I like AEM alot, cause you can be GLUED to Factions for life. But like every server, we sometimes want a new experience! Now, this is only a suggestion, but I think we should make a TTT server on here. If you didnt know, TTT stands for Trouble In Terrorist Town.The objective in TTT is to kill all the traitors (For Innocents) and vise versa. The thing is is that you dont know who is traitor or who is innocent. You simply cant trust anyone. In The Hive (Where i got this idea) there is something called the Traitor Tester to test people if you are a traitor or not. Anyway, since i told the basics for people who dont know, lets get with the game. There are 2 types of people (No detective) Inno and Traitor. Inno's kill traitors, and vise versa. To give Traitors an advantage, there is no Traitor Tester. There should be 20 players Minimum and 26 max, to keep it nice and big. Matches last 20 min, and winners get orbs (What do thay do again?) Thats all i got, but this is only a suggestion.
I think a Survival based minigame would be awesome, You know, like skyblock but bigger and with teams.
This would be an excellent idea! The only thing wrong is that "There should be 20 players Minimum and 26 max". In all of AEM Servers, there is usually an average of maybe 10-70 (huge range depends on day and time) and that's on all of the servers at once. Adding another game type may actually help to keep active players to the AEM Servers, but it would really only have 10 active players on that game (there are 8 running servers atm discluding Factions and OpPrison). So over all, that game type wouldn't really work except for some peak moments of the day as you said 20~26 people at once. Thank you for reading this. (this was not meant to get your hopes down, it's just an opinion anyways. I am only one person, so it doesn't really matter).