Hallo aem... IM just noting that aem is getting somewhat boring lately. I'm sure this will soon change, with the skygrid reset coming shortly. There's really nothing much to do on skyblock, and kit PvP doesn't have enough players to be fun, and the ones that are on are too good, and brag when they kill you... So yeah, any ideas of fun stuff do on aem?
Spaceblock isn't my thing. Oh and, meet some of our older players. A lot of them have been popping back up recently, and many of them got great personalities. Environment is getting a little brighter, and yeah. If this is about you wanting extreme, it is understandable. Yet, being patient is great, because you might land yourself a great deal
Lol Meg Im not very into survival, I dunno why, creative just isn't my thang, factions is to challenging, zombies is meh, space block is alright... So yeah.