When I see a supporter talking in chat on survival, I always think its someone messaging me because of the yellow colour...please change either the supporter colour or the messages colour as this is frustrating D:
also the ultimate rank is abit its kinda hard to see the name but that might just be my texture pack (faithful)
Snoweh_ I use the same texture and its hard to distinct ultimate and auction. Supporter instead of orange it should be Yellow it would look much cooler. And ultimate should be pink hot pink because pink is swag. XD
What I'm saying is that the supporter rank colour and private message colour are too similar and this needs to be changed
It's the same issue as people who are premium talk in a party..... the whole chat will turn green if people have a ceonversation there lol
Everyone finds this confusing at some point, you just have to learn to mentally differentiate. Yellow was helper rank thats why it wasn't used. And pink is used in admin chat/helpop messages, so then staff would get confused, so this wouldn't solve the problem either.. The real solution guys is to think of a new color in general xD lol jk