what alex said was... = "Player "usernames" can't be voted for, more than once a day (every 24 hours). During a regular month (30 day period) you can get about 120 votes." And I don't think that he is stating "yes" or "no", but rather implies that it is impossible to vote more than once per day, per player. He never mentions the possibility of voting from different IP locations or whether that is not permitted or not. I personally want to know this because if acceptable, will begin a regime, equal to the power of mount Everest, of player vote requests for my personal gain. Peace!
Lets just say u know 5 people that can vote for u at different ip locations, thats 120x6=720 votes (including urself). Now maybe it won't count the votes towards the monthly votes, but i guess u could get alot of stuff from voting then. ... just saying, or i think Yellow was saying something like that too... Thanks Candy....
I mean just 1 person doing it for me. I would give them all the money from voting. I just want a free rankup. Is that legal? If it isnt, please cancel replies on this forum.
I'm still confused on what you mean. Are you trying to get more than the 4 daily votes? Or You don't have the time to vote, so I bote for you and you give me the stuff that you get?
I want 1 person to vote for me. Only one. I want to get a $20 win from the top voting. I will give you all the money i get from voting at the end of the month when i see you. And you get the winnings from "Lucky Votes". I just want the rankup to Premium.