So, there are instances where new people's stuff is cleared and they have no way of getting it back, and they would be gone for some time, and come back to having nothing. I think it may be a good idea to make something to have staff hold stuff for say 1 month, and then get rid of the stuff if it isn't claimed by then. I'm curious as to what people think of this. Let me know! @Picaso @Polo_17 @Jerekul @zRinne
Not a bad idea. I believe we had an "admin vault" on the last map that had things for the mods to use to fix grief and such. As well as like a staff community storage area. Nice suggestion speed, I hadn't really thought too much about that, I'm usually too busy lol.
There is already one at /warp zhirongpro Turn right into the "Apple" store Read the signs there for more info @Speed451
In a town, if a plot is getting cleared for inactivity, there is a storage room at Zhi's town, look for the white apple and read the signs to learn more about it. (Don't know if it is used for anything more than items getting cleared from town plots.