Sometimes when I see problems in game I feel a little bit sad, because it is supposed to be a space to play, just having fun and maybe making friends. I don't understand the need to bother others or being rude. But then I see people doing good things, and I some kind of recover the faith in humanity XD. It may sound a little stupid or ridiculous, but is the way I feel it. I just wanted to create this post to thank all the staff that expend so much time helping us out with every single problem (griefs, lags, little ingame failures...) and solving each doubt, no matter how tiny or stupid it may be. They also have a lot of patience with all those players who mess around, are impolite on chat... They make a huge effort every day, and I feel that sometimes we don't recognize their work as we should. So... THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR EFFORT AND BEING ALWAYS THERE FOR US PS: Thanks too to all those players who, without being staff, also help other players as much as they can
Some people think it's funny to cause problems or actually believe in their cause even if it's wrong, plus everyone has bad moods every once in a while c: