we need staff on skywars some time depending on whos on it gets out of control and the only way to stop it when there are staff on now skywars is bad enough since its a server that ppl will tend to rage but its even worse that even though there are tons of application forms that ppl have been heading in and i've been asking staff to accept one of them no one has done anything now theres 2 solutions this either you move staff from another server onto there or you accept someones forum its starting to get out of control just because no one is there to set the boundaries and its really annoying when no staff is on cause then people make get there feelings hurt ( even thought ik its a skywars server and is very tense) but it doesn't mean that you can just get staff on skywars and once a staff member comes on everyone stops saying the bad stuff and that person instantly leaves so they don't get in trouble or banned which is very annoying and then when he comes back theres no staff on and today has to be one of the worse it went from some people who have a pretty bid rivalry to talking about sex and drugs tonight has to be the worst night of skywars i have ever seen and i've been here for a while just something to think about that we do need staff on skywars this mainly is specifying to the "entire group" to accept someones forums instead of just saying that you will its been long enough and skywars is just gonna get worse and worse and one more thing when i was apart of helping to build a server the owner was a dev who worked on another server and apparently he was able to ask one of the staff members to give them me and the others person msg logs and he found out everything. just something to think about -XxChefFTWxX
staff isnt just for people who hack staff is there to help control staff and since skywars is like factions people will rage and get into huge fights
@A.J. Even though some/most staff won't have the [Mod] or [Admin] tag in front of their name, do /helpop <msg> and staff that's online will be able to read it and get over there as fast as we can and help try to settle it down. We can still kick and ban if need be on the servers we don't have the tag for.
As for the staff applications, we just got the owner back with internet as seen in this post: https://aemservers.net/threads/aem-network-upcoming-changes-info.8175/page-2#post-48201 We'll be suggesting some people to him and give our thoughts about the player(s) in question.