Why... Just why. I recently traded for a donor rank on a server, all fine and dandy having fun. I go to set up an auction and everyone in the chat is saying "Take it down!" or "Too much!" thinking they know it all and that I am just that one stupid kid who expects the best. I really dislike this, it happens on EVERY server I am a donator on. People say "TOO MUCH!" And I take it down otherwise I get yelled at in messages or I am shunned, or even people say in chat "GET IT DOWN YOUR AUCTIONS SUCK ANYWAYS!" I really would like (I know mods have outside lives too) if there was a schedule where a moderator signs up for a time to monitor the server so there is no time where there is no mod/admin on at all, then all at once 5 come on when they're LEAST needed.
Nature do what you want! Actions are made and started for people to barter with you. Start at a REASONABLE price then you will see people will most of the time even bid higher than your beginning auction price. Also, if you are having issues, just ask me
What server is this on? Also, if you do not know, ask another trust worthy player for a price or check shops
if you set your aucs low people will bid and the bids get higher because it was cheap and you stil end up with a heap of money
Just don't be afraid to ask and honestly it doesnt matter what you make the price it's just if it is high and your trying to make money, auc it high but set the time about 30 seconds. I used to auc my stuff high and some people would say (op) as overpriced and I'd leave it up for 30 seconds and someone would still bid on it. It all depends what the buyers will pay.
lol the reason people tend to ask is because they think the person they ask will try to make it cheaper then it is they can buy it.
It is Much Better to set you Auctions Lower than the actual price of the items are, Then more people will bid and you and you will make a better profit off of it.
There is a common misconception that people should start an auction at an extremely low price. This has one of two main effects. 1. It fills the chat with bid messages as the price rises or 2. The bids never rise, and the auction is cancelled by the creator, wasting time in the auction queue for everyone at peak time. Both of these are highly irritating and should be avoided. ALWAYS start the auction at a price you would accept for the item. Imagine you lost access to "/auc c", or you hit the command a second too late and the system refuses it? That is not a situation you want.
I agree with Akkarr just start it at a reasonable price you are happy with also the thing with staff lots of them are from the usa and don't want to be woke upo at 2am to go on minecraft