mission001 Suggestion: Add the 7, 8, 9 and 10 Year Trophies Reason: It...
Accused Username: @BlazeInfinite Complaint: 100k Loan Unpaid Evidence: [img] Additional Information: Nope
Buying the following for my collection: Wither Skeleton Stay Husk Elder Guardian Donkey Mule Skeleton Horse Zombie Horse Zombie Villager Evoker...
In Game Name: Mission001 Have you read the in-depth application instruction: I have read the instructions. Do you have the applicable cost in your...
IGN: @Mission001 Users Involved in this Contract: @Echoh_ General Purpose of Contract: Mayor rank for mayor town. I (the contract initiator)...
Im looking for a few Residents to sell their Mayor town to me in exchange for me to rank them up. Essentially you get the rak free of charge and...
Mission001's 2017 Goals on EcoCityCraft Percote (Main Town) DONE Complete My Armory DONE Leather Armor Chests DONE Gold Armor Chests DONE Iron...
Selling a Spawn Statue in Rising for around 800k. /warp r9 Lemme know if you interested on here or via pm. Am open to negotiation.
1. What is your In-Game-Name? Mission001 2. Have you read the in-depth instructions for this application? Yup 3. Are we removing LWC...
Im Selling certain Duplicate heads, SpawnStatues and more. Spawn Statues Spawn Statue 19 - Legacy Sold for 450k Max Tools/Armour Contact Either...
1. What is your In-Game-Name? Mission001 2. Have you read the in-depth instructions for this application? Yes 3. Are we removing LWC...
Minecraft Name: @Mission001 Suggestion: Get rid of the pointless questions on the Town Claim Application [IMG] Reason: They serve zero purpose...
Minecraft Name: @Mission001 Suggestion: Add a rule to Section 7 Clause 2....