To the staff: Will I ever be refunded for the losses my town bank has suffered through 1.8 updates? -Caramelie EDIT: zRinne has kindly refunded the amount in my town bank of 3k.
I have to ask this as well. Though I only lost about 6000. I now have only 25 in the town bank. Since I think it would be hard to find out how much each town actually had. (and you can't really ask, not everyone would tell the truth.) You might reimburse a set amount per size of town. Yes some would lose some money, but at least you would not lose everything. I also ran into the problem that everything that I had modified for other players to access is once again locked. I have over 300 chests and furnaces that I have to go through to allow others to open again. What I wish to know is will I have to do this all over again when you complete all the fixes.
Me and my sister kept all our money in the town bank, so we pretty much lost everything. The locked chest reset might be a pain too, but as long as all the items are still there it shouldn't be bad. Edit: Got on again to check the lock thing you were talking about, but all mine are unchanged
I too kept all my money in the town bank, had about 420k. I'm online now so let me see what I can do. Thing is, I want everyone to be 101% Honest with me on what was lost. Edit: This is also a 1.8 protocol where you will experience some bugs. We had fixed chestshop problems so if there are more bugs, feel free to comment it here and we will look into it. The comments that I "liked" have been taken care of.
Thanks a lot for your help. I feel for you on having to fix all of this. I ran a server for about a year and gave it up because of updates vs plugins. As well as the players drama. Hats off to you.
zRinne, I had more than 3k, but I would be happy with only 3k. Then on the day of the reset, I put in 500. I lost that today. So in total I lost 3.5k+, but would be more than satisfied with 3.5k.
ok. Now not only did i lose money, but it says i no longer have a town. i have lost four outposts. one of those includes my xp grinders with all my spawners. and someone griefed the crap out of my place. Thanks pandaangel for your assistance with the grief. Now all i need is an admin to help me get my town back and either help me find my outposts so i can at least collect my items from them. expecially my spawners. as alex requested a list of town thoi's lossess Had four outposts with plots. 12 skele spawners, 14 zombie, 10 blaze. and the 6000 that was in the bank.
I was lucky with outposts, I had a home set at or at least somewhat close to all of them. If we are listing losses then I had a bit over 20,000 in the bank, just gonna round that down to the 20,000 because I don't remember the exact number. However, I would need extra money to remake my town, which was deleted even though I put extra money in the bank each day. I think it is 4,000 to rebuild the town and then it costs some money to claim outposts again and maybe plots too, can't remember.
I had 4.5k in the town, plus 52 plots. I don't want to start my town again yet, because I might not be on to manage it.
the plugin for towny is glitching due to 1.8 once we are done repairing it we will refund the lost money
im not sure how much money i lost but iknow the last time i was on my town bank had at least 20k in it. i deposited a lot of money into the bank because im not on as often as i would like and i wanted to make sure my town would stay up, i mainly want my town back so i can protect my land, but the money would be great to get back too!
Throughout all this, I have lost 20,000 from my nation and 50,000 from my town. As long as the town and nation stay up, that's all I want back. But if I lose my town, I will want more to compensate for the lost town (no need to compensate me for the nation).
My town collapsed due to this glitch. I understand that there is no way to bring it back, however is it possible to be refunded even though I don't have a town anymore? I lost about 50k to this glitch, (I wrote down my town balance before it collapsed). Thank you for your help and patience.