Hello, I had an idea for a server that I thought I'd like to share with you all on AEM. Would you all be interested in a factions server, with a medieval theme and somewhat of a roleplaying nature? It would basically be a factions adventure mode, involving conquest of set bases.
The Aem server does already have a factions server but I am sure that, they might look into improving redesigning or even adding new features as you suggested, but it comes down to if it will work and how much people would play on it as we'll, if stuff is added to the factions sections,can't I think it's all built by plugins then they may encounter some problems as plugins every now and again fight with each other and such will not work. But I am sure they may look into it and hope your idea has come across their discussion. I hope this Helped, Enjoy
Hey thanks for the info and support. The idea I had was predominantly rpg, but I can understand that. P.S. I have some more detailed ideas, and tons of specifics, but I really don't want to list them all.