Age? Just turned 50 in January Birthday? uhm yea on the 7th 1964 Timezone? Central Time zone Gender? Female. What would you do if you were the opposite of your gender? Take a Selfie Status? Elite on survival, where I mostly play... How long have you been playing? I've been playing on AEM servers since member numbers were under 30 or so. How often are you online and for how long? I'm free to be online 24/7 and in the begging for those that remember me, it pretty much was the case. Now a days have tried to not be on so much, since do have a life outside of AEM, or would like to think so even though most times it feels like in-game is where my life really exists. Sad huh Biggest accomplishment on this server? Sphere built for adler Favorite event that occurs on the server? Every event whether Owner/Staff driven or player events have all been equally Favorited by me. Just a month ago there was a funeral, a roller coaster party and more, missed a wedding some time back, but yea... all lots of fun. Best thing that ever happened to you? Best thing that ever happened is that I met Alex and he in turn introducing me to this server(s). Worst thing that ever happened to you? In game; the worst thing that happen to me is when my "W" key got stuck and I could not stop from walking into a pool of lava, died with full load of goodies. IRL the worst thing is when a car crossed in front of me, we hit, and I lost my license. And no it's not cause I'm old, they were on their cell phone not paying attention. Words/Phrases you say frequently? Push the Envelope.... Peace , Live and let live, or "Change" is what makes us stronger... & stolen phrase... = "puny god" lol Your greatest fear? Mobs with no fly mode... Most recent embarrassing thing that happened to you? While playing with my grand daughter got slaughtered by an enderman. Favorite member(s) who plays on this server and why? Jerekul cause he has always been someone everyone including me can count on during the good or bad times. Not leaving out my other friends which of course I value just as much because each of them have been loads of fun to play with. Most notable Michaelpolanar, Timothysutton, fennectech, jamesx102, alexm850, ehtatm850, zrihnne, meg1626, pipxanadu, hedgethehog, jessica, ellen..., Bear, Pacoherrera9, lucky_adler, master_chief001, snowball731 and sooo many more. Favorite Animal? Cat Favorite Colour? Yellow, of course Favorite Book? A gift of Hope Favorite Movie? Labyrinth Favorite TV Show? Mad Men & Walking Dead Favorite item/block? clay Favorite mob? Horse Favorite vacation spot? South Padre Island Favorite place to be alone? Inside my head... Favorite thing to do with your spare time? Play Minecraft, Sims, or watch my fav shows on TV Favorite person you enjoy spending time with? I love spending time with all my people IRL or IGL I can't say I love all of them in the sense of that word but, I do enjoy their company always. Favorite biome? Jungle Favorite tree? (intended for minecraft but maybe you actually have a favorite tree-type in real life) Jungle (IG) Mesquite (IRL) Favorite thing to do when nobody is looking? Dance to the sound of "Stal" . Someone may catch me one day since do this by any available window... Don't Judge Me.. 0.O Something that made you laugh ridiculously hard. Something you wish was added to vanilla minecraft. Safari Animals in the jungle biome Something you wish existed. eternal life Something you wish was still around. Rapport Something you with this server had or had at some point and want back. Rapport Something you're extremely talented at or have a thing for. Building Computers If you're in school: Do you have a job? Self Employed Where do you see yourself ten years into the future? 60 years old and worried am officially too old for games Have you started a family/gotten married? Been there and past that... Kids? If so, number of and how many? 1 daughter grown-up, 4 sons grown-up (sorta) lol Well that is all, hope have stayed within the margins and not said more than anyone cares to hear.... <3 Peace....
Yellow, you been here so long, so no need to say welcome .. but welcome xD! And you should keep trying at it on skygrid lol.. Don't rage again though
I have not raged in ages, but do log off sporadically which could be seen as rage. Anyhow just wanted you and everyone to know that when things don't go my way, I don't get mad. And and remember for some silly reason I'm deathly afraid of heights in this game, so on skygrid have logged out, quickly, when it gets too tense for me. LOL :rolleyes: Note: The two "and's" left in for drama....
I started joining other projects and the store became too difficult to manage, maybe later will consider opening a new one. But thx for the compliment. Some examples below.... Also, was doing research on the "commnad block" which kept me extra busy. LOL o_O