In UHC, Players can either team up or go solo. about 100-250 players spawn in a 2.5kx2.5k map, and you can gear up through either mining or killing others. However, your health doesn't regenerate. The only way to get your health back is by eating a golden apple or drinking a health potion, and when you kill a player you can get their head and use it to craft a golden head, which is like a golden apple except it heals 4 hearts instead of 2. The last 5 people alive in the match get ranks on whichever server they choose.
It would be very fun to try out I have never played a uhc but I have seen youtuber like woofless and petezahhutt play them before.
Cube uhc would be off topic for this thread it would be best to stay on what this thread was made for
Oh and btw anyone who's reading this, dunt ask me to team please xD I already have a good sized one and if we added on more players it would be a disaster (If the uhc even happens lol)