Today is 3rd of april. I voted 12 times last 3 days, but I don't see myself in the top voter list at lobby. There are only 5 players now with 12 votes in the list. BomberDude said it is unknown error and he can't help. So I asking you, what is the problem? I got the rewards from voting - voting sites were ok - I've been getting 4 coal,4ingots,4dirt each day I vote. I don't want to miss that month because of that error. Please help.
Also anyone with same voting points is listed alphabetically but I also dont think the list is 100% reliable which is why Alex can logon to each vote site and get actual totals.
It turnes out that I've lost 3 of my votes. Maybe timezones are the key, so these 3 votes are in the previous month.
Today I've lost a vote again. Now i spotted the voting site on which it is happened. It is obviously a server error. Here is the screenshot I am in the top with 30 votes. At least one of them didn't count. That happened 4 times to me this month. Solve this error, please.
Just because it failed to report to server doesnt mean that it failed on the list he would see if he checked the voting site but being that last months voting results werent done I would assume this months wont be either so