Theme Change!
Use "/server vmr" or visit the lobby to access the VMR portal.



Elmer Fudd!

Theme suggested by @ajp79 via this thread.

Sale prices are as follows:
Rabbit hide $10
Raw Rabbit $20
Cooked Rabbit $25
Rabbits foot $100

Leader boards can be found here:
Main news post regarding release/more information can be found here.
SkyBlock Nether & End Reset!

Access the nether via nether portal on your island.
Access the end via end portal at /warp end.
[​IMG] [​IMG]

Minecraft 1.13 will be a major internal change.
One of, if not the, biggest update to Minecraft, code wise.

EcoCityCraft has been working for months now behind the scenes ensuring we are as prepared as possible once the update is released. However there is one thing the players must do to be ready themselves. There is no way to convert / make certain trade signs backwards compatible, therefore, those on the main server must take immediate action themselves.

TRADE SIGNS will no longer accept the number value for items. You must use the actual item name, or the item short name. You can find these using the /itemdb command.

TRADE SIGNS will no longer accept any kind of potions. You cannot place them in signs anymore.



If you were to sell MOSSY_COBBLESTONE in a trade sign, you must use either mossy_cobblestone (if it fits on the sign - which in this case it does not) or one of the short names such as mstone. You CANNOT use the number 48 to represent mossy cobblestone.


If you use number values anywhere on the main server via trade signs please convert your signs immediately. Once 1.13 is launched, any signs that use number values will be rendered useless and will not be converted for you as there will be no way to verify that they were real signs.

@TITLE-03 Wiki Team Leader please ensure the wiki reflects this information in our trade sign tutorial and anywhere else necessary. CC: @TITLE-02 Wiki Team

A few users have brought to my attention that due to yearly resets, buying single spawner keys isn't worth it to some of those who are not directly competing against other top islands. As well, some people simply want something more permanent.

We cannot of course regenerate all spawner key purchases on SkyBlock resets (every January) due to the fact that it would basically ruin SkyBlock when it comes to those who have bought a large amount of keys already giving them a massive advantage right off the bat.

The solution we have come up with is the Monthly Spawner Upgrades.
Shop page:
Wiki page:

Basically, a monthly spawner upgrade costs 2.5x that of a single spawner key, however, the upgrade carries with you forever, across every yearly reset, etc. Once you have it, it never leaves your account.

We will still sell single spawners of course for those who want that extra boost if they are on a cooldown, or don't have a monthly spawner package in their account.
Unfortunately, due to an oversight when replacing our voting system, the logging system no longer worked. This means that the votes for May were not recorded.

I'm working on a new logging system for it now, and hope to have it finished shortly.
Main Mining, Nether & End Reset!

Access the mining via mining portal at /warp mining.
Access the nether via nether portal at /warp nether.
Access the end via end portal at /warp end.
I've had a few requests for more player vaults.
(Which I cannot make any sense of to be honest, how in the world can you use your already available 10 vaults fully, but hey, shrug)

As such I've launched a new section in our store called "Player Upgrades"

Here you can find the following:
- UnlimitedLWC
- Player Vaults Increases

I am also extending the current sale by 24 hours until tomorrow night (Tuesday June 5th) 11:59PM EST, for those in other time zones, so they don't miss the 50% off opportunity on the new stuff.

More player upgrades may come in the future. :)

The 2017-2018 Survial Games season is over.

The top 50 are as follows:

We said we'd be resetting Survival Games every year, but we have opted to not reset it this time. The stats will remain as they are, and if you'd like to work towards them for the other SG forum medals you are welcome to do so :).

SG is completely on hold until we get a new PvP based game mode on ECC in the coming future. Our goal is to get KitPvP...
Theme Change!
Use "/server vmr" or visit the lobby to access the VMR portal.



We're Hellbound!

Theme suggested by @crow_feather via this thread.

Sale prices are as follows:
Netherrack $0.10
Netherbrick $0.20
Netherbrickblock $1.00
Lava Bucket $1.00
Netherquartz $5.00
Quartz Block $25.00
Netherquartz Ore $1.00
Glowstone Dust $7.00
Glowstone $35.00
SoulSand $10.00
Magma Block $15.00
Netherwart $2.50
BlazeRod $50.00
Magma Cream $50.00
Ghast Tear $300.00
Netherstar $800.00

Leader boards can be found here:
Main news post regarding release/more information can be found here.
All SkyGods can now use the following command.
If you have spawners and want to trade them in for a key, you can always offer a SkyGod some EcoDollars to have them make the trade for you :)

  • Trade 2 spawners in your inventory for 1 spawner key!