Welp. I waited around 2 weeks now for something to be done about this. Yet nothing has been. So, is something gonna happen this time? I won't let this thread disappear otherwise. Players get banned for this disrespect. KiroAkira was demoted for disrespect. So this should NOT go unseen, because it apparently has for this long, which imo is quite pathetic. Who are you reporting?: Jerekul What server was this on?: Ban List, so unsure. How long ago was this?: January 2nd What did he/she do?: Disrespected someone, telling them to kill themselves on a place accessible for all players. Proof: http://imgur.com/ojefpBC Tell me why we couldn't comment was there a reason to LOCK. I think not.
I agree, the other thread shouldn't go unseen or not be open to other people's opinions just because it was a staff being reported.
It's sad to think that Jerekul is doing this tbh. He is the HEAD-ADMIN of one whole server. WHAT EXAMPLE DOES THIS SET? Does this mean that we can do this as members? Not to mention, people often say this over the internet. Ever heard of cyberbullying? This is simply unjust and should not go untouched, and under the radar, like some reports in the past. Pathetic. If you were to handle it maturely, just say "Banned for disrespect." like old staff would do. Keep it proffesional, and not let your opinion get to you. Staff aren't immune to the rules. JS. Sad...
I agree, Staff shouldn't be immune to the rules if members get punished for that reason. Staff should too
They do have more rights, but this was pretty extreme, lets be honest. Not suggesting any specific punishment but someone with power needs to notice it. Staff are players, regardless of title. It gives them no reason to act out. Just shows how mature some staff are at handling things.
This ends here. There will not be a witch hunt without knowing all the facts. Consider this your warning.