Hi! First o fall, brobe40 pleaae dont think i am stealing your idea. I have a good idea. In aem survival, thee should be a few people with companies. Like brobe40, Voyagerbrothers, and some other people. Anyways! I thought of his before brobe put up his post about Brobe Industries and i was too (lazy) tired to make a forum post about this. After reset, i am making a town. You all know. It will become very big. (Hopefully) I wan to Develop VB Corp. (If you can think of a better name tell me) VB Corp. is going to kinda do what Brobe40 does. But! We will construct buildings for people, mak eredstone creations that help people in aem,(no afk machines), and have stores with food, blocks, and enchantes things and books. As very little of you know, this corporation has the pln that it could get very rich. Here is some payout to people that help. I will have a book. It will say everyone that works at VB Corp. and what you will get payed. If we make 100k in 1 month and 100 people work at VB Corp. each employee gets $500 a month. The other 50k is what the company makes. Voyagrbrothers will take more $. ( thats how i think it works with a Ceo. But many jobs will be available. The cos tto make the building will be average 200k to make. But, if you would like to donate blocks to help, you may. Only donate after reset. To make the whole complex of this will cost average 350k. I am not exagerating. Here is a list of jobs that will be available. Block Gatherer - - - - - Construction Builder - - - - - Food Gatherer - - - - - Shop Filler - - - - - Grief Protection - - - - - More jobs will be added as the company expands. Thank you for reading his post. Also! Once this company makes all of its money, a 10k giveaway will be happening every month. No telling when this will happen. To apply for a job at VB Corp. please give me your Ign: Rank: Job wanting: Ideas:
If you know how to make auto farms, you hired! Youd be great for production and stuff. Thank you for applying!
Ign: stormwalker22 (Storm) Rank: Premium Job wanting: Recource/Block gatherer Ideas: I could also be an enchanter and grind for levels and supply people with enchanted tools and armor
Yup. I am glad that Speed451 is coming too cause I was going to have him be my enchanter. But if you wanna be the enchanter assistant, i can make that happen.
[UPDATE] We now have 13 people coming to town and maybe having a job at the company. 3 people are unsure as of now. They are pottsa19 PeteZahhButt thatepictntguy Thank you everyone! [ANNOUNCEMENT] The first monthly 10k giveaway will be going to anyone! Staff can apply for this. Staff as Op of server and Staff of VB. Corp.
Not before the reset. Cause everything is going away. Blocks and all that. Not Ranks! Ranks will stay. But if you can get that huge load of stuff after reset, $ coming your way.
Saw your other post, so going to put in a job app Ign: cslpunk Rank: Trusted, but going to donate after reset Job wanting: Block gatherer, resource getter Ideas: I usually have set up a forward base camp in the pit, where i store my stuff before I would transfer it home. Serves as a mass smelting facility/storage base. I'm fairly decent at making efficient mines, especially in extreme hills biomes.
Ign: Grumpy_OM Rank: Premium Job wanting: Construction builder Ideas: I like building things, all sorts of things and tend to keep going on projects until they sprawl a bit . Kinda in a funk with the reset coming on and look forward to some new epic projects once its done.