IDK if its even me who is causing the server to reset, but everytime I join, it kicks me out, and says Server Restarting. Everyone is getting really mad and I feel guilty because I have a feeling im the reason that the server is restarting. If you can, head over to FineFrogger's plot which is where I was last. I WorldEdited something not too big, and it said "Replaced 0 blocks". I was confused cuz im pretty sure I did the command right (//replace minecraft:ice minecraftacked_ice). I dont even know if this is the source of the problem I am causing either. But its better than nothing. And if it is the source, plz fix it so I dont feel so guilty. If it ever fixes, you can punish me or something, i don't really care that much. As long as its fixed (and also check my plot in case its not in the other one)
News Update: Anybody who was near FineFrogger's plot is also seems to be causing the crash. So there is definitely something at that plot that is messed up