Separate names with a comma.
IGN:habsjosh Server Rank:mayor Do you have the amount of money needed to enter, and are willing to pay it?:yes Have you read and understand the...
Minecraft Username:habsjosh Are you applying for a Brewer or a Part-Time Brewer?:brewer What type of potions do you know how to make or will i...
IGN:habsjosh What times you're open to present your idea:3-4 and 5-6 newyork time Do you understand that we will be writing contract if we choose... i am the mayor of this town now and i give permission for jelly...
you have till January 28th to remove your chests and homes or they will be wiped over by world edit to get your plots back please post your plot...
nvm problem solved
i am the original owner and mayor of my town mantleville and maxoutlolz deleted me from the region of my town could you please add me back to the...
I am selling a eff iv ,unbreaking 3 and fortune 3 diamond pick not used post your offers in the posts below
i need a 10k i will pay u back 15k in 1 week 2 weeks tops
Minecraft Username:habsjosh Affiliation:mayor Town Name:mantleville Is the Grief located in the Wild? If so, is there a pending...
Felon Username:2112OREO Complaint:he bought a plt then my comayor added him to region addhe grefed my blockey arena and now theres water...
i told u i was tpaing nickvaras not u and u took my stuff and would not give it back and trolling me by saing i threw it away...
Felon Username:sputnick587 Complaint:i was doing a water job with nick and i tped him back but typed /tpa nick and tped sput and he kills me...
10 by 10 for 400$ in my town pm me in game when im on
mantleville suports this
IGN [In-Game name):habsjosh Rank (Any rank is acceptable):mayor What have you built in the past? Post some screenshots?:u can go to my...
if this is added i am geting skylands
i agree