Who are you reporting?: SneakyFrosty What server was this on?: Survival How long ago was this?: I havn't been on survival for awhile I first noticed this 3 days ago. What did he/she do?: So basically I wanted a god beacon in my land and I was on ts with Sneaky and he offered to build it so I gave him all my supplies and he said it wasn't enough. But he still built it using half my resoures and half of his. I then didn't play survival for a long time... I came back to my home to find my god beacon completely gone with signs when I approched Sneaky he said staff said it was okay and that he had given me my half back. Which is impossiable seeing as I havn't been on to recieve it I checked my chests no gear their either. So he has destroyed a God beacon in my plot that he built for me using half my gear half his..... Proof: Immages attached View attachment 528 View attachment 529
I reported it to temtia and she mutes me..... She was in a ts with sneaky this is favourtism to the max.
Whoa, now. I was not in a ts with him. He tried to join and I left. I was dealing with another issue at the time, where I was being cussed out by a user, and they needed dealt with. There is no proof that you gave him the items, therefore there was nothing I could do. You two were arguing in chat, and I told you to stop, so I muted BOTH of you. Get your facts straight before you start making accusations.
If you give someone your items, you're basically giving up all rights to it. If he asked a mod AND admin about it, and they gave the okay, then what's done is done. Now I won't take kindly to you being rude to my staff member. I'm locking this thread, because there wasn't a problem to begin with. She did what she had to.