Separate names with a comma.
1. Quoting someone and saying "this" is literally repeating what someone has already said, so yet it is pointless. 2. I did not say that you have...
But it wasnt adding anything constructive to the thread, thats my point.
Just quoting other people is something i mentioned too lol. You should still do the thread justice and explain why its a bad idea, the creator...
Im sure it would be easy enough to just make a carry a crafting table, or just sell it all to the server..
But thats the issue. Someone could put alot of work into an amazing suggestion just to have 10 people say +1, at least explain why you like the...
Okay, first off. Just no. And secondly I think this is a great idea. I've played about 25 games since kit free games came in but have only had 1...
I dont see why not. Why not make ranks up to the point that it might not even be achieved by anyone in the lifespan of ECC? It will always give a...
I dont understand what this new donation is. I know what it feels like to get alot of ores and your inventory fills up but what would /block do to...
Minecraft Name: Berserk_on_xbl Suggestion: People should really stop replying to suggestion threads with only "-1" "+1" and quotes. Reason: If...
1. Lag can be avoided if the coder knows what he/she is doing. 2. Any person on ECC who has gotten tp or will get tp will not do it for trading,...
This is honestly an amazing idea, it would give us a hopper system and would make life 10 times easier.
Using either of those ways still requires one person to do the transaction first, with the interface the trade would have to be accepted by both...
I think it would be cool to have it, it would be unique to ecc. and i wasnt saying taking an already made plugin and just hope it works, maybe...