Separate names with a comma.
What is your in game name: APKAMI Have you ever had a complaint lodged against you, and if so please describe the conditions or link the thread: N/A
So This is ur "Pro" Speech on the gateway error?
1. What is your IGN: APKAMI 2a. Are you a town/nation - mayor/president or are you a member of a town/nation?: member 2b.. What is the name of the...
Hope U Die xD :twisted: [spoiler]
10x10, 15x15, 20x20 people usually got for those sizes
cbf buyin dirt ill donate wen ur online
Video Prize?! :shock:
60k away...
-.- well a few months just feels lik 8 months
In Money, I Really Need Money Now lol
y still donators? wed Australia - tues america well past monday
10k xD
I Need Help Getting My Town Ready So I Need Your Help To Do It 1-4 Workers Is Fine. I Need A 200x200 Area Cleared And Then Outlined With...
ANYONE CAN DONATE TOWARDS MY TOWN TOP 2 GET 30X30 PLOT! Co-mayors Will Be Selected Soon! You May Donate As Much As You Like. Just Keep In Mind...
ENDERDRAGON!, Vegeta?, Jin from tekken?, lars alexanderson? from tekken 6?
What you can contribute: Many more pixel art xD
IGN: APKAMI Time on server: 8 months What you can contribute: Some things you have built: some statues of people's skins, pixel art and im...
I'll do it ;)