Is there a reason the ocean around my house/town is completely covered with stone bricks? I don't think it was griefing, unless there is a really dedicated griefer, or they used a mod or something. I've gone a few hundred blocks in each direction, and nothing but stone brick. It also cut through my house. It seems to be all along y =64 or 63. Any help is greatly appreciated!
Thank god I am not the only one. I thought that there probably some town modifications going on, but then I shut down that idea because I remembered that the town was lost. Kiro suggested World Edit, but I think this is probably some kind of glitch due to the server shutdown today. The stone brick ocean doesn't seem to layer down into further Y levels though, which is a relief. Plus, the stone brick didn't break into the house, but that is probably because my house is above Y=64. I am including some images for those who wish to see this catastrophe. View attachment 1381 View attachment 1382 View attachment 1383
Yup, looks like my area, but in all directions It also cut through my house and some other structures, since I do go past the Y level. I was also guessing it was due to the server restart.
I found out today that this was an accident made by WorldEdit with staff, so hopefully they will resolve this soon.
Awesome. Thanks for the info! I hope it gets resolved. I really enjoy this server and I'd hate for my work to go to waste.
what in the xD I have never seen anything like this. Dunno why staff is avoiding the subject and not replying.. .-. maybe not seeing it. Honestly I'd ask Alex xD That is really weird.
hey meg i would just like showyou this because it was very rude to you as a staff member and for other people and iknow that 9 year old people play minecraft ad they do not need to see that. i am not trying to be a hater i am just trying to do the right thing, thanks from TDOG6100