Who are you reporting?: xBiag200x What server was this on?: Survival Games (SG) How long ago was this?: 45 minutes ago upon post What did he/she do?: Basically admits to autoclicking in the proof that you are about to see. He says that he gets 200 clicks per second... a sidenote before watching this that I should tell you is that jitter clicking is the tightening of your wrist to click up to 20 times per second. (CPS) He also refers to using the keyboard which is using macros Proof: http://gyazo.com/50b8a4183a8e186415936a41c829b1ab http://gyazo.com/10434c859adcc0d386533def81a02481
Also forgot to mention, he is using macros. Macros is against the rules. Banerroooooooooniieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Just so you are aware, when a response isn't given it is because the staff are working on the situation. Usually trying to speak with the other person that was reported as well. A comment like that only further frustrates staff and I would appreciate it if next time you refrain from it. Now the situation is being dealt with and I will update you when I have further information. Before I jump to banning someone for "saying" they hack, I first want to make sure they really are. Many times someone will just say they are hacking to get people off their back.
You would be surprised, a lot of people just want the drama started. Either way the situation was dealt with, thank you for your time.