Separate names with a comma.
Hello. Do you need a loan? You do? Just reply to this thread with how much you want! You can also just message me in-game or via forums. Here...
"All types of chat formatting are available for shouts. CAPS, in-game advertisements, colors, and font styles (Italics, bold, underline, strikes)...
Accused Username: @ShanePvE Complaint: Loan Scamming (120k) Evidence: [SPOILER] Additional Information: He won his 100k bet but hasn't paid...
IGN: @ZevZero Users Involved in this Contract: @MaxToMinimum General Purpose of Contract: I am selling my melon sword to @MaxToMinimum for 1.3M...
In Game Name: ZevZero Have you read the in-depth application instruction: I have read the instructions. Do you have the applicable cost in your...
Rules: 1) Copy the text from the post above you and add a few sentences. 2) Please try your best to keep it appropriate... don't break any...
I'm selling a melon sword. Reply to this thread with your offers. [IMG] If I get an offer that I'm happy with, I will send you a Forum PM.
Remove access to people who try to use /tool, /none, or /tool none. Make this command only available to people who have permission to use...
New Loan Thread: This thread includes sportsbook loans as...
Minecraft Username: ZevZero Brief Description: Doing /worth hand sells the item(s) in your hand. Instructions: Hold something and type /worth...
What is your In-Game-Name? ZevZero Have you read the in-depth instructions for this application? Yes Are we removing LWC Protections or Trade...
Some recipes that include oak wood planks show the glitched pink block. I'm pretty sure it's an issue with the textures or something, caused by a...