What are you guys and gals doing for Christmas Eve and Christmas? For Christmas Eve our whole street makes a "Santa's Runway" where we put up fake lights to mark where Santa will land... Our competitors are across the road and they use real lights with flames which set fire once to the plastic bag within (no-one was hurt). For Christmas I am going with my family to my mothers side of the family to have a meet-up with our cousins and grandma. Sorry if I'm not on and can't say "Merry Christmas". So here it is MERRY CHRISTMAS
Christmas Eve - Fam Jam is all gathering at my aunts in my hometown to sing music and eat turkey, then all the cousins get to finally go back to her place, (we've been staying at her daughters house, 5 of us.) so we get to stay at my aunts for tomorrow, so we can all wake up together for christmas day. Christmas day, open gifts, have breakfast, get ready then leave to my other aunts for another Christmas party. (Another aunt had a huge christmas gathering tonight at her place.) So after the party we will all probably go back to my aunts and play disney charades, because theres nothing better then playing disney charades.. So Yeah. Happy holidays/ Merry Christmas <3
Thats depressing to hear , I can hate breaks because school brings new things everyday and sometimes I can get bored but not on AEM