Who are you reporting?: XxDevilSlayerxX What server was this on?: skyblock How long ago was this?: 26/06/15 10 minutes ago What did he/she do?: I went onto kitpvp and realized i had some good stuff and i thought it may be a good idea to do a cross server trade (not to sure if that is allowed but anyway) so i messaged a XxDevilSlayerxX if he wanted to trade he said "yeah" and then "give me your money" so i did and then i said to him "meet you on skyblock" he replied with "k" and then a message popped up on my screen saying that he has ignored all messages from me after that i went on to check if he was there and then said to him "can i have my money back?" and got no reply. Im not mad at all as i do not play on that server and it is just a game but i do believe that scamming is not allowed on AEMNETWORK, so i thought i would just give everyone a quick heads up before you trade with anyone thank you for your time please take action. Proof: http://gyazo.com/24418c2a86e0a2fa728a6034e51bc9df http://gyazo.com/72cb2a1861a4fe7e6ddde94816a33b49
Dealt with, thanks for reporting. Get an admin or me to return your stuff or catch me in game. Locking thread.