I probably should have put this under bug reports or survival but I goofed. There is a problem with the town that I currently resident in I bought a couple of plots and I randomly don't own them anymore so I cant aces my chests or furnaces I can break blocks so I cant get in my plots so can some1 fix this problem I lost all my stuff and it's really annoying.
The town you lived in (mine) somehow went down due to the towny bag [sadly hasn't been fixed til now] There's always enough money inside the town bank [ /town ] but there's nothing I can do about the bug [ sets town bank back to 25 ] I have claimed the area once again and put the plot up for sale for 0, you can claim it back by doing [ /plot claim ] Do remember to join the town first, I set it open so you do not need to be invited, just do [ /town join (name) ]