Separate names with a comma.
IGN: t0xicXskillz Do you have the applicable cost in your balance:yes Which world is this application taking place in (Legacy/Rising): legacy How...
I was wondering if you have to be a president to buy an inactive players town(I'm only a mayor)? And the town "Time Warp" is owned by an inactive...
Minecraft Username:t0xicXskillz Reason: Spamming Counter-Reason: After the server started up again i wanted to see if the people in my...
Andrew is the most important person here, with out him we would not have this server and not have the friends we have made while playing this...
IGN: t0xicXskillz Do you have the applicable cost in your balance: yes How did you make the funds for this application. (Lying will result in a...
Okay Thanks for your help.
When i try to connect to the server it will say "Failed to verify Username!" I don't know what this means but i cant get on. I was a mayor so i...