This thing, that I love. It makes me feel great. Something that I've learned to appreciate. It comes rare to me now. No matter how hard any others could try. Everyone on there, makes me smile and nothing could compare. To the love I have for them. And the server. The server where I chose to begin. The first one I added. The best from within. The outside and even the inside. Everyone is great. It all made me feel. So much greatness. In appeal. Had me smiling and laughing. Since the day I typed it in. Typed in the server named AEM. It changed my life. It certainly did. Made me thoughts steady. My thoughts from within. They made them humble. Steadily slow. Until the day I was strong enough to say no. They fought off the bad. And they didn't even know. They held me up. Until I was strong enough. Yo stand on my feet. And finally meet. Happiness again. As it left me for then. And came back once again. Only when it came down to all my true friends. The family connection. The best from within. The only place I can say. I hold it in my heart. The server I've loved and held so dearly. To my heart and my soul. I can see it so clearly. The place I can and could go. For a smile for ages. AEM is honestly, one of the best places. Anyone can smile. Just reading the messages. Sitting in the lobby talking. Or even while playing. I'm sure all will know. A smile is greater. If it's true to its nature. And there is one place. That I always could go. To see myself smile and let my happiness glow. As that is the best thing. In the continuum of my life and my smiles. I love it forever. This place that calms me and shows me true weather. The place where the sun in my eyes. Truly can shine. As happiness in rare. In a place that will scare. Even the bravest. A place called your mind. Where your honest say is. Your thoughts on everything. And how you do stay is. By being so truly. To this place with the love. And the place with the bond. The place with it all. Including my love. This place with the smiles. And this place to visit once in a while. This place called AEM, is the place for all of them. The ones with the greatness to put happiness within the darkest of places. As it comes again. The bond from this place. We call it AEM. -Dylan Dreher -AiryBoat