Alright, I have no clue as to what you guys are already working on changing/improving on Spaceblock, but I have just a few suggestions I'd like to throw out there. Feel free to give me some imput. <3 This first one would be more of a for-fun kinda thing, or more player-implemented. We should NAME the planets! :O It'll make it somewhat more interactive, and can be fun to learn the names. Then, super-lazy people can encourage the use of the names. Example 1; Person 1, Billy. Person 2, Bob. - Billy " Which planet is it now?" Bob; "Snowstar!" (I don't know, I think I have starwars on my mind. (Deathstar, right?) lmao.) But yeah, then again, I guess it'd just be easier to simply say the name of the biomes. I just had a random brain fart and it sounded like a fun idea for a second there. lol Anyways, another thing we could do is a little like we had survival a while back, where there was one portal (and in this case, planet) of each biome. I didn't exactly like how it was setup on survival, because then you had everybody going to the Mooshroom island and it got real cluttered there (being favored by 3/4 of the server w/the whole no-mob spawning), but with the planets resetting every hour I think it'd be perfect. I think of SpaceBlock as more of a-uh, creative skyblock? It's skyblock for people that don't like to mine cobble generators for hours on end just to build something, basically. Also, we need access to /sethome on the planet(s) for mining. I don't know how I could ever survive without it. I understand there are certain things you'd like to reserve for donors and etc, but there are also certain things you really need to truly enjoy the experience. Make it too easy, and some won't play without the challenge, but that's what Skyblock is for. Make it too hard, and others won't be happy.. :L I see this is Skyblock on Easy Mode, not sure what others think yet but that's me. Then some other quick things you may already be working on; /spawn while on the planets - It currently says you have to do /motherboard first, and it's just kind of a pain. Also, maybe make an alternative command /mb, shorter for motherboard? I feel the whole "calling spawn motherboard" idea is confusing in general, but I guess after playing a while we'll get used to it.
I alsso woulld add /tpa in resource world so you caan mine with friends. I dont really like the freezing affect but I can deal with it. One thing that would be great is if i could set my /ship home to Meg1626's ship instead of hhaving to do /ship visit meg1626 every timme i wanna go home. Also I think they should make it so the peoeplle added to your ship can buy plots also.
Or we could....we could like...STOP COMPLAINING AND SUGGESTIONING IDEAS AND AUCTULLY ENJOY WHAT THEY ADDED!!!!! ok so none of the ideas are bad, but ever since spaceblock came out everyone has been suggesting and complaining. I have seen no one say: "Spaceblock is so great!!! I hope nothing changes!!!! This is so fun!!!" It is just disappointing
Please try to refrain from unnecessary posts on my threads though guys, I made this thread for me to express my thoughts on it, and for you to add on and whatnot, I don't feel my suggestions thread is the place to discuss whether or not we think it's 100% perfect from Beta. (If this makes any sense..) There is always room for improvement. Not saying you aren't welcome to share your thoughts, I just think it belongs in the Spaceblock forums, as it doesn't make much sense suggesting people not to make suggestions, in the suggestions forums..