Name: Waffle_Mucher Server: Skywars When: About 10 minutes ago What he did: Called me bad, a bitch and then pm attacked me Evidence:
If you had evidence of him spamming you in Private Message, or this gets to the point where it threatens safety or your life, call authorities and staff will help until authorities can do something. But this is none of the above, so merely /ignore him or ignore him in general and keep playing. I turn chat off in PVP servers whenever I play so I don't get into this. If this continues and he offends you in other servers or makes bad jokes of "I will find you" then that must be brought into parent/authority levels to be dealt with. If you think he is being over the given amount of "Trash talk is allowed to a certain level", check /rules to be sure, if it continues and no one is on, /ignore him, if it spreads to others, tell staff, if he is muted yet bypasses the system then staff will decide a punishment. And trust me, the amount of times we talk smack to others on different servers and / or PVP servers would astonish you. If you're confused on a rule notify staff about it, I have to say I get confused on the description of a rule from time-to-time, they even had to add it in because it got too serious of a situation.