Comments on Profile Post by MatthewStevenGo

  1. Dccciz
    If a certain user is banned, their UUID is banned. That means that if they change their name, they still can't go on. The only way to bypass a ban is to use a different account. Using proxies wouldn't allow you to get back on to the server if the UUID/player is banned.
    Jun 26, 2015
  2. MatthewStevenGo
    What UUID mean?
    Jun 26, 2015
  3. Dccciz
    universally unique identifier - every minecraft account has one
    it's a way of identifying users if they change their name
    if I change my name, my UUID is the same
    my UUID is cf1f3b31-3b7b-44a9-82a5-82b2984f183a
    Jun 26, 2015
  4. MatthewStevenGo
    Thanks. But should the UUID be private?
    Jun 26, 2015
  5. Dccciz
    Nope. You can find anyone's UUID by just tying their name into
    Jun 26, 2015