Though I don't fully know why it was never implemented other than the fact of there being dozens of towns created, I think it would be great to have the ability to buy money for survival granted it's great the prices are low for items and what not but even for those like myself who started off with a town of my own I cant purchase to make a new one and it's difficult to raise money even through the auction system ontop of the voting because noone has the money to spend. So just an idea plus it would add in making money for the server naturally.
Nooooo that will make people WAY too OP and it would just make errayone have more power over others q.q plz no
I think that may screw up the market prices in a way. What if majority of the players purchase it, some items will lose values and others would because too expensive for those who can't purchase in game money or have ranks, to buy them.
if it's regulated at 1k as volk said then it wouldn't be a major deal besides the whole point of it is to make money for the server if those who can't purchase it well that's just tough same thing goes for those on any other server money rules all regardless get used to it.
Still, even if it was limited, people would just be like "buy, refresh, buy, refresh, buy refresh" and so on. That would just ruin the economy. I would be perfectly fine with it if there was like a monthly cap, such as like "Only 20 buys per month" or something similar to it. That would be okay... I guess.
the problem with that moris is noone has the cash to pay, that's why the economy on survival granted cheap for prices doesn't do the towns very well and with only getting ~200 a day for voting and mabey just mabey you manage to sell items you can't even sell some of the best pieces at more than 100 bucks on there it's rediculase, I hope this suggestion is atleast considdered seriously because otherwise it's practically impossible to sustain a town on there without taxing people which only makes them not want to join.
I like this idea Elder. I know how hard it is getting money in the towny survival and I think this would be a great way to gain more money. maybe have zombies drop a few dollars when killed or something like that.
Atleast someone agrees, Look I'm sorry people but if your broke or your too young to make money then you got no room to bitch, infact you really got no say in the matter period for the fact that it's those who have money that help pay for this server to remain operational for your enjoyment like myself who desurve to have a say in the first place especially regarding ways of making the servers even more money, now yes naturally if this was implemented prices would go up, but when you got a town to keep and people to support in those towns and territory to maintain you need money, I mean heck I hear people all the time complaining and begging for people to buy them ranks on survival or make trades for it you can do the same with people who buy money it's called people make banks and from the banks you can start creating jobs in which people get paid IGM (In Game Money) for delivering product much like the shops only with banks you can have your own accounts to safely keep your goods and money, but that's just another idea. Point is I know you all fear people getting OP well fact is there's always gonna be OP people the major diffrences is that people arnt killing you on survival daily and their not destroying your builds daily so your complaining of OP is pointless, I should know even on pvp I was the highest in rank had the best weapons best armor and I still could get my ass kicked so shove that illusion of OP right out the window people there is no OP in these servers unless their hackers. So again I respectfully ask this suggestion be taken into thought atleast and if needed regulated by a spending limit even cause people who think big, build big, and need money to keep it all going. But going back to rinnies consern and she's right the prices will flux, but that's the beauty of a free market system of Auction, people like myself buy the expensive items and sell them for cheap heck I used to sell both my sets of armor and weapons of Overlord on PVP for a fraction of the price they actually were normally sold for same for most of everything else, I'm sure I'm not the only one who would do this either naturally there will be those greedy people who put prices too high and well they don't get customers and we do so either way it works to the advantages of those who understand the market and the people buying. There was even times where I'd get up to about 30 - 50k on pvp and I'd even give amounts away to help those in need, I'd give away 3000 IGM to 3 -5 people who I didn't even know but were so desperate for money that I felt it was a common curtasy to grant them a good start besides like I said above and what some of the admins have said "do jobs for people" well I'd like to create jobs for people to do and pay them for it but I can't pay them if I'm only making 200 IGM and mabey 100 from auction. Sure there are those random individuals who have way more than you expect but their either too selfish to share or they got no reason to say they got the money to pay for items worth more than what we've been asking, I barely made more than 1k off of my Extreme rank armor and weapons even with the golden apples, besides if you think of it people only choose to increase prices they dont' have to. Fortunately people dont buy product to resell, they collect gather and store it to sell in their shops so if they wanted they could easily keep their prices expand their ability to sell and still make a killing with multiple shops or lands to sell or buy.
jawa your missing the point yet again this isn't for me personally, this is another outlet to make aem money, plus you only get 400 everyday if the voting system isn't down or screws up like last night in which I wasn't the only one not to receive the rewards from it so again Staying on real issue here "MAKE AEM MONEY" + "Players IGM" = Successful Sever Economy and your never on survival so why are you even bothering?, see I would've done the same on pvp but you can't hire people for jobs on there cause no one can be trusted to not destroy or steal all your items.
sometimes voting isn't enough, acquiring some items and paying to live in a town can prove to be over the 200 you get from voting. Selling items is okay, but you would have to set up a warp or no one will come. Unfortunately for trusted and below that cant happen.
Elder YOU ARE MISSING THE POINT. This server is meant to be shared amongst ages and keep it as fair as possible anyways. And you saying that younger people have "no say in this and should stop bitching" is mostly breaking this chain keeping the server going. The server is meant to be fair and fun. This is not one of those servers (mostly on survival) that you donate to win. Half the players or more on the server are non donators and actually have more than ME. I generally think now that you are the one whining and that you are just too lazy to work for the money on the server and you revert to asking for paid ranks. I am not trying to offend you but, please, don't think donating is the only way to succeed here, I have said it was the only way in game but now I realize because of the perseverance of regular players, and the time they have played on this server including voting, they now have a lot of money. You have to have time and patience, just like in regular survival in single player to getting that diamond. In survival, you are LUCKY that they took time to even add chestshop in so you do not have to work very hard. It is not meant to cover for you fully. Also, this server, when you sell the most expensive item, the dragon egg, you can get OVER 10,000 by that one item, and I know ReapersLegacy13 has 6 if he hasn't sold any more. Then Nether stars can go for 50-2000 depending on who needs a beacon. BEACONS can go for 250-750. Point proven.
Also, there is no easy way to make a limit on how much one player could spend, this is because the mass majority of players joining and donating would not be able to fit how much they donated for and how much of a limit they have AND STILL keep the server running smoothly. Also, we do not care about how much you give away. That is your own doing and it has nothing to do in this post. And saying people are too selfish to care about us because they have more money? This is not true. Katie on zombies with 2.5 million was willing to give me a protection and u breaking set at max level because mine was nearly broken and I couldn't fix it due to my LACK OF MONEY. Calling rich people selfish is calling yourself greedy in all fairness because in reality you are saying "rich people are mean, but if I had that money, I would be nice and hand it out". AGAIN point proven.
Again I suggest that mobs should drop a few dollars here and there, but the chances would have to be low because of the spawners. I think this could be an effective solution to the issue
Mobs do drop money, in zombies I believe, but it should not be in survival due to xp grinders, there would be no way to stop this, also, killing mobs is not the reason for survival unless it is for food.